Review: Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

Chain-Gang All-StarsChain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up*

Honestly, I had never ever heard of Chain-Gang All-Stars until early this year when I was watching numerous BookTuber’s ‘Best Books of 2024’ videos.

This novel popped up on numerous lists and each person who spoke about it talked with such passion, and it sounded genuinely like something I would be interested in. My interest was piqued.

I ended out checking out the audiobook from my library and cannot recommend that format enough. The narrative structure is a little unconventional, and I felt the various narrators helped me to keep everything straight.

So, if you are unaware of what this book is, it’s basically a near-future dystopian novel that examines the U.S. Corrections System in a wildly-creative way. Think that old show American Gladiators from the late 80s/early 90s, but all the competitors are prisoners.

They’re broadcast on live television. There’s different seasons, battles, teammates, fandoms, merch and they also travel around putting on shows; it’s a whole industry. An absolute money-maker for those at the top.

You are given the perspectives of various prisoners, of course, but you also get perspectives of others connected to the system — people at the top of the organization, viewers, protestors against the abuse in the system, people whose loved ones have been in the system, etc.

I thought this was a smart way to tell the story. Each perspective brings a new level of knowledge to the Reader about the system. I liked learning about it that way.

I also appreciated how the author set-up a space where the Reader could think for themselves about all these different aspects involved in our Justice and Correctional systems, versus hand-feeding opinions. That’s how you get people to really ruminate on a concept or idea.

Overall, Chain-Gang All-Stars is an incredibly powerful book. Equal parts heart-breaking, thought-provoking and eye-opening. It’s not one to be missed.

This is the epitome of showing-not-telling, and I felt like, even though at times, I felt the transitions between perspectives a bit jarring, I still wouldn’t really change anything. It’s done with such thought and creativity.

I highly recommend this one to any Reader who wants some high-quality substance to chew on. My Literary Fiction friends should be adding this to their TBRs with haste.

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Review: Devils at the Door (Shana Merchant #5) by Tessa Wegert

Devils at the Door (Shana Merchant #5)Devils at the Door by Tessa Wegert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Devils at the Door is the 5th-book in Tessa Wegert’s Shana Merchant series. I’ve really enjoyed all the previous novels, and was excited to get to this one.

I’m happy to report, this is just as engaging as all the rest. It was so good for a number of different reasons, but my favorites were the overall mystery and the fact that Shana’s niece, Hen, is in town and plays a starring role.

If you are unfamiliar with this series, it follows Senior Investigator, Shana Merchant, and her partner, Tim Wellington, delivering solid Police Procedural action and intrigue throughout.

The setting is the Thousand Lakes region of upstate New York, which sits on the border to Canada. In this installment, as mentioned above, Shana’s teenage-niece, Henrietta, known as Hen, comes to live with her following a rebellious streak leaves Shana’s brother and sister-in-law at wits end.

Shana is happy for Hen to come stay, but is surprised by the changes she sees in Hen once she arrives. Gone is the cheerful, sweet little girl she remembers. Taking her place is a sullen, secretive teen, who seems obsessed with the macabre and displays odd behaviors.

The mystery begins when a local teenager drowns on the shores of the uninhabited Devil’s Oven Island, a frequent, yet dangerous, party spot for young people.

Responding to the call of the unresponsive teen, Shana is shocked to find Hen there, along with a couple of other teens. Hen just got to town, Shana didn’t even realize she had made friends yet, and she snuck out at night? Shana is left reeling by all these developments at once.

The circumstances surrounding the drowning are so unclear, and none of the teens at the scene are talking. How is Shana going to get to the bottom of this before the suspicions fall on Hen? She’s the outsider, a loner, a bit unusual, the one people aren’t going to believe.

Shana digs in and ends up discovering a few buried secrets that the adults of the town would rather keep buried, but how is any of that related to the recent drowning?

I loved this mystery, especially having the added pressure of Hen being involved. The stakes were particularly high for Shana, and you could feel that pressure reverberating throughout her life.

Subsequently, there was some exploration of Shana and Tim’s relationship and all that sort of shined a light on how Shana’s past may still be negatively effecting her.

Her traumas are certainly a lot to get over, so it’s no surprise. I think maybe Shana had thought it was more put to rest than it actually is though, so it was nice to see her examining that closer.

