Review: Ladykiller by Katherine Wood

LadykillerLadykiller by Katherine Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gia and Abby, childhood best friends, have grown estranged slowly over the past 12-years, since the tragedy that occurred in Greece when they were both 18-years old.

After the tragic events of that summer, Abby threw herself into her studies, while Gia, a wealthy heiress without Abby’s common-woman concerns, writes a salacious memoir chronicling what had happened.

All these years later, Gia is back in Greece with her new husband. She’s at their family property prepping it for sale after her father’s death. She and her brother, Benny, have been forced to downsize their lifestyles a bit and the Greek property needs to go.

In spite of how heartbreaking losing the property will be, life must go on. With Gia’s birthday approaching in September, she reaches out to Abby and Benny and asks them to join her at a luxury Swedish resort to see the Northern Lights.

It’s something they had discussed when they were younger and always wanted to do. Now is the time. Even though she’s a little hesitant at first, Abby accepts Gia’s invitation.

The day of her flight though, Abby receives a cryptic email that gets her hackles up. It’s not exactly the vibe she was looking for heading into her first vacation in a while. Nevertheless, she proceeds and she’s looking forward to being reunited with her friends.

Once she meets Benny, and gets to the resort though, Gia isn’t there. After days of odd messages from her and placed calls that go unanswered, Benny and Abby get worried enough to travel to Greece and check on her.

Arriving at the family estate, they find it deserted. Gia has disappeared. The only clue, a manuscript she’s left behind detailing the events leading up to her disappearance.

Through shifting perspectives between Abby’s present and Gia’s manuscript, Katherine Wood creates a fast-paced and engaging story of domestic suspense.

I love messy rich people drama, so this definitely scratched that itch, and it did successfully keep me guessing throughout. I found all the details and character interactions just so intriguing.

Additionally, I loved the setting on the beautiful coast of Greece and how the author used Gia’s manuscript as a way of piecing together the story. I thought that was very fun, because what is truth and what is fiction? The lines are often blurry, aren’t they?

Overall, I was impressed with how Wood pulled this all together. I thought it was very clever and well-plotted. I would recommend this to anyone who loves rich people drama, a luxury setting, or popcorn thrillers.

Thank you to the publisher, Bantam, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I am really looking forward to picking up more from this author!

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Review: The Last Room on the Left by Lean Konen

The Last Room on the LeftThe Last Room on the Left by Leah Konen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

**2.5-stars rounded up**

Recently, Kerry’s life has been falling apart. She’s completely lost control. Her marriage, career and friendships are in shambles, but her drinking is stronger than ever.

With a deadline looming, Kerry knows she needs a change if she’s ever going to finish her book. Thus, she ends up accepting the position as an off-season Caretaker at a refurbished motel in a remote area of the Catskills.

Arriving at the motel, wholly-unprepared, I might add, for her assignment, Kerry immediately feels something is off. The motel is supposed to be abandoned, but someone’s stuff is littered throughout her room.

Feeling unsettled, but not quite sure what to do about it, Kerry tries to ignore the red flags blowing all around her. With a blizzard bearing down on the motel as well, she’s essentially trapped at the motel.

Circumstances go from bad to disastrous once Kerry notices a lifeless hand poking out of a snowbank. She thinks she may have found the owner of all those belongings, but who is it, and how did they end up dead and buried?

The Last Room on the Left had its moments. At times, it had me intrigued enough to think that it could turn out to be a 4-star read. By the end though, it just felt lackluster, predictable, and don’t even get me started on Kerry.

Additionally, I wish that it hadn’t been the comp to The Shining that sold this one to me, because it’s absolutely NOTHING like The Shining.

It’s funny, the more I think about this one, the less enthused I feel about it. I wanted so much more of an atmosphere and eerie/claustrophobic vibe, of which I got none.

Additionally, it left me with unanswered questions. Were there plot holes, or does my brain just not want to think about this one anymore?

From the very start I was annoyed by Kerry. Stupid mistake, after stupid mistake, had me feeling like, whatever happens to this woman, she deserves it.

