Review: But Not Too Bold by Hache Pueyo

But Not Too BoldBut Not Too Bold by Hache Pueyo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

But Not Too Bold is so odd, and so beautiful and so compelling. It’s oddly, beautifully-compelling.

I am almost at a loss for words. It felt at times like I didn’t understand it, but I did, at the same time. The themes, the descriptions, the gorgeous characterizations, it felt instinctual, though I can’t necessarily explain it coherently.

In fact, this is much less of a coherent narrative style than I tend to enjoy, but I fell in love with the writing instantly, so just decided to roll with it and I’m so glad I did!

But Not Too Bold is a Queer Fantasy Horror novella, of which I shall say nothing of the plot. It’s only 112-pages and well-worth the read.

The synopsis lays out everything you need to know going in, but even with that, I feel you’ll still be surprised at the depths to which this story will take you. It felt like falling down a dark, whimsical, dangerous rabbit hole, from which there’s no escape.

I loved the main character, Dália. There was something so relatable about her. I was also surprised at how intrigued I was by the mystery that Dália is trying to solve.

More than that, I was shocked by the emotional impact this little story has. How is it possible to pack this much punch into such a small space?

Somehow, Pueyo succeeded in doing just that. The conclusion was gorgeous. My only small gripes would be that there were a couple of details I felt weren’t adequately fleshed out, and also, I wish this were a little longer.

Overall though, I am so pleased with this. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys Fantasy Horror, or stories that feel like modern folklore. Also, a bonus if you are looking for Queer, or female-centered dark fiction.

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Review: The Really Dead Wives of New Jersey by Astrid Dahl

The Really Dead Wives of New JerseyThe Really Dead Wives of New Jersey by Astrid Dahl
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


‘Footage first, feelings never.’

Hope is the newest cast member on the popular reality television show, Garden State Goddesses.

After her cousin, Eden, the program’s showrunner, introduced her to Leo Fontana, of the show’s infamous Fontana family, the two fell in love and their wedding kicked off the first episode of this latest season.

Garden State Goddesses mainly focuses on the Fontana family, Sicilian-Americans located in Shady Grove, New Jersey.

Soft-spoken, doe-eyed singer/songwriter, Hope, who originally hails from Northern California, is a fish out of water amongst the rest of the cast. She’s struggling to find her place; uncertain and self-conscious.

Hope’s new sister-in-law, Carmela, is the Queen Bee of the family, and the show. She’s less than elated by Hope’s presence and doesn’t pull any punches, making Hope uncomfortable at every turn.

Drama is top on the menu throughout this story, until eventually, someone ends up dead. Everyone has motives. Everyone is acting suspicious, but whodunit and is anyone else in danger?

I was sucked into this story fairly quickly. The set-up was interesting and I loved meeting all the characters. Dahl had me grabbing my popcorn early and often.

I love how she chose to include Confessional sections, which makes perfect sense with regards to the reality show production. I thought Eden did a good job of digging information out of these cast members.

I felt like Hope was a bit of wet noodle, so I agreed with Carmela on that one, but it was fun watching her try to fit in and get along. It’s clear she had a bit of shady history and I liked watching as all that was revealed.

While some things I thought seemed obvious, I was never sure and loved guessing what was actually going on. It kept me engaged and flipping pages at a frantic pace.

Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where I was loving it for the first 80-85%, and then it lost my interest at the end. Admittedly, I was slightly-disappointed with the way it wrapped-up.

I did like some elements of the conclusion, including a last minute mini-reveal, but I also felt like certain aspects were drawn out unnecessarily.

For most of it though, oh my word, was I having fun. The ‘propulsive page-turner’ comment in the synopsis is spot-on. I never knew what was going to be revealed next.

I don’t watch reality television, but I can see how it could be addictive. I feel Dahl absolutely succeeded in bringing those vibes to the page. I would recommend this to Readers who enjoy OTT-drama and intrigue.

Thank you to the publisher, Simon & Schuster, for providing me a copy to read and review. I appreciated how Dahl really leaned into the reality show concept. It was a lot of fun!

