Review: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone (Ernest Cunningham, #1)Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone is truly such a fun reading experience. More specifically, the audiobook. I highly recommend that as the format to take in this story.

Told from the perspective of our main character, Ernie Cunningham, the delivery is quite clever and memorable. Ernie is speaking directly to the Reader, he’s taking them along on a journey as he explains how everyone in his complicated family has killed someone.

I loved Ernie’s narrative voice and enjoyed riddling out the truth behind the mystery that unfolds. The setting is a remote ski resort, where the family has gathered for a reunion, just as Ernie’s brother is being released from prison and inclement weather arrives.

The family itself is messy and complicated, like many are, and I enjoyed learning about all of the people, as well as their various connections and past histories together.

The cast is broad, but I felt like Ernie did a great job relaying the events occurring on the mountain, as well as some critical backstory. The plot also progressed at a nice steady clip, with things moving to warp speed towards the end.

There were a lot of twists and turns, some unexpected reveals and a shocking death which kept me on my toes throughout. For me, I’ll admit, it did start to feel a bit convoluted towards the end, but I still enjoyed it even in spite of that.

Overall, I feel like this is just a wildly-entertaining story, that brings a fresh twist to the classic Murder Mystery space. I’m looking forward to continuing on with this series. I need more Ernie Cunningham!!

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