I frequently find myself saying about Adult Mystery series that they can be read in any order. And while that’s true here, it is a standalone mystery, this is one of the cases where I believe you are best served to start this series at the beginning and read them all the way through.

Wegert has taken great care developing her characters and sense of place. Shana in particular is such a well-fleshed out MC. She is on such a journey in this series and it would be most impactful for you, as the Reader, to start at the beginning with her.

Trust me, they’re all so good, you’ll be happy you did. Personally, I’m excited to get my hands on the 6th-book. I hope this series continues on for a long, long time. 25-books wouldn’t be enough. Keep ’em coming, Wegert!!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Severn House, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was a great mystery featuring one of my favorite detectives.

I can’t wait for more Shana Merchant!!!

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Review: Dead Eleven by Jimmy Juliano

Dead ElevenDead Eleven by Jimmy Juliano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A super unique and thought-provoking story, with a wonderfully-produced audiobook to boot. I’m so glad I finally made time for Dead Eleven.

I’ll admit, it took me a minute to adjust to the flow of this one, and by a minute, I mean about 15%, but once I did, OMG, I couldn’t stop. I needed answers.

This is such a fascinating set-up. I really don’t want to say too much about the plot, as I feel like it would be best enjoyed if you go in knowing as little as possible.

We do mainly follow three distinct POVs. Willow, her brother, Harper, and a teenage girl, Lily. As I met these characters at the beginning of the story, each one was more interesting than the last. It was hard to be introduced to them and not walk away with a million questions.

My mind was spinning in such a fun way. As you are told in the synopsis, the meat of this story is set on Clifford Island, and the questions revolve around the island itself.

It’s an odd place, with the residents seemingly stuck on one day in 1994. Lily has grown up there, but both Willow and Harper travel there from away.

Their observations are a large part of how you, the Reader, learn about the traditions and practices on this island. Lily though, seems fed up with the way things are; like she’s willing to make a change. Will these three individuals be the actors that finally cause a change on Clifford?

While the ultimate trope, or ideas used to explain what is going on, aren’t my favorite, this is probably the best I’ve seen it done. I was really impressed with this.

I loved the unsettling vibes that Juliano successfully carried throughout this detailed narrative. This is such a fantastic debut. I’ll be on the end of my seat until I know what this author plans to release next. If it is half as good as this, we’re in for a treat.

If you are a Horror Reader who craves a creepy atmosphere, full of mysterious dangers and lots of captivating characters, you absolutely need to give this one a shot. It’s perfect for this time of year!

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Review: The Bell in the Fog (Evander Mills #2) by Lev A.C. Rosen

The Bell in the FogThe Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

The Bell in the Fog is the 2nd-installment of Lev A.C. Rosen’s Evander Mills series. If you are unfamiliar with these books, it’s a Queer Historical Mystery series, and it’s amazing.

I really enjoyed the 1st-book, Lavender House, when I read it in 2022, but I actually enjoyed this one even more.

I wouldn’t say it was because of the mystery components, or that this one is better written, it’s more increased enjoyment because of how attached I am to these characters now.

Evander Mills, who goes by Andy, is a fantastic MC. He is everything I would want a lead to be. He contains a lot of depth. I love his back story and watching him forge a new path for his future.

Admittedly, in addition to the great stories, quite a bit of my enjoyment comes from the fabulous narration of Vikas Adam, who so far has narrated all three of the installments.

We are told these stories solely through Andy’s perspective, and Vikas Adam IS Andy to me. I will never be able to hear another person reading as Andy and believe it.

The tone and quality of Adam’s voice channels such a period-appropriate film noir feel to these audiobooks; I cannot recommend them highly enough. If you are going to read them, you really should check out at least one of the audiobooks if you have them available to you.

To help set the scene, it’s 1952, in San Francisco, and Andy is trying to get his private detective business off the ground after being let go from the SFPD after getting caught in a compromising position at a gay bar. He’s in desperate need of a new case when a familiar face walks through his door, but it’s not someone he’s excited to see.

It’s James, Andy’s lover from his time in the navy, who mysteriously disappeared years before. Even though he wants to immediately kick James out, Andy, ever the gentleman, decides to let him state his case.

James needs help. He’s being blackmailed. He wants to find the person behind it and put a stop to it before his entire life and career is flushed down the drain.