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Review: Beast of the North Woods (Monster Hunter #3) by Annelise Ryan

Beast of the North Woods (Monster Hunter #3)Beast of the North Woods by Annelise Ryan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up **


Beast of the North Woods is the 3rd-installment to Annelise Ryan’s Monster Hunter Cozy Mystery series. These quirky stories successfully combine two of my favorite things: creepy vibes and cozy mysteries.

These books follow MC, Morgan Carter, a cryptozoologist and specialty bookstore owner, who along with her adorable dog, Newt, investigates cases that may be linked to potential cryptid activity.

In this story, Morgan agrees to help her long-time store employee, Rita, after her nephew is accused of murder. He claims he is just a witness, having stumbled across the mutilated body of a local fisherman in the woods.

He also claims he saw a creature of many local legends, a Hodag, leaving the scene. He accuses the creature of being responsible for the gruesome crime.

The thing is, although his town of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, embraces the idea of the Hodag, incorporating it into their community, it’s also widely believed to be a hoax.

Even though she doesn’t believe Hodags to be real either, Morgan agrees to travel with Rita to Rhinelander to try to get to the bottom of it and clear Rita’s nephew’s name.

Once there though, Morgan’s presence causes a stir with the townsfolk, and the deeper she digs, the more danger she seems to be in. If a Hodag didn’t kill the fisherman, and Rita’s nephew didn’t either, who did?

This series is a bit silly, NGL, but it’s also super-duper fun. I’ve grown so attached to this cast of characters, (I’m looking at you, Newt) and am definitely hoping for more installments. There’s so many other cryptids to explore.

I had never heard of a Hodag before, so actually had to look it up. I liked how the author chose to use a lesser known cryptid this time. In the 1st-book, we had a Loch Ness Monster-like lake creature, and the 2nd-book revolved around Bigfoot, so this one was a surprise.

I also really love Morgan as an MC. She’s smart, daring and most importantly, a great Dog Mom, always putting Newt’s needs first. I never have to worry about him while reading, because I know Morgan is keeping him as safe as possible.

This was a solid mystery, that got increasingly complex the more we learned. I also appreciated that we dappled a little more into Morgan’s past as well, so it felt well-rounded. I liked learning more about her.

As with many cozy mysteries, we do follow along with Morgan’s personal life as well. She’s in a budding relationship, and it’s very new, so they are exploring those boundaries within this book, which was nice to see.

There were some fun twists, although a few things seemed obvious and it took Morgan longer to figure out than I would’ve thought. Otherwise, it did get more complicated than I expected and took some surprising turns. I had fun going along for the ride.

I would recommend this series to any Cozy Mystery fans, but particularly those looking for something a little different in their Cozy. It’s one-of-a-kind.

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m looking forward to whatever comes next for Morgan and Newt.

Please don’t let this be the last!

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Review: Alter Ego (Secret Identity #2) by Alex Segura

Alter Ego (Secret Identity #2)Alter Ego by Alex Segura


I adored Secret Identity when I read it back in 2022. It took me completely by surprise how invested I became in that story and the characters.

Literary Mysteries aren’t necessarily a go-to genre for me. I do enjoy them from time-to-time, but I found Segura’s noir-feeling writing style, as well as the back-drop of the comic book industry, absolutely enchanting.

Unsurprisingly, I was stoked to hear about this sequel, Alter Ego. I listened to the audiobook, as I did with Secret Identity, and cannot recommend that format enough for both.

It’s not just a reading. There are sound effects, and other enhancements, that make these books special productions indeed. Especially considering the comics aspect.

One big change is that this 2nd-book is set in the present day, whereas Secret Identity was set in the 1970s.

As you can imagine, the comic book industry has been through a lot of changes over that time period. I did slightly missed the backdrop of 70s-era NYC, NGL, but not enough to effect my overall rating.

Our MC is Annie Bustamante, who is a successful filmmaker, author and illustrator. She’s had many opportunities over her career, but perhaps the one that means the most is the one she has just been presented: the opportunity to bring back to life her longtime favorite superhero, the Lethal Lynx.