I know that sounds awful. It’s a terrible thought, but you have to understand, I was compelled to feel that way because of the ridiculous stream of choices. Nevertheless, Kerry wasn’t the only character, LUCKILY, and I did end up enjoying the others.

As mentioned above, this did have moments and when I was in it, I was in it. I also felt it entertaining to try to figure out what the heck was actually going on. While certain portions felt quite predictable, others def took me by surprise.

I think perhaps the downfall of this was that I felt it was pitched to me a certain way, so my expectations were high, and focused in a particular direction, and when I didn’t get that, I was disappointed.

I don’t believe the comp phrase, a feminist take on The Shining, is being used anymore, at least I’m not seeing it in the current synopsis, and for that I’m grateful. I wouldn’t want others to go down the same route that I did with this one.

With all this being said, and with apologies for my grumpiness, I do believe I’m a minority opinion on this one, so if it sounds intriguing to you, please do pick it up.

There’s a book for every Reader and a Reader for every book. Sadly, this just wasn’t the best fit for me. In spite of that, I do very much want to thank the publisher, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I have enjoyed Leah Konen’s work in the past, and look forward to picking up future releases. This slight disappointment certainly isn’t enough to stop me!

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Review: The Holy Terrors (Holy Terror Mysteries #1) by Simon R. Green

The Holy Terrors is a good book. Particularly, if you go into it expecting a Cozy Mystery with potential Paranormal aspects.

Unfortunately for me, I went into this expecting Religious Horror, which it absolutely is not. I think at the time I received this as an ARC, it was not designated as Book #1 of the Holy Terrors Mystery series.

If it had been, I think it would have tempered my expectations a bit. Nevertheless, I do highly recommend the audiobook if you are going to pick this one up, and now that I know what the series is about, I would be interested in picking up the 2nd-book, [book:Stone Certainty|217105077].

I love Cozy Mysteries and I think that the MC of this, Bishop Alistair Kincaid, could be a fun one to follow. I feel we have so much more to learn about his character and I’m down to explore that.

It also seems like he may be pairing up with another one of the characters from this book, Diana, an actress. They had some interesting chemistry, so that could be fun, watching them work together again.

This story also has a fun set-up. Alistair and Diana are involved with the filming of a television ghost-hunting show, where they, along with some other folks, get locked into a reportedly haunted hall overnight.

Unfortunately, while that set-up is great and should lead to a lot of creepy action, I feel like the narrative is much more focused on the interpersonal dynamics going on between all these trapped show people.

I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity to create a genuinely-creepy vibe. With this being said though, there’s nothing wrong with a more character-focused mystery, it just wasn’t what I was expecting, or in the mood for, when I picked this up.

Overall though, I think if you go into this with the right expectations, this could definitely be a quick, fun read. Again, check out the audio if you plan to pick it up. I flew through it.

Thank you to the publisher, Severn House, for providing me with a copy to read and review. It’s def more likely than not that I will be checking out the next book now that I know more what to expect

Review: The Husband by Daniel Hurst

The HusbandThe Husband by Daniel Hurst
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Husband follows dual-perspectives, Jenny and Lachlan, a seemingly-perfect couple, married for the past 20-years. They have two teenage children, Bonnie and William.

When a new documentary releases that features the unsolved cold case murder of a 15-year old girl in a rural-village in Scotland, Bonnie, and the rest of her peers, become obsessed. Even though the crime was committed 25-years ago, the doc has gone viral and everyone is talking about it.

When Lachlan catches Bonnie and Jenny watching it, he has an absolute meltdown. As it turns out the girl was from the same village he fled decades before and has never returned. In fact, he was in the same class as the girl in school.

Jenny is surprised at her husband’s reaction. Sure, he hasn’t shared much with her about his past, but could this have something to do with it? Was he traumatized by all that happened there, including this vicious murder?

The longer the battle over the documentary goes on, the more Jenny starts to suspect that something is off. Lachlan’s behavior is off. Thus, she plans a family holiday to take the kids to see where their father grew-up.

