Review: The Cornish Castle Murder (Nosey Parker Mystery #8) by Fiona Leitch

The Cornish Castle Murder (The Nosey Parker Mysteries, #8)The Cornish Castle Murder by Fiona Leitch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Cornish Castle Murder is the 8th-book in the Nosey Parker Mystery series, which just so happens to be my favorite, currently-running, Cozy Mystery series.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this cast of characters feel like part of my friend group. Picking up one of these books just fills me with all the cozy, comfort feels.

These books follow Jodie Parker, who resigned from the Metropolitan Police Force in London after a close call and returned to her native village of Penstowan, in Cornwall, with her teen daughter, Daisy.

It’s there she opened her own catering company, has taken in her Mum, as well as a wily-Pomeranian named Germaine, and reunited with many old friends. Life is good.

In spite of her new business ventures, old habits are hard to break, so Jodie ends up assisting the local coppers with their investigations. Her handsome DCI-boyfriend, now-fiance, Nathan Withers, always keeps her in the loop.

They’re truly a match made in heaven. As they arrive at the lush Cornish castle where their wedding weekend is being held, they’re excited for their future together.

Unfortunately, the wedding weekend turns into an un-wedding weekend once a body is discovered on the grounds the night after the stag and hen-dos.

With all attending their event now under suspicion, Jodie and Nathan must put their celebrations on hold in order to investigate the death before the killer strikes again.

As expected, I enjoyed this so much. Being back with this cast, I don’t care what they’re doing, I’m down for it.

I love Jodie and her relationship with her Mum and daughter, Daisy, is the best. It’s three generations of women living together and supporting one another through everything. They have such a sense of humor with each other too. It’s a pure joy to read.

I also really enjoy Jodie and Nathan together. I can relate to Jodie in a lot of ways, and I like seeing her open herself up to romantic love, after being burned in the past, and to be cherished by a special partner like Nathan. Good for her.

Then there’s Germaine, Jodie’s wee Pomeranian. The cutest little puffball to ever grace the pages of a Cozy Mystery. She’s always inserting herself in the action.

I did enjoy this particular mystery as well. It was a puzzle. I liked the setting at the castle and had a lot of suspects. This one definitely kept me guessing.

I did think it started a little slow, but once it got rolling I was hooked. I had suspicions, but didn’t guess who it was until the very moment I believe Leitch wanted me to figure it out. The why was interesting as well; atypical and not suspected.

I feel overall that this is a great continuation to the series.

Thank you so much to the publisher, One More Chapter, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I was so excited to receive an early copy and dropped literally everything to pick it up.

I love this series and characters with my whole heart and cannot wait for more books. Keep ’em coming, please!!!!

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The Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Seventh Veil of SalomeThe Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Silvia Moreno-Garcia is one of those beloved authors who I will willingly step outside of my comfort zone for, and this novel is a perfect example of why.

Set against the Sword and Sandal era of old Hollywood, I was absolutely transported into this story. I cannot recommend the audiobook format enough. Flawless.

Historical Fiction can often be a drag for me, but I do love Old Hollywood and Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s name on a cover. There was never any doubt I was going to read this.

I am glad that I waited the 7-months for my library hold to come through on a copy of the audiobook though. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I would have loved it quite as much if I had read it physically.

The full cast narration of this truly brought this story to life. I love the mixed media aspects that Moreno-Garcia included, making it feel like I was taking in a documentary or podcast. That aspect really shone in the audio-version.

This story follows three main perspectives. Two of these perspectives, Vera and Nancy, are set in 1950s Hollywood. The last perspective is set in biblical times and is that of the Jewish Princess, Salome.

Vera and Nancy are actresses. Vera, an unknown Mexican ingenue, gets cast to play the lead role of Salome in a big-budget movie sure to be a hit. Nancy is a bit player who was eyeing that lead for herself. Her career has stalled, but she’s got a lot of ideas of how great she could be.

If only this stupid girl hadn’t stolen the part from her…

I’ll be honest, I knew nothing of the historical figure of Salome, so it was interesting to learn about her a bit here.

I like how Morena-Garcia presented her story, and then showed how over a thousand years later, her story was still being…manipulated, I guess for lack of a better word. As in life, so in death, her story took on mythical proportions.

I don’t know if this is making sense. I understand it in my brain, but it’s hard to express without giving anything away, or going to far into the details.

The real star of the show for me though was the back-and-forth between Vera and Nancy’s perspectives. You know they are on a collision course with one another, but how?