Andy is not pleased to see James again, but honestly, he can’t afford to be picky. A case is a case, and blackmail shouldn’t be too hard to clear up.

The web of deceit is much thicker than Andy could have anticipated though, and soon, everything seems more at risk than ever. We follow Andy in a fast-paced scramble as he tries desperately, not just to protect his client, but everyone he holds dear.

Y’all, this is such an engaging mystery and entertaining series. I feel like it needs more buzz, as I’m not hearing enough people chatting it up.

The classic Detective Fiction vibes are here, but super gay. I love the setting, the entertaining cast of characters and the representation, which includes a wide range of Queer identities and romances.

The community that Andy has found himself, though often complicated, is also heartwarming. There’s something about these characters sort of carving out a safe space for themselves in an otherwise hostile world; it’s hopeful, while at the same time not negating the serious dangers they face day-to-day, which I appreciated.

The early-1950s setting enhances this story by allowing Rosen to give a subtle, respectful nod to those who came before. To show what they went through, it’s eye-opening and was handled in such a tactful way.

As you can tell, I love this series. I’ve already started the 3rd-book Rough Pages, and I am hoping there are many, many more to come.

I feel like I haven’t come across too many Queer Mystery series, so if that is something you also feel is lacking in your reading life, you definitely need to check this one out.

With this being said, Queer or not, this is a great mystery series, period, and I hope more people discover, and love, Andy Mills and friends!

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Review: Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura

Raiders of the Lost HeartRaiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Unfortunately, this Adult Romance was way more ewww than awww for me. As in, complete cringefest.

I am sooooo glad it’s over!!!

Let’s start with what I liked. The cover is adorable. It immediately made me what to pick this one up. I love the colors and how cute both of the characters look. It’s also giving strong adventure vibes.

I also enjoyed the very beginning of this story. I appreciated how quickly it kicked off. The author didn’t waste any time with filler stuff. We’re immediately swept away with Corrie as she’s pulled into an expedition in Mexico.

Also, I do tend to really enjoy the academic rivals-to-lovers trope and it seemed obvious that’s where this was going, which I was excited to see play out.

Very sadly, this is where my likes end. I won’t give you the full list of dislikes. I’m not here to be salty looking to turn anyone off from giving this book a shot, but I do like to keep it real with my personal reading experiences in my reviews.

After the successful set-up, nothing really happens. I was waiting for something to happen, something more than pointless bickering between our mains. Then they started hooking up and I WISHED WITH ALL MY HEART we could go back to nothing happening.

The steamy bits are soooo not to my tastes. I was legit yelling, ewwwwwww, at my audiobook and I’m not even joking. I wish I was. Descriptors like ‘lapping’ — just don’t and I def don’t want to hear about smooth, VEINY skin.

Before y’all come at me, it wasn’t just the steamy bits though, although that was huge part of it. I also hated both of the main characters.

Corrie was so annoying and I was beyond sick of hearing about how hot her body was and what horrible problems that caused for her. Her stunningly jaw-dropping double-Ds and taut ass had plagued her her whole life. Poor thing.

Ford was a jerk, who would fly off the handle over nothing and I detested the way they interacted with one another, both when they were fighting and then when they were all over each other. It was completely cringe. There’s honestly not a better way to describe it.

Uneventful, lackluster, boring, icky and disappointing. Clearly, not a new favorite, but alas, I am moving on and will wrap this up with the same thing I say every time I write a not so positive review:

Just because this didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. There’s a Reader for every book and book for every Reader. If this sounds good to you, check it out. If you love it, please come back and tell me how wrong I am!

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I never give up on an author after one try, so would consider picking up more from Segura.

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Review: Where the Dead Wait by Ally Wilkes

Where the Dead WaitWhere the Dead Wait by Ally Wilkes
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

As you can tell from the 2-star rating, Where the Dead Wait was a disappointment for me. It’s my first time reading Ally Wilkes and honestly, I just don’t think their style is for me.

I’m thankful for the audiobook actually, because I may not have made it through otherwise. The narrator was great, as he somehow made his voice delivery just pompous enough to match the writing.

I won’t discuss the plot, as I had to reference the Publisher’s synopsis numerous times in order to figure out what was happening. I’ll let you read that for yourself.

I came here for Winter Horror, and yeah, I mean that was here, but it was so far buried under details and blah, blah, blah, that it wasn’t enjoyable for me. IMO, it’s overwritten.