While Annie is excited about the possibility of delivering the Lethal Lynx to a whole-new generation of superhero enthusiasts, she’s not crazy about having to work with the people at Triumph Comics, including Bert Carlyle, whose father founded the company.

Fanning the flames of her uncomfortability, Annie begins receiving mysterious messages from an individual urging her to be careful, to trust no one.

All Annie’s alert bells are going off and the more she digs into the history of the Lethal Lynx, the more she believes she may not know the whole story. But what sorts of secrets could be hidden within the comic book industry, and what would someone do to keep them hidden forever?

This was so good. I didn’t love it quite to the same level as Secret Identity, but pretty darn close. I feel like some of my over-the-top joy with the first book was just how surprised I was by it. I knew more what to expect here.

IMO though, this is such an underrated series. The concept is wildly-creative and interesting. I love the backdrop of the comic book industry and the ways it explores the role of the creatives within that space.

I did love getting to know Annie in this story as well. She’s a single-mom, who is talented and successful, yet still struggles with some aspects in her life, just like any other person. I liked how real she felt.

I also appreciated how connected the novels felt. Even though they are separated by a fairly large span of time and follow different characters, the connections are there and I feel like they were so well done.

I loved being reminded of little things that had happened in the first book and coming across various people who I remembered. I hadn’t been expecting a sequel initially, so didn’t brush up on the first book prior to picking this up.

I didn’t need too though, as Segura’s execution was seamless transitioning between the two works. Even though this is its own, individual story, the influence from the first book was felt throughout and for me, provided great food for thought.

It was interesting to think about these kinds of art and intellectual property, and what happens to them over time. Who owns the rights and how they can be used. I feel like this may be an issue that is near and dear to Segura’s heart, as it was certainly explored with care.

Thank you to the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was incredibly well done. I highly recommend this audio!!!

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Review: The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett

The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan #1)The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Ooo, this was hella entertaining and creative. I am very much looking forward to the next installment, as Ana and Din make the perfect detective duo.

This was my first time reading Robert Jackson Bennett and I was impressed from the start. His writing felt, for lack of a better word, substantial. Everything was lush, every description, every characterization, it was a delicious read.

It did take me a minute to feel comfortable with the fantastical setting, as there’s a lot to take in, but once I was able to relax into it, I had such a great time.

I’m hoping in the 2nd-book that we learn a bit more about the world and all the fantastical elements within it, as I did feel a little unmoored in this at times, NGL.

I did love the blending of a fantastical world with an investigative mystery/thriller. Ana Dolabra, as the lead, more experienced investigator, did remind me a lot of Sand da Glokta from Joe Abercrombie’s First Law series.

Glokta is one of my most beloved characters from that series, and I have a feeling that I’m going to grow just as attached to Ana. There’s something so brilliant about her, but you also feel an underlying sinister nature, even when she’s acting on the side of good.

There’s a morally grey vibe exuding from her that I’m instantly attracted to. And then there’s Dinios Kol, her new assistant. He’s such a sweet baby cherub. I know we are just going to see him grow so much.

The mystery was also so compelling. I loved how dark it was. People dying as trees erupt from inside their bodies!? What!? I have never read anything like that before.

I’m so excited to continue on with the series. As mentioned above, I am hoping for more world development in the next book. I’d like to learn more about the true nature of the Leviathans and their relationship to the people of Daretana.

I feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface of all this world has to offer. I’m sure it is going to exceed even my wildest expectations.

Thank you to the publisher, Del Rey, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m looking forward to reading all the things from Robert Jackson Bennett!!

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Review: No Road Home by John Fram

No Road HomeNo Road Home by John Fram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


In No Road Home we meet Toby Tucker, who along with his young son, Luca, is traveling to Texas to meet his new wife, Alyssa’s, family for the first time.