I just thought everything set in Hollywood, the descriptions of the production, all the people involved, the how and why of everything going on, was so good. There’s also quite a bit of the social scene, which I found equally enticing.

I was surprised how truly invested I became in this. I honestly was expecting to like it, but not love it the way I did. I’m still gobsmacked thinking of it even hours after finishing. It was incredibly-crafted.

I would highly recommend this to Historical Fiction fans, or people who have a great love of the Golden Age of cinema. Also, I cannot stress enough how fabulous the audiobook is; 10/10 recommend that format.

Thank you to Del Rey for providing me with a copy to read and review. Silvia Morena-Garcia is such a talent!!!

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Review: Nothing Ever Happens Here by Seraphina Nova Glass

Nothing Ever Happens HereNothing Ever Happens Here by Seraphina Nova Glass
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There’s a reason why so many people enjoy living in small towns. They’re safe. They’re wholesome and it’s a great place to grow up, or raise your own children.

Shelby and Mack are best friends who still live in the small town they grew up in. Both are successful business women and have their own families. Life is steady and good.

That is until Shelby is viciously attacked, barely surviving the incident, and on that same night Mack’s husband, Leo, also goes missing.

This event shook the town. People were understandably shocked and disturbed. How could this happen here? Nothing ever happens here…

Honestly, this is all I want to say about this plot. I always look forward to new releases from Seraphina Nova Glass, because she always ends up surprising me. I’m never sure what I’m going to get.

I feel like for some Mystery-Thriller authors, they have a bit of a formula, and you know when you are reading their books that it’s one of theirs, because there is such a specific style. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

In fact, some of my favorite authors I would say this about. A great example, IMO, being the great Agatha Christie.

For SNG though, I don’t really feel that. This also isn’t a bad thing. Neither way is better than the other. I feel like her stories, the tone, the way they’re told, have really run the gamut for me.

I loved the unique perspectives in this one. We get Shelby and Mack, of course, but we also get the perspective of an elderly woman named, Florence, who lives at a care home that both Shelby and Mack are involved with.

I love getting older perspectives. I say older, but by that I just mean older than what we, on average, tend to get in fiction, and I completely loved Florence.

This book grabbed me from the start. By 10% in, I was hooked. I felt like the opening was so powerful and intriguing that it’s going to stick in my mind for a long time. I didn’t know what to think.

I did find Shelby and Mack a bit interchangeable at the start, NGL. I struggled at times to tell them apart, but that worked itself out the further along I got in the story.

The residents of the care home though, were all distinct and such a joy to read about. The time spent with them was honestly my favorite bits.

Another thing I loved about this was the setting and the climate. This story is set in Minnesota, entirely during the winter months. The snow and teeth-chattering cold play a huge role in the action.

It’s absolutely perfect for Winter reading. This entire story made me feel cold. I’m not joking. I could feel it. Make sure you have a nice warm blanket and hot drink at the ready when picking this one up!

Overall, I had a blast with Nothing Ever Happens Here. It’s such an intensely-OTT, wildly-wicked good time, and boy, oh boy, did it get my pulse racing towards the end.

Florence and Herb are absolute dolls. I love them both and their friendship so much. Goals.

Thank you to Graydon House, for providing me with a copy to read and review. As mentioned, I love Seraphina Nova Glass and always look forward to her latest works.

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Review: The Hollow (Hercule Poirot #26) by Agatha Christie

The Hollow (Hercule Poirot, #26)The Hollow by Agatha Christie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Hollow is the 26th-book in Agatha Christie’s iconic Hercule Poirot series.

I’ll be honest, I hadn’t heard of this one when I discovered it while browsing the shelves at B&N a couple weeks ago. It actually caught my eye because I had never heard of it.

I plucked it off the shelf to find out and immediately fell in love with this cover. I had to have it. A few hours later, I cracked it open on my 2.5-hour ferry ride home.

I was immediately pulled into the story, which follows a colorful cast of characters that Lucy Angkatell, the quirkiest amongst them, has invited to her country house for a holiday weekend.

As it happens, Hercule Poirot is one of the Angkatell’s neighbors, in that he has a country house nearly abutting their property.

Knowing the infamous detective is due to be at his house that weekend, Lucy invites him to dine with them all. His presence should be quite entertaining.

Unfortunately, just as Poirot is arriving for lunch at the Angkatell estate at the appointed time, one of the other guests is discovered shot dead by the pool.

At first, Poirot suspects it is some sort of cruel joke intended for him. He believes they’re acting, but those suspicions are quickly put to rest upon closer examination of the body with copious amount of blood dripping into the pool.