Lachlan is flabbergasted. Why would anyone want to go there? He hated it and vowed never to return, but how can he convince his suspicious wife and true crime obsessed daughter that it’s a waste of time?

After arriving in the Scottish Highlands, long-buried secrets begin to come to light and Jenny realizes the truth may be more complicated than she ever anticipated.

Fearing for her life, as well as the lives of her kids, Jenny needs to get them away from this cursed village. How can she possibly do that though, as it seems that the killer is onto them now as well?

The Husband was quick and easy. I’ve no major complaints, besides the fact that if I ever hear someone say, ‘my husband’ again, I may throw myself off the closest pier.

This was my first time reading from this author and while I may not scramble to read more, if the opportunity arises, I’m not against it. This is an enjoyable weekend read, though I’m not sure how memorable it’ll be in the long run.

It was an interesting idea. These True Crime documentaries that go viral, there have to be unsuspecting people waiting in the wings to be impacted by them all the time. Besides the victims of the family, I never really considered all the other individuals who could be impacted by such docs.

I didn’t find this particularly suspenseful, however, it did grow in intensity as the book continued. I might have preferred just to have Jenny’s perspective until a bit closer to the end, I’m not sure.

Overall though, this is definitely entertaining and I did have fun with it. Thank you to the publisher, Bookouture, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m glad to have given this prolific author a shot!

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Review: Listen to Your Sister by Neena Viel

Listen to Your SisterListen to Your Sister by Neena Viel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Listen to Your Sister follows three siblings: Calla, Dre and Jamie. They lost their father to an accident, and their mother wasn’t able to properly care for them.

Calla legally became guardian for Jamie, the youngest, with Dre’s promise that he would help her. Unfortunately, Dre, the middle-child, hasn’t really followed through on those promises. He cares, but doesn’t take it seriously enough.

Jamie, at 16, is a strong-willed and energetic teen, who is getting more difficult to parent by the day. He has many positive attributes, but Calla feels at wits end. She’s only 25-years old, and has already sacrificed so much trying to keep this family together.

Her job is at risk, as she has had to miss so much time due to being called away after Jamie gets up to one mischief, or another. She’s also finding it difficult to maintain any sort of healthy adult relationships.

After Jamie gets into serious trouble at a protest, the siblings must go on the run, taking refuge in a remote cabin. It’s there that Calla’s worst nightmares become reality.

No, seriously. Calla has been plagued by nightmares for years. Horrific dreams in which her brothers die because she’s unable to protect them.

Also, in these dreams, the worst iterations of Calla come to life. Alternate versions of herself that embody the worst things people have said, or assumed, about her; the worst feelings they’ve made her feel. It’s truly frightening stuff.

Now as Calla is pushed to the brink, by her brothers and their unstable circumstances, the things of nightmares are manifested into reality, and they’re after the trio.

Will the siblings be able to come together, move past their past traumas and be able to defeat these nightmares, or will the nightmares win out, ruining them one-by-one?

Admittedly, this is much more Fever Dream than I tend to enjoy, but there was something about how raw and real these characters felt that had me by the throat. I ended up really being drawn into the dream-like qualities.

I loved the topics and themes that Viel explored and look forward to seeing what other Readers think. Speculative stories tend to drum up a wide range of opinions.

The audiobook is very good, with three narrators matching each of the MCs. I definitely recommend that format. It brought this story to life; a great production.

I was really so impressed with the character work. The siblings and their relationships were the star of this show for me. They had been through so much and I love how they related to one another. It’s not all perfect, sunshine and rainbows, but you could feel the love and dedication.

I feel like this has some great Social Horror aspects as well, I just hope the right Readers end up picking it up. The cover is giving very Haunted House vibes, and while there is a creepy cabin, it’s much more of a Literary Horror-feel than that cover may lead you to believe.

Regardless, I had a fantastic time with this one. It’s hard-hitting and memorable. I’m really looking forward to seeing what this author comes up with in the future. I’m hoping for more along these lines.

Thank you to the publisher, St. Martin’s Griffin and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I would recommend this to Horror Readers.

This is very Feminine Rage with a Twist. We love that.