The Wright family is well known. Alyssa’s Grandfather is a famous televangelist whose powerful Old Testament sermons have made the family millions. Toby has no idea what to expect from the visit, but he is concerned that his Queer son Luca may become a target for their religious zeal.

The family compound is lavish, and packed full of questionable characters. Even Alyssa begins acting shady once they are at the property. What’s she all about?

The more Toby interacts with the Wrights, the more unsettleded he becomes. Something is off here. Luca is seeing things and saying things that cause Toby further concern; like the man in the suit lurking in the shadows that only Luca can see. That’s abnormal, right?

After inclement weather strands the family at the property, essentially cutting them off from the outside world, the elder Wright is found murdered on the roof. Who would dare to take him out, and why?

Suspicions immediately fall on Toby, but he knows he had nothing to do with it, so who did?

He needs to figure it out before the authorities arrive, or he could be the one to take the fall. It’s a race against the clock as Toby tries to unravel the truth of the Wright family.

With his mind focused on protecting Luca, Toby knows there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to save his son from the vicious den of vipers they find themselves in.

No Road Home is the first novel I’ve read from John Fram, an author I have heard great things about.

This story successfully sucked me in and even though it took me a minute to get used to the writing style, it took me no time at all to be hella intrigued with everything happening.

There was a period of time in the later half where I felt things started to get a little muddled, there were a lot of Wrights to keep track of, but Fram definitely pulled it off in the end.

I really enjoyed Toby as a main character. I feel like I haven’t read too many stories following single-fathers and I feel like it’s a unique and compelling perspective to get.

Toby’s own family history, and his relationship with Luca, were quite nuanced and I loved how Fram revealed the truth of all that over the course of the story. It wasn’t as I initially expected, and I feel like it will be memorable for me.

I also just really appreciated the overall tone Fram set within this story. The setting of the Wright family compound was well done. It felt sinister and eerie, even if you didn’t quite understand why.

It’s a bit of a slow burn, but the intensity and stakes do steadily climb throughout. By the end, I was completely immersed. It was definitely a story I needed the conclusion too ASAP, which is why I read it in a day.

I would recommend this to fans of Social Horror, or novels such as Mister Magic. It’s thoughtful, sinister and cerebral; very well developed by Fram.

Thank you to the publisher, Atria Books, for providing me a copy to read and review. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author!

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Review: Bitter Is the Heart by Mina Hardy

Bitter Is the HeartBitter Is the Heart by Mina Hardy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

Bitter is the Heart took me by surprise. This story grabbed hold of me from the first chapter and never let go.

It was shocking, upsetting, disgusting, disturbing, toe-curling and eye-opening all at once.

In this novel we follow Tamar Glass, a woman haunted by childhood trauma who suddenly finds herself stuck caring for her abusive elderly mother, Ruth.

Tamar as a main character had my heart from the start. When I say she is haunted by her childhood, I mean it. There’s so much to unpack as far as her past relationship with her mother, as well as her father’s death, and even her relationship with her sister, Lovey.

Tamar is also starting to feel the effects of menopause and she has been through a divorce and is now on her own for the first time as an adult. Then mother arrives.

Ruth, Tamar’s mother, is reintroduced to her life in a disturbing way. Tamar wakes one night to find her Mom looming in the dark of her bedroom.

Ruth had been living in an Assisted Living facility 15-miles away and she had never been to Tamar’s house. How the heck did she end up there?

That scene set the tone for the entire novel. Hardy built out this story so well. She built the drama continuously. It’s brutal at times, but I was with Tamar all the way. I think some interactions between Tamar and Ruth could be shocking to some, but I feel like they felt natural and made perfect sense to me.

I feel like this book could have hit especially hard for me because I am close to the same point in my life that Tamar is, and while I can’t say I’ve been through the family struggles that she has, I can relate to a lot of the other aspects of her experiences.

I love that after her divorce she had returned to her hometown after a long period of time away. This did allow her to reconnect with people from her past, including her high school boyfriend, Miguel, who plays an important role in this story.