The corpse’s spouse is standing there, holding a revolver, but it can’t be that simple, can it?

Thus, an investigation begins, involving both Poirot and local law officer. This was a fun closed-circle mystery that kept me guessing. It also made me quite sad at the end.

What’s that all about, Agatha?!

I enjoyed that we had a full, unlikable cast of characters to choose from as suspects and each one of them had motive. That’s always the best kind, isn’t it?

And of course we have Poirot there, just slaying, as usual. He’s so beyond other’s deductive skills, but never rubs that in their faces. We love a confident, yet humble man.

I’m surprised, upon reflection, that I’ve never heard of this one. It was so good. I would definitely recommend this to all Christie fans, if you, like me, never had this on your radar. It’s well worth the read.

It had been a while since I had picked up a Christie, a few months at least, and this has reinvigorated my love for her works. I ordered two more today, in fact. I can’t wait to get to them!

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Review: The Rival by Emma Lord

The RivalThe Rival by Emma Lord
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

I’m not apologizing anymore. I’m done. Let it be known, I love Emma Lord, her stories, her characters, her wit and the themes she chooses to explore in her books.

I’ve never walked away disappointed. They’re silly, cutesy and so dang full of heart and humor. I’m a fan. A big, big, huge, unapologetic fan.

In this story we follow Sadie, who is excited to shake off the constraints of her small town and family, as she starts her first year at Maple Ridge College.

She’s most excited to focus on her writing, as she competes for a spot at the college’s famous zine. What she wasn’t expecting was to have to compete against her lifelong academic rival, Sebastian, for the spot.

Sadie and Seb’s parents are best friends, and thus they’ve been shoved into each other’s orbits their whole lives. Unfortunately, it seems they are always trying to out-do one another, so the relationship has been contentious.

Traditionally, Maple Ridge has selected one student from their high school to attend, so Sadie thought she was golden. Apparently, Seb worked his way off the wait list though, probably just to be the bane of Sadie’s existence.

Of course, he also wants to write for the zine, even though unlike Sadie, his long-term plan isn’t to be a writer. At least, not if his Dad has anything to say about it.

Even though she wants to continue to look at Seb with nothing but contempt, in this new setting, with more on the line and less support, he becomes a bit of a comfort as she transitions to college life.

Before they know it, they seem to be working together in a way they never have before, and also starting to feel things they’ve never felt before.

This was so cute. It’s such an Emma Lord story. She has such a style and formula, and darn it, it works. I find myself becoming completely invested in her characters, no matter what they are going through.

I feel like nobody writes inner-turmoil, or self-doubt, quite like Emma Lord. She makes everything relatable and understandable. It’s hard not to root for her main characters.

I love academic rival situations anyway, so this was sort of set-up to be a win for me. There’s something so sexy about two individuals battling it out with their big brains.

I also love Lord’s side characters. There’s never anyone who feels superfluous. Every player has a point, a reason for being there, and a well-developed personality to boot.

In this, both Sadie and Seb have some issues they’re working through in regards to their families. I thought those aspects were very well done. There are def some complex feelings to work through as you move out of the family home for the first time, and that was examined in detail here.

I would recommend the audiobook if you have access to it. The narration was so great as a voice for Sadie’s perspective. I had such a good time listening to it.

There were moments that I was laughing out loud, and others were I was nodding in understanding. Just a really well rounded YA Contemporary.

If you’ve loved Emma Lord before, or want to try her work for the first time, you should really check this one out!

Thank you to the publisher, Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. Keep ’em coming, Emma Lord!

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Review: Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

Local Woman MissingLocal Woman Missing by Mary Kubica
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Local Woman Missing is a completely engrossing Thriller. I cannot believe I’ve let this one sit on my backlist for so long.

I actually hadn’t read the synopsis in years, so went into this audiobook completely blind. It wasn’t what I expected, for some reason I was thinking this was about hikers who all went missing from trails around the same small town.

Spoiler alert: that’s decidedly not what this book is about. I’m not sure where I came up with that alternative plot?

This book is about missing women though, hence the title. The first to go missing was Shelby. Then two weeks later, Meredith and her 6-year old daughter, Delilah, went missing too. Both women from the same community, but they were seemingly unconnected.

Desperate searches lead to nothing conclusive. The initial investigations creating more questions than answers. The cases eventually go cold.

11-years later, Delilah, now a teen, suddenly reappears, in terrible shape, both physically and mentally. She was apparently held captive this entire time, until the day she forged a miraculous escape. But what became of her mother, Meredith? And for that matter, Shelby?