I can’t stress enough how much I wanted it to be over…

With this being said, I recognize that I am being fairly snarky right now, and it’s most likely not 100% warranted, but I need to be honest about my experience. Otherwise, what are we all doing here?

Our experiences with books are completely subjective though, so just because this didn’t work for me, DOES NOT mean it won’t work for you!

If you read the synopsis and it sounds intriguing, pick it up. You could end up finding a new favorite Arctic Horror novel here, and if you do, I encourage you to come back and tell me how wrong I am.

Thank you to the publisher, Atria, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

Even though this didn’t work for me, I never write off an author after only one book ((pun intended)). This one just didn’t suit my tastes. Nevertheless, I would be interested in checking out more work by Ally Wilkes.

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Review: Plot Twist (The Hollywood Series #2) by Erin La Rosa

Plot Twist (The Hollywood Series, #2)Plot Twist by Erin La Rosa
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Sophie Lyon is a Romance author with a big problem: Writer’s Block. After the great success of her first book, Sophie is truly struggling to get her second completed by the Publisher’s deadline.

There’s so much pressure, and she just can’t think of a way to finish it. Out at a karaoke bar one night, blowing off some steam, Sophie has too much to drink and has a breakdown with the mic in hand, confessing she’s never been in love.

The unflattering moment is caught on camera and goes ridiculously viral. How can Sophie write Romance novels if she’s never been in love?! It makes her look like a big fraud.

In an effort to get out ahead of it, and save her reputation, Sophie comes up with a plan to confess the truth on TikTok. Then she will meet up with all of her exes and talk to them about why their relationship didn’t work out.

First of all, great content. Secondly, Sophie is hoping that something in this process will help to break her Writer’s Block, and bring her closer to finishing off her novel.

Dash Montrose is from a successful Hollywood family. He’s a former teen heartthrob, who has since distanced himself from the limelight.

Dash’s sister, Poppy, is Sophie’s best friend. Dash also happens to be Sophie’s landlord. When he learns what Sophie is attempting to do, he offers to help her with her social media presence, as TikTok is a platform he is well-versed in.

Of course, he doesn’t tell her the reason he knows that platform so well is because he is a successful anonymous online crafter…

In fact, Dash has a lot of things he hides from the world and his family. The biggest being his struggles with alcoholism and the fact that he has been sober for the last 18-months.

There’s a lot of pressure within his Hollywood royal family, and he just tries to steer clear of stirring up any scandal. He lives a quiet life now, a bit of a recluse, and Sophie’s energy is sure to shake that up.

Will Dash be able to handle helping with Sophie’s exes project, while keeping a firm grip on his new found sobriety? It’s definitely a risk.

Nevertheless, the two form an unlikely secret alliance. As they grow closer, feelings and attraction begin to come into play.

Plot Twist is a solid Romance story, which plays off a friends-with-benefits scenario. This is the 2nd-book in Erin La Rosa’s Hollywood series, but you do not need to read Book 1 in order to read this one.

These are companion novels and nothing will spoil Book 1 for you if you read this one first. The MC in this novel, Sophie, is the sister of the MC, Nina, from For Butter or Worse.

I do like Contemporary stories that follow fictional celebrities. I know not everyone is crazy about that, but I find their lives interesting. The different issues that arise when someone has a certain level of fame always feels engaging to me.

Therefore, the Hollywood setting of these novels attracts me. I also enjoyed that Sophie was a author who was struggling. Her career wasn’t painted with rose-colored glasses, and Dash’s wasn’t either.

This turned out to be heavier than I was expecting, so I would caution Readers, if you are looking for a light, fun read, this may not fit the bill for you. While it does have some fun, flirty elements, the issues, particularly that Dash is going through, are fairly heavily.

Alcoholism and struggles in recovery aren’t something to be taken lightly and feel like La Rosa does a good job of representing that here, as best as can be done in a Romance story. Because of the serious topics though, it does bring down the overall tone of the story.

If this makes sense. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with tackling serious topics in a Romance novel, I just want Readers to be aware prior to picking this up.

Firstly, for the triggers, and secondly, just to rein in expectations. The cover looks so light and fluffy, I feel like it could lead to a mischaracterization of what this is all about.