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Review: Cross My Heart by Megan Collins

Cross My HeartCross My Heart by Megan Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Holy Hades, Cross My Heart was an absolutely insane, jaw-dropping, eyebrow-lifting, wilddddddd ride!!!

This was wickedly-entertaining. I couldn’t put it down. IMO, this is a true Psychological Thriller. My head was spinning so fast, I’m surprised I didn’t lift off.

In this story we meet Rosie Lachlan, who received a heart transplant from a donor who had unexpectedly passed away after a tragic accident.

Through an online platform that anonymously connects donor’s families with recipients, Rosie virtually-befriends her donor’s widower, Morgan. Morgan Thorne happens to be a well-known local author, who Rosie quickly becomes smitten with.

A string of heartbreaks, of the romantic variety, haven’t soured Rosie on the idea of finding The One. It would be ironic if her actual broken heart led her to true love, but that’s definitely what she starts imagining as correspondence with Morgan heats up.

As Rosie digs further into Morgan’s life, and learns more about his wife, there are rumors and accusations she can’t ignore. Perhaps he isn’t her innocent dream guy after all.

Admittedly, I wasn’t crazy about The Family Plot by this author, and was hesitant to try anything else from her. After seeing this one everywhere however, I had to check it out for myself, and man-oh-man, am I glad I did!

Even though the MC, Rosie, drove me so batty that I wanted to shake her, I can’t help but doff my cap to Collins, because damn, was she well-written.

Honestly, reading this feels like having the rug ripped out from under you. I did think it was dragging a bit at the end, but that final scene put the sinister grin on my face I always love to have at the conclusion of this type of story.

I had so, so, so many guesses, so many theories over the course of this book. It was completely intriguing. It felt very cat-and-mouse, but it was unclear who was the cat and who was the mouse. I loved that.

You do get Morgan’s perspective, in addition to Rosie’s, and they both felt equally unsettling. There were many times that I was uncomfortable by what was happening, but I couldn’t look away. Flies on the wall were cringing.

These two are OTT in the most unhinged ways and I was eating it up. My popcorn was popped and my ass was in the seat for the duration.

I absolutely recommend this one to people who enjoy dark, twisty Thrillers. If you like reading books where you suspect everyone, including yourself, you def need to pick this up.

Thank you so very much to the publisher, Atria Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’ll 100% be picking up more from Megan Collins!

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Review: Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown

Society of LiesSociety of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Society of Lies follows sisters, Maya and Naomi. Maya graduated from Princeton a decade ago, and now her little sister, Naomi, is set to graduate from there as well.

When Maya returns to the university for her reunion and Naomi’s graduation, she’s shocked when she receives a nightmare phone call. Naomi is dead.

Maya is left reeling. She’s devastated. If only she could have seen Naomi one more time.

The police are calling it an accident, but that doesn’t sit right with Maya. The things the police are alluding to, they don’t track with Naomi’s personality.

As Maya begins looking into her sister’s tragic death though, she discovers that Naomi was keeping a whole lot from her. Did she really know her little sister at all?

One of her discoveries is that her sister joined the Sterling Club, the same exclusive club that Maya had been a member of herself. She had warned Naomi to stay away, but apparently those warnings didn’t stick.

Maya knows Naomi isn’t the first young woman to die while a member of this club. The more she digs in, the more the evidence seems to point back to her time within the organization. Could she have done anything differently to save Naomi from this fate?

I enjoyed this, although it took some time to get my bearings with the perspectives and timelines. I did love learning about both Maya and Naomi. I felt for them and the difficult things they’d experienced in their lives.

Their relationship was complicated and unfortunately, there was a lot of failed opportunities for open communication. It left them both viewing their relationship very differently, which made me sad, the details of that. I wish they could have had more time together.

I also enjoyed the elite-Princeton setting and what everyone was getting up to there. I do tend to vibe really well with this type of story. Give me shadow organizations, lies, cover-ups and rich people behaving badly any day.

At times, I’ll admit, this narrative felt a little choppy. You get Maya’s perspective both past and present, and the jumps between her past at Princeton and Naomi’s present at Princeton could get muddled if you let down your guard for even a moment.