Also, why would anyone hold this girl captive for so long? And under the terrible conditions that she claims? Again, more questions than answers…

This book was gripping from the start, as you follow Delilah making her re-entrance into the community. This story follows various perspectives, including Meredith and Shelby, over both past and present timelines.

The way it is all pieced together is quite masterful, as far as building suspense and keeping the Reader on their toes.

I was most surprised that we got Leo’s perspective. Leo is Delilah’s little brother, and he has had to live with the aftermath of the disappearance of his mother and his sister for all these years.

I thought that was so interesting to include, because Leo was too young to have anything to do with the disappearances, but he had a lot of complex feelings following the return of his sister, that’s for sure.

I felt like that was such a compelling aspect to examine, and I was pleased that Kubica chose to include that more personal side of these events, instead of focusing solely on the crimes.

Overall, this was such a wicked web. The deeper you get into the past perspectives, the more the lightbulbs start going off in your head. You begin to see connections.

Nevertheless, there were still things all the way at the end that were dropping my jaw to the ground. I just felt like this was so entertaining. Some aspects felt a little convenient, but overall, a wickedly-wild ride!!

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Review: Victorian Psycho by Virginia Feito

Victorian PsychoVictorian Psycho by Virginia Feito
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Winifred Notty has been selected by the Pounds family to be their new governess at Ensor House in Grim Wolds, England. No doubt the Pounds are hoping that Winifred will be the perfect guardian for their two children, Drusilla and Andrew.

A Mary Poppins, of sorts, who’ll raise her charges with joy.

Unfortunately, what they get in Winifred is much more Harley Quinn than Mary Poppins.

As the monotonous days pass, Winifred has a harder time suppressing her violent compulsions. These thoughts aren’t new to Winifred, but this vast playground of the Pounds family home is. She has so many new directions to point her murderous fantasies.

Both the adults and the children are getting under her skin. There’s only so much more she’s going to be able to swallow without acting…

As Christmas approaches, Winifred develops the perfect plan, I mean, gift, to bestow upon this lovely Victorian family. It’s sure to be a holiday not soon forgotten.

Quentin Tarantino meets Henry James in this historically-set Horror novel that delves into territory few dare to tread. The synopsis describes this as a story that plunges readers into the chilling mind of an iconic new literary psychopath, and that couldn’t be more apt.

Victorian Psycho is an oddly-gripping little book.

The writing was beautifully-dark, but I did find the overall narrative more choppy than I tend to enjoy. Otherwise, I could’ve rated it higher. The audiobook is a great option for this story though. I had a lot of fun listening to it. Half the time, I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

Having an MC with this type of recurring thoughts is always a bit of a trip, but I think having it in such a traditionally Victorian setting made it all the more jarring.

For me, the gothic vibes only helped to enhance the shocking-nature of this violent and gruesome tale. It’s hard to describe and I wish I could have connected a bit more with what was happening in the story. I think it’s length, coming in at around 200-pages, maybe didn’t do it any favors.

In a way, it is like a punch, quick and impactful, but at the same time, I’m not sure how long that impact will last, as I never truly felt connected with what was happening. With this being said though, it was still entertaining.

Thank you to the publisher, Recorded Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I had fun and would be interested in reading more from this author in the future.

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Review: Witchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix

Witchcraft for Wayward GirlsWitchcraft for Wayward Girls by Grady Hendrix
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Witchcraft for Wayward Girls was easily one of my most anticipated releases of 2025. In fact, I was so excited for it, I started it a month early; not my normal process.

Unfortunately, it didn’t quite hit the way I thought it would.

This story, set in the Summer of 1970, follows a group of unwed teen mothers-to-be residing at the Wellwood Home for Girls in St. Augustine, Florida. It’s there that the girls will live throughout the full-term of their pregnancy.

Once their babies are born, in the majority of cases, they’re adopted out, and the girls can return back to their regular lives like nothing ever happened.

For those of you thinking it’s probably not as simple as all that, you’d be right.

We meet 15-year old, Fern (not her real name), on her long and silent ride to the Wellwood Home. We follow her as she settles in, makes friends and tries to navigate all going on with her body and her life; neither any longer in her control.

As Fern is struggling in these new depths of despair, she meets a traveling librarian with a special occult book about witchcraft, that offers a chance for Fern, and the other girls, to reclaim their power and autonomy.

As we all know, nothing comes for free, but these girls are about to learn that lesson the hard way. Before they know it, they’re in the greatest battle of their lives, not just with familial and societal expectations, but with powers much darker and more dangerous than any they’ve known before.