Incidentally, I also had a hs-boyfriend named Miguel…

There were so many scenes in this that left me with absolute chills, jaw on the floor, completely disturbed and needing more information. Once Ruth gets kicked out of her Assisted Living facility and moves in with Tamar, there was no turning back. It was high speed ahead.

Additionally, I loved the religious elements of this. Tamara is Jewish, and the Jewish faith was incorporated into this story in a big way. I had never read anything where it was done to this extent, and with this many impactful conversations. I feel like this will stand out in my memory because of that representation.

The only negative I can think of was there was a scene involving a puppy that I had to skip through. You’ll see it coming, Readers sensitive to animal content beware. Besides that, I was completely enamored with this story.

I noticed the synopsis recommends this for fans of Cassandra Khaw and T. Kingfisher. The Khaw comp I don’t get at all. I do see Kingfisher, for sure. While Hardy doesn’t include as much dark humor as Kingfisher does, the Domestic Horror elements and Tamar’s dry delivery of her thoughts do line up with things such as A House with Good Bones, The Hollow Places and The Twisted Ones.

When I was reading this I kept thinking of Ainslie Hogarth’s Motherthing, which I really enjoyed a couple years ago. I ended up connecting with this one more though because I feel like this has a more cohesive and traditional narrative style, which was easier for me to follow.

I also saw my friend, Crystal, compare this to My Darling Girl by Jennifer McMahon and I completely agree with that. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself while reading it.

If you enjoyed any of the books or authors listed above, you need to check this out. If you enjoy Domestic Horror, or Horror that incorporates Religious elements, you need to pick this up. If you just love Horror and always enjoy diving into a fun, disturbing story, you need to pick this up.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Crooked Lane Books and Dreamscape Media, for providing me with copies to read and review. The audiobook was so well done. I loved this and can’t wait for more from Mina Hardy!

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Review: The Nightingale’s Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory by Sonia Velton

The Nightingale's Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory, the Blood CountessThe Nightingale’s Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory, the Blood Countess by Sonia Velton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Admittedly, I don’t read a lot of Historical Fiction. When I do, I prefer it to be of the Gothic variety, and luckily, that’s exactly what I found here.

I saw friends enjoying this, so of course, FOMO hit me like a ton of bricks and I wanted to read it ASAP. It wasn’t a hard sell considering I’ll read anything even remotely related to the legend of Erzsébet Báthory!

Legend names Erzsébet Báthory, a Hungarian noblewoman, as the most prolific female serial killer of all time. Her likeness and story have been reimagined countless times in fictional media, seemingly getting more bloody and brutal with each retelling.

Sonia Velton put a much different spin on the story of the reputed Blood Countess. I’ve gotta say, I will never think of Báthory the same way again. This was so well done. Incredibly creative and if the Author’s Note is any tell, extremely well researched.

I feel like Velton took great care with this story. I loved how it was developed and all pieced together. The characters were fascinating and the bits at the end containing portions of the trial were uber-compelling.

When Erzsébet was charged with her alleged crimes, four of her servants were accused alongside her as accomplices. In this novel, we meet those people closest to Erzsébet, her inner circle, and find out what life may have been like for them inside the castle walls.

Our main focus is a young girl, Boróka, who is one of the most recent additions to the household. She quickly rises to be one of the Countess’s most trusted companions.

This story builds with us learning about all these key players, as well as the Countess herself. There are some nasty people there. It’s not surprising, once you get to know them, how this ultimately played out. It’s rife with deceit, backstabbing and lies.

Even though this is a bit out of my comfort zone, I did truly appreciate what the author did here. I’m so glad I made time for this story and would absolutely be interested in picking up more from Sonia Velton.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Perennial, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I would definitely recommend this to Historical Fiction and Gothic Fiction Readers, as well as anyone interested in the legend of Erzsébet Báthory.

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Review: Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret (The Ernest Cunningham Mysteries #3) by Benjamin Stevenson

Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret (The Ernest Cunningham Mysteries, #3)Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret by Benjamin Stevenson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**


Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret is the 3rd-installment to the delightfully-meta Ernest Cunningham Mysteries series.