Overall though, I do appreciate the difficult themes this author explored within this otherwise fairly standard Mystery-Thriller. To me, the character’s relationships were the gold star of this story.

Thank you to the publisher, Bantam, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I would def be interested in picking up more from this author!

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Review: The Really Dead Wives of New Jersey by Astrid Dahl

The Really Dead Wives of New JerseyThe Really Dead Wives of New Jersey by Astrid Dahl
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


‘Footage first, feelings never.’

Hope is the newest cast member on the popular reality television show, Garden State Goddesses.

After her cousin, Eden, the program’s showrunner, introduced her to Leo Fontana, of the show’s infamous Fontana family, the two fell in love and their wedding kicked off the first episode of this latest season.

Garden State Goddesses mainly focuses on the Fontana family, Sicilian-Americans located in Shady Grove, New Jersey.

Soft-spoken, doe-eyed singer/songwriter, Hope, who originally hails from Northern California, is a fish out of water amongst the rest of the cast. She’s struggling to find her place; uncertain and self-conscious.

Hope’s new sister-in-law, Carmela, is the Queen Bee of the family, and the show. She’s less than elated by Hope’s presence and doesn’t pull any punches, making Hope uncomfortable at every turn.

Drama is top on the menu throughout this story, until eventually, someone ends up dead. Everyone has motives. Everyone is acting suspicious, but whodunit and is anyone else in danger?

I was sucked into this story fairly quickly. The set-up was interesting and I loved meeting all the characters. Dahl had me grabbing my popcorn early and often.

I love how she chose to include Confessional sections, which makes perfect sense with regards to the reality show production. I thought Eden did a good job of digging information out of these cast members.

I felt like Hope was a bit of wet noodle, so I agreed with Carmela on that one, but it was fun watching her try to fit in and get along. It’s clear she had a bit of shady history and I liked watching as all that was revealed.

While some things I thought seemed obvious, I was never sure and loved guessing what was actually going on. It kept me engaged and flipping pages at a frantic pace.

Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where I was loving it for the first 80-85%, and then it lost my interest at the end. Admittedly, I was slightly-disappointed with the way it wrapped-up.

I did like some elements of the conclusion, including a last minute mini-reveal, but I also felt like certain aspects were drawn out unnecessarily.

For most of it though, oh my word, was I having fun. The ‘propulsive page-turner’ comment in the synopsis is spot-on. I never knew what was going to be revealed next.

I don’t watch reality television, but I can see how it could be addictive. I feel Dahl absolutely succeeded in bringing those vibes to the page. I would recommend this to Readers who enjoy OTT-drama and intrigue.

Thank you to the publisher, Simon & Schuster, for providing me a copy to read and review. I appreciated how Dahl really leaned into the reality show concept. It was a lot of fun!

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Review: Under Loch and Key by Lana Ferguson

Under Loch and KeyUnder Loch and Key by Lana Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Keyanna MacKay was raised in the United States by her single-Scottish father. Her Dad was tight-lipped and didn’t share a lot about his past, family, or where he came from.

One of his final wishes before passing was for Key to bring him home, to the country he left decades before. Thus, with this wish weighing heavy on her heart, Key decides she must make it happen, no matter the cost.

Her only real info is the name of the area in Scotland he is from, as well as her estranged Grandmother’s name; a Grandmother she’s never met.

Even though she’s scared and it may blow up in her face, Key is still determined to find out where her Dad came from and return him there. Maybe it will help fill the void in her heart he’s left behind. Unmoored by his passing, this could be exactly what Key needs to help her move forward.

What she doesn’t expect is the run-in she has on her very first day with the handsome, Lachlan Greer, who stops Key from tumbling down the slippery rocks of a loch-side cliff.

Lachlan has answers of his own he’s searching for, and Key may be just that, the ‘key’ to finding them. That’ll only be possible though if the two can stop fighting long enough to work together.

The longer the pair spend together, the more buried secrets come to light and that’s when the real magic happens.

I’ve read a lot of cryptid-focused stories in my life, but certainly nothing like this. I’m in all new territory here and I had such a fun time taking it all in.

