Review: I Need You to Read This by Jessa Maxwell

I Need You to Read ThisI Need You to Read This by Jessa Maxwell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Alex Marks moves to New York City, hoping for a fresh start and a place to disappear into. Her copy-writing job is low key, and otherwise she keeps to herself.

When her idol, Francis Keen, the woman behind the famous Dear Constance advice column is killed though, it’s the impetus that uproots Alex’s carefully planned quiet life.

Keen will need to be replaced. Her column is so beloved. They can’t let it die along with her. On a whim, Alex applies for the job and to her absolute shock, she gets it.

Shortly thereafter, Alex begins to receive strange letters, threatening in nature. She wonders why Keen’s killer was never caught and then begins to suspect those around her, including her new boss.

Unable to leave well enough alone, Alex begins her own investigation into Keen’s death. Will she be able to solve the mystery, or will she die trying?

I Need You to Read This is a solid story. I feel like it had similar traits to Maxwell’s previous novel, The Golden Spoon, in that it is a slow build really focused on character work.

It took me a while to get into The Golden Spoon, but once I did, I was hooked. I was so intrigued by that full cast of eccentric characters, the setting and the backdrop of the cooking competition.

Unfortunately, this one never ended up hooking me. It felt a lot more subtle and Alex’s character was just less enticing to me, as compared to the full cast in the last book.

Additionally, the set-up and setting itself, although I love New York City, wasn’t as captivating either.

These are simply personal taste items though and just because I was never truly keyed into this one, doesn’t mean you won’t be. Give it a go!

This is a solid story, with an interesting overall mystery. It did nothing off-putting and had solid characters. I would recommend it if you enjoy more Literary Mysteries, or anything set in the newspaper, or publishing worlds.

I did feel like, because of the newspaper setting, it had a film noir feel to it as well, which I do enjoy. If that’s something you like as well, it’s another reason to pick it up.

Overall, it’s a sold story, just not necessarily my bag. Maxwell is interesting, she sort of toes the line in between Cozy and Literary. Her stories have a unique feel and she definitely shines with her character work.

Thank you to the publisher, Atria Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. While not blown away, I definitely enjoyed this one and am looking forward to more from Jessa Maxwell!

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