It’s also the perfect novella to kick off your holiday spirit!!

I binged the first 2-books in this series recently and was really excited for this holiday-focused mystery story. I definitely feel like Stevenson nailed the holiday vibes and I really enjoyed my time with it.

I rated it a little lower than the previous two stories merely because my enjoyment level wasn’t quite as high with this one as those other novels. I think it’s simply a case of there not being enough time to really feel fully immersed, or pulled, into this one.

It was still a fun mystery and I enjoyed the set-up involving Ernie’s ex. I also found the inclusion of the magician, and everyone one involved in his show, exciting and different.

As always, I loved the little nods to classic mystery stories; particularly those of Agatha Christie. My favorite part of this though was Ernie’s rules for Christmas Specials. That was so funny, and also, very true.

It sounds like there is another full-length novel in the works right now and I can’t wait for more information on it. No matter what it is about, I will be first in line.

I love this series so, so much, and definitely recommend the audiobooks for anyone looking to get into the series. The narration is perfect for this unique storytelling style.

Thank you to the publisher, Mariner Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

Overall, this is a cute, fun, quick Christmas Special following Ernie Cunningham doing what he does best:

solving murders!

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Review: Red in Tooth and Claw by Lish McBride

Red in Tooth and ClawRed in Tooth and Claw by Lish McBride
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Red in Tooth and Claw is a very original and quite strange YA story. I loved the overall tone, but didn’t find it particularly compelling. Therefore, it’s a tough one to rate.

It took me what felt like forever to read, over 2-weeks for 400-pages is a long time, but I would still say I enjoyed it. I think maybe the pacing was a little off for me. That was my biggest issue with it, and that’s not bad.

This story follows Faolan Kelly after her beloved grandfather, her sole guardian and only remaining family member, passes away.

She’s now alone in the world, and essentially homeless, as the local powers that be don’t feel like a young person of 16 is mature enough to take over the family homestead.

They also think Faolan is a young man, which is how her grandfather wanted it. Life was too dangerous for girls then, and if they found out, she would be married off as soon as possible. Her life no longer her own.

After his death, Faolan continues on with the charade. She’s not ready to expose her true self. It would change everything, and her life is already in enough turmoil as it is. She can only take one step at a time.

The mayor, appointing himself as the decider of Faolan’s fate, decides to have them shipped off to the Settlement; a remote outpost, home to many societal outcasts. The place is mysterious, and Faolan has no idea what to expect.

She goes though, because honestly, she’s out of options. Paired up with a gunslinger, to ensure her safe passage, Faolan decides to just keep her head down and bide her time until she can hopefully get her Grandfather’s property back.

Once she’s there, the mysteries of the Settlement only expand. The people she meets, the rules, their leader, it’s all so strange. What is the point of this whole thing? Why all the rules, and what’s lurking around at night?

While this wasn’t a touchdown for me, there were definitely many aspects of this story that I felt the author did really well and that I thoroughly appreciated.

First and foremost would be the atmosphere and overall vibe of the Settlement itself. I loved the slow build of the world and was fascinated with the idea of the Settlement. It’s clear it was meant to have a sort of quasi-religious component, and I felt like the author portrayed that really well.

It felt cultish. I feared for Faolan’s safety from the moment she got there. The unsettling feelings were only enhanced when Faolan begins hearing crazy noises at night.

It’s not all bad and scary though. Faolan does make some allies at the Settlement, including the fabulous Ms. Moon, and young loves, Jesse and Dai Lo.

With these new friends, as well as a few others, a lovely found family element is eventually established, which I always love to see.

There is a bit of a mystery too, as some people end up dead under very mysterious circumstance and Faolon investigates what was the cause of those deaths. Trust me when I say, I never could have predicted the direction this eventually took.

It was so bizarre, but I still really enjoyed it. I loved the Western feel and concepts. It was very different, unlike anything I’ve ever read and I walk away impressed with this author’s creativity and vivid imagination.

Thank you to the publisher, G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This won’t be the last I read from Lish McBride!

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