While I can recognize that this isn’t a perfect book, and for more experienced Romance Readers, maybe it’s not great, IDK. For me though, I gotta give props to Lana Ferguson for creating likable characters, a unique plot, as well as hard-hitting, emotional moments.

I loved both of the MCs, particularly Key and the journey she was on to find a sense of place after the passing of her father. That hit me hard and I respected the hell out of the risks she took in making that trip. It was a big deal.

I was also surprised and pleased by the direction the romance went in. I’m not sure if all of this author’s works are a bit fantastical like this one, but I’m definitely interested in picking up more. This was just so cute.

Admittedly, the steamy bits weren’t 100% to my tastes, but I was willing to overlook some moments that made me cringe due to all the moments that made me swoon. The banter between Key and Lachlan made it worth it.

I also liked that the author included a bit of a mystery that the two have to work together to solve. I thought that was a nice touch, instead of focusing solely on romance.

Additionally, I adored the setting and the side characters. The audiobook featured dual narration that was a perfect match for how I pictured Key and Lachlan. I absolutely recommend that format.

Overall, I found this to be a pleasant surprise. It’s much more than just a gorgeous cover.

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m excited to pick up more from Lana Ferguson!

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Review: Beast of the North Woods (Monster Hunter #3) by Annelise Ryan

Beast of the North Woods (Monster Hunter #3)Beast of the North Woods by Annelise Ryan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up **


Beast of the North Woods is the 3rd-installment to Annelise Ryan’s Monster Hunter Cozy Mystery series. These quirky stories successfully combine two of my favorite things: creepy vibes and cozy mysteries.

These books follow MC, Morgan Carter, a cryptozoologist and specialty bookstore owner, who along with her adorable dog, Newt, investigates cases that may be linked to potential cryptid activity.

In this story, Morgan agrees to help her long-time store employee, Rita, after her nephew is accused of murder. He claims he is just a witness, having stumbled across the mutilated body of a local fisherman in the woods.

He also claims he saw a creature of many local legends, a Hodag, leaving the scene. He accuses the creature of being responsible for the gruesome crime.

The thing is, although his town of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, embraces the idea of the Hodag, incorporating it into their community, it’s also widely believed to be a hoax.

Even though she doesn’t believe Hodags to be real either, Morgan agrees to travel with Rita to Rhinelander to try to get to the bottom of it and clear Rita’s nephew’s name.

Once there though, Morgan’s presence causes a stir with the townsfolk, and the deeper she digs, the more danger she seems to be in. If a Hodag didn’t kill the fisherman, and Rita’s nephew didn’t either, who did?

This series is a bit silly, NGL, but it’s also super-duper fun. I’ve grown so attached to this cast of characters, (I’m looking at you, Newt) and am definitely hoping for more installments. There’s so many other cryptids to explore.

I had never heard of a Hodag before, so actually had to look it up. I liked how the author chose to use a lesser known cryptid this time. In the 1st-book, we had a Loch Ness Monster-like lake creature, and the 2nd-book revolved around Bigfoot, so this one was a surprise.

I also really love Morgan as an MC. She’s smart, daring and most importantly, a great Dog Mom, always putting Newt’s needs first. I never have to worry about him while reading, because I know Morgan is keeping him as safe as possible.

This was a solid mystery, that got increasingly complex the more we learned. I also appreciated that we dappled a little more into Morgan’s past as well, so it felt well-rounded. I liked learning more about her.

As with many cozy mysteries, we do follow along with Morgan’s personal life as well. She’s in a budding relationship, and it’s very new, so they are exploring those boundaries within this book, which was nice to see.

There were some fun twists, although a few things seemed obvious and it took Morgan longer to figure out than I would’ve thought. Otherwise, it did get more complicated than I expected and took some surprising turns. I had fun going along for the ride.

I would recommend this series to any Cozy Mystery fans, but particularly those looking for something a little different in their Cozy. It’s one-of-a-kind.

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m looking forward to whatever comes next for Morgan and Newt.

Please don’t let this be the last!

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