Y’all, I get it. I do and I’m in the minority opinion here, but I found this so incredibly boring. Around the 65%-point, we started to have some moments where I was fully-engaged, but even those ultimately felt too drawn out.

This took me 7-weeks to finish. I read like 30-other books in that same time period. Once I would set it down, there was nothing drawing me back again. It hurts to say this because of how much I love Grady Hendrix, but it’s true.

As mentioned above, it did pick up for me in the second-half, when things started to get more dangerous and gruesome, but overall, I just feel like it wasn’t the right story for my tastes.

The writing itself is fluid and easy to read. Additionally, there is some strong body horror, and the antagonists are disturbing and well-developed, which we love to see.

I also enjoyed the time period and setting that Hendrix chose for this one. I feel like that did add to the overall tone of the story. I also enjoyed the found family elements amongst the girls in the home.

Clearly, there were aspects I appreciated, I just couldn’t help but walk away feeling disappointed. Maybe it’s my own fault for building this one up in my head for so long, IDK.

Regardless, I’m still huge Hendrix fan and will continue to pick up every story he writes. Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

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Review: Head Cases (PAR Unit #1) by John McMahon

Head Cases (PAR Unit, #1)Head Cases by John McMahon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Head Cases is a super-strong start to an all new Police Procedural Mystery series, following an elite, yet obscure, unit in the FBI called PAR (Patterns and Recognition).

I learned about this book through good ole’ fashioned word of mouth, and I could tell from what my friends were saying that this would align with my taste. Happily, it certainly did.

Our MC is FBI Agent Gardner Camden. He’s undoubtedly an analytical genius, but unfortunately, the people-side of his analysis tend to be lacking. He’s a puzzle genius, yet a mediocre people person.

Nevertheless, along with the rest of the team, each bringing their own special set of skills to the table, they’re a true force to be reckoned with.

The case in question involves a murder victim whose DNA links to a serial killer long-presumed dead. A 2nd-victim establishes a pattern, and the killer seems to be leaving behind clues and riddles especially created for Gardner.

The team flies into action and the rest of the story is a whirlwind of cat-and-mouse suspense as Gardner gets closer-and-closer to catching the killer.

I listened to the audiobook for this one and found it to be so gripping. I highly recommend that format should you have access to it. I felt the narrator became Agent Gardner for me. It was completely believable.

I loved the quirky team as well. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, working well together to get the outcome they all desired. I love when strong teams are shown on page, versus teams full of drama and strife.

I would HIGHLY recommend this to fans of Criminal Minds. I was totally picturing Matthew Grey Gubler and Shemar Moore the whole time, which obviously is not a bad thing…

I’m not sure what the long-term plan is for this series, but the possibilities are endless. I’d definitely be down for joining this team on a lot more cases.

Thank you to the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I cannot wait for more PAR Unit!!

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Review: Breath of the Dragon (Breathmarked #1) by Shannon Lee and Fonda Lee

Breath of the Dragon (Breathmarked, #1)Breath of the Dragon by Shannon Lee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Breath of the Dragon is the 1st-book in the Breathmarked duology, which is a YA-Fantasy story based on the characters and teachings of the iconic-Bruce Lee.

In this story, we’re following Jun, a teen boy who is anxious to prove his worth as a warrior by entering the elite, and highly-competitive, Guardian’s Tournament.

Unfortunately, his path to the competition isn’t an easy one. Even though he’s eager to prove his skills, it seems everything is pitted against him competing, including his own father.

Determined to at least have a shot, Jun stows away in a wagon of performers, Chang and his daughter, Ren, headed to the capital city where the tournament will take place.

Once the competition begins, Jun realizes that there may be a lot more at stake than just his own legacy.

This was such a great story, full of adventure and heart. It’s truly well-written and I had no trouble getting swept up into the action. I am not sure how memorable the fine details will be for me long-term, but I did really enjoy my time with it.

I highly recommend the audio as well. The narration brought the story to life, particularly in the fast-paced fight scenes.

I’m excited to see where the next book takes us. Without giving anything away, I’m expecting a huge reunion for our MC, Jun, which hopefully will provide him with a larger support system than he currently has.

I’m so anxious to see how that goes and how this will ultimately conclude. As good as this was, I’m actually a little sad that it’s only slated to be a duology. Regardless, I’m going to scoop it up so fast once it’s released.

I was impressed with how quickly I was captivated by this. The initial set-up was so well executed. I loved going on this journey with Jun. I would recommend it to any Reader who enjoys action-packed YA-Fantasy stories.

Thank you to the publisher, Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I cannot wait for the 2nd-book!

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