I did enjoy learning about both Sophie and Dash’s characters. Additionally, I liked them together, although it did feel a bit too instalove for me. I was very surprised at how quickly things escalated to a point where I felt like that had been communicating for 2-days and then were hopelessly smitten with one another.

I did enjoy this one a bit more than the first book, which is why I decided to round up my rating. I am a Reader who enjoys some serious topics brought into my Contemporaries, so that aspect worked for me.

I also had fun watching Dash and Sophie work together on her exes project. They even go on a road trip where there ends up being a forced proximity element that was nice and sexy.

There’s definitely some steam in this. Not the exact type that I tend to go for, but it wasn’t bad. I only cringed a couple of times. Depending on your kinks, it could end up working well for you.

Thank you to the publisher, Canary Street Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I was entertained. Iff there are more books released in The Hollywood Series, I would def check them out.

I actually would love for Poppy to get her own installment!

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Review: The Rosewood Hunt by Mackenzie Reed

The Rosewood HuntThe Rosewood Hunt by Mackenzie Reed
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Lily Rosewood’s family life is quite complicated, but billions of dollars will do that to you. Oodles of wealth is a tricky thing to navigate for most people.

I know it seems like it would make life grande, but ask any fictional character with an inheritance at stake, and they’ll tell you that’s far from the truth.

Lily dreams of one day running the family company, Rosewood, Inc. Her Gram, the current head of the company, has promised to teach Lily everything she’ll need to know to successfully take over one day.

When Gram dies suddenly though, Lily’s life is turned upside down. Gram wasn’t just the head of the company, she was also the formidable figurehead of their family. It was so unexpected. Lily can hardly believe it’s true.

Then Gram’s Last Will and Testament is read, and Lily definitely can’t believe that’s true…

There’s no mention of the vast family fortune; a purported quarter of a billion dollars. What? Like it’s gone? The money is missing? How could that be?

As everyone is left scratching their heads, one last cryptic letter from Gram sends Lily, along with three other teens, on the treasure hunt of a lifetime. When news of Gram’s missing fortune goes public though, outsiders join the hunt and they’re not messing around.

Soon the teens are dodging dangers left and right, as they try to be the first ones to discover the hiding place of the vast Rosewood fortune. This could change their lives, or end them. Who will win the Rosewood Hunt?

I’ll admit, it did take me a little time to commit to this one. The set-up is rapid fire. You really have no time to get to know Gram, you just learn through Lily’s musings that she was this clever lady, who enjoyed puzzles, invisible ink and things like treasure hunts.

It sort of made me wish someone would have set her up with the elder Hawthorne from The Inheritance Games when they were both alive. It seems like they would’ve really hit it off, like plotting ways to send their basically disinherited loved ones on wild goose chases for cash…

About a quarter of the way in was when I really started to sit up and pay attention. Two other teens, Leo and Quinn, were also pulled into the hunt by Lily’s Gram and I found the dynamic amongst the three teens very fun.

Lily’s best friend, Miles, also becomes part of the action and I enjoyed him as well. Lily’s cousin, Daisy, on the other hand was a total jerk, which I didn’t really understand. Eventually the contention in their relationship was explained, but something about it didn’t feel genuine to me.

Either way, I did vibe with the cast of characters overall and the way they worked together was entertaining. They weren’t really friends going into this, so it gave it a bit of an unlikely allies feel, which I enjoyed.

It gets pretty wild. Once the outsiders swarm into town hunting the treasure the danger level amps up considerably. There are break-ins, car chases, it’s a lot. Lily definitely fears for her life, and I did too!

Through all of it, the teens start showing each other more of their true selves and they really start to bond. I think that was my favorite aspect of the whole story, the Found Family element that Reed ultimately creates. Lily feeling like she finally had friends, it filled my heart.

Most of these characters, their families were pretty crappy, so having each other to rely on meant a lot to them.

The pace hits warp speed towards the end, as a ton of new information is revealed. I enjoyed the way it wrapped up. Overall, a satisfying inheritance story. The Rosewood Hunt was a game I won’t soon forget. That’s for sure.

While it may not go down in history as one of my favorite YA books, it was still hella entertaining, and I would definitely be interested in reading more from Mackenzie Reed.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Teen, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m so happy I finally made the time for this one. It was worth it!

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Review: The Hike by Lucy Clarke

The HikeThe Hike by Lucy Clarke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Maggie, Liz, Helena and Joni have been a fabulous foursome for a long time. The women have history, friends since childhood, who have stuck together through thick and thin. Even when life took them in unexpected directions.

