Review: A Game of Lies (DC Morgan #2) by Clare Mackinstosh

A Game of LiesA Game of Lies by Clare Mackintosh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


A Game of Lies is the 2nd-installment to the DC Morgan Police Procedural Mystery series. The 1st-book in the series, The Last Party, knocked my socks off when I read it in 2022. I immediately fell for DC Ffion Morgan.

I have been anticipating this release for so long. I’m talking before it even had a cover long. I wanted to savor it, to take my time with the mystery, to let it all sink in…

I ended up binging it and it’s over. Now, the extended wait for the next book. I know it will be worth it though.

Oh also, I discovered, I guess I really love stories that revolve around reality programs. This is the second one I have read this week and I became so invested in both. The other being, Everyone Is Watching.

A new reality show, Exposure, is set to begin filming in the Welsh mountains. Seven contestants are selected, although it’s not necessarily clear what it involves.

After they’re all gathered together the true nature of the game is revealed. Each of the contestants has a secret. If any of the other players can guess it, they won’t be eliminated, but they will be exposed.

Ultimately, if it goes according to plan, it’ll end with everyone’s secrets being exposed, except for the one lucky winner, who will not only manage to keep their secret to themselves, but will also win a large cash prize.

The show concept is frightening as heck to the contestants. This wasn’t what they expected. Many of them have been hiding these secrets from the most important people in their lives. This could be devastating.

It’s too late now though, right, for anyone to change they’re mind? They can’t back out. They’re there. They’re cut off. What are they to do? It causes a lot of stress.

When one of the contestants disappears the police are notified. This wasn’t supposed to be part of the drama.

Ffion must forget what she’s already seen on the screen and put her detective cap on. The clock is ticking and it’s unclear whether the missing contestant means to harm themselves, or others. It’s imperative they’re found before the situation has a chance to escalate.

After a person involved with the show is murdered, it’s clear that things on the mountain have gone from bad to worse. Will Ffion be able to get to the bottom of this one, or will she be forced to step aside due to conflicts of interest?

I adored this. First, I was just so happy to be back with Ffion, all the side characters, and once again in this gorgeous natural setting with a small village feel.

Bonus, Ffion’s new rescue dog, the gassy and separation anxiety-ridden, Dave. We love a sweet pup being added to the cast of characters and Dave brought so much to the page.

In addition to the fun reality show concept, and the mystery, I also loved the forward progress we got to see in Ffion’s personal life. She’s definitely one of my favorite detective characters and I can’t wait to solve more cases with her.

I feel like the way this one left off, we can definitely plan on an exciting 3rd-installment. I know you won’t let us down, Mackintosh. The world is ready for more!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Sourcebooks Landmark, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I definitely recommend this series to any Police Procedural Mystery fans out there!!

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