Review: William by Mason Coile

WilliamWilliam by Mason Coile
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

William was quite the experience. I read this today. Yeah, the whole thing today. A perfect day, IMO.

It’s definitely one of those stories that once you start, it’s close to impossible to put down. Coile kept me on my toes the entire time. I had so many questions!

The synopsis actually calls this a delicious one-sitting read, and they aren’t lying. Meeting Henry and Lily, and discovering what is going on in their home, it’s like watching a train about to go off the tracks.

There’s such an eerie set-up. You feel like the characters are keeping something from you, but you don’t know what. Additionally, there’s AI involved and for me personally, the future of AI tech is absolutely horrifying.

Both Henry and Lily are in the tech space, so their home is a virtual cornucopia of cutting-edge technological devices. Some of these things have never even been revealed to anyone outside the home.

When Lily has some co-workers, Paige and Davis, stop by for a meal, it should be a harmless event. Unfortunately, it’s anything but that.

The newcomers want to meet one of Henry’s creations, an AI called William. It’s at that point that things go from strange and eerie, to much, much worse.

I Buddy Read this with a friend and we both flew through it. There was quite a bit of super creepy Horror imagery that I was eating up and we did find a lot to discuss.

In addition to being frightened by the possibilities of AI, I am also horrified by dolls, or any iteration thereof. Trust, there’s plenty of that to go around in here!!!

I was so surprised with how this turned out and it was a race to the conclusion.. There were twists and turns I did not see coming. Jaw successfully on floor.

Overall, I felt this was a little heart-breaking, a lot thought-provoking, super creepy and hella engaging. Well done by Mason Coile. I know nothing about this author, but I already cannot wait for more.

Thank you to the publisher, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I am so happy to have a new Horror author to follow!!!

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