They’ve been good about keeping in touch and even have a tradition of taking trips together, just the four of them. It’s a great way to reconnect and recharge.

Their most recent excursion is going to take them far from the beach trips they are used to though. This time around, the women are heading to the majestic mountains of Norway to go hiking.

A hiking trip!? Some of them are more prepared than others, but let’s be honest, none of them are truly prepared for a serious trek through the mountains. Nevertheless, they persist and head for the wilderness.

This is a little slow to start, as we’re introduced to the different ladies and get the scope on their current life status, as well as their relationship to all the other women.

There are some strong personalities in the group, but they seem to all get along for the most part, and provide a lot of support and encouragement for one another. But no friendship group is perfect, and this one has it’s cracks.

In addition to interpersonal dramas, dangers on the trail are many; some of them coming in the most unexpected forms.

Clarke took this story in directions I definitely wasn’t expecting, and you know what, I really enjoyed it. She succeeded in keeping me on my toes and entertained.

When the women travel to Norway, they stay in a small town adjacent to their trailhead the night before they set-out on the anticipated 4-day hike. It’s there we meet some of the locals, and we do end up following some of the local drama, as well as the perspective of one of the local men.

I was surprised when we got that perspective, and initially it seemed a little odd and out of place. Clarke did bring it around and tied everything together fairly seamlessly in the end. Although, admittedly, I did have trouble differentiating between a few of the male characters.

For me the highlight of this book is the relationships amongst the women and the fact that they undertake this crazy hike. I love hiking and being out in nature, so that also tends to be something I have fun with in fiction.

There’s a lot of time to think on the trail, and if you’re with other people, a lot of time to talk and bond. I think these women were in over the heads and the pressure starts to show early. That brought out some issues that needed addressing, and boy do they get addressed.

While this did start slow, the pace steadily increases throughout. By the end, it’s going top speed, as you try to ascertain who’s going to make it out alive!?

This is the second novel that I have read from this author, the other being One of the Girls, also a girls getaway story. I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as OOTG, but this has definitely solidified Lucy Clarke as a go-to author for me.

If you enjoy Travel Thrillers, or stories that involve female friendships, you should definitely give this one a shot. It’s exciting, intriguing and made me want to go to Norway even more than I already did. Job well done by Clarke.

Thank you to the publisher, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m seriously sorry it took me so long to get to it.

It was a trip!!

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Review: Behind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of the Cecil Hotel by Amy Price

Behind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of the Cecil HotelBehind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of the Cecil Hotel by Amy Price
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Behind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of the Cecil Hotel is a Memoir written by Amy Price, who was the manager of the Cecil for a decade.

I really enjoyed this. As memoirs go, I feel it was quite interesting and it kept me engaged. I completely understand why Amy felt compelled to share her story.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with this historic L.A. property. While I knew that the hotel was considered a haunted place, steeped in dark history, including as the place the Night Stalker was staying during the time of his killings, I really knew nothing else about it.

I learned so much and have a new appreciation for the complicated purpose and history of this hotel.

If you arrive with this book in your hand and you are expecting a strict True Crime story, maybe focusing on the infamous case of Elisa Lam, you may be disappointed, because that is not what this book is.

Amy was the manager of the hotel during Elisa’s stay, and she does discuss it, but it is by no means the focus of this books. It is one amongst many tragic stories that Amy watched first hand play out and relays here.

As mentioned above, I completely understand why Amy would want to tell this story. Particularly after the Netflix documentary on the Lam case released. I think it was easy for people to sort of vilify Amy as the person in charge, and say she should have done more when Elisa was exhibiting unusual behavior.

But I feel like when you hear the greater context of the hotel, its function, it’s location, the types of things that happened there on an all too regular basis, you’ll come to maybe understand that Elisa’s behavior really wasn’t that unusual at the Cecil. It was just another day.

I wasn’t reading this for the Lam case, so I didn’t mind that it wasn’t focused on. I was reading it more for the history of the hotel and what it would be like to work there.

Amy delivered those things to me very well. I walk away with a better understanding of this property that has become as infamous as The Overlook in pop culture.

Thank you to the publisher, William Morrow, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was a quick read, and a fascinating glimpse into a place I will most likely never see first hand.

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