Happy Wednesday Geeks & Gals! This week’s ‘Top 5 Wednesday’ topic is ‘the largest books on your tbr’. For those of you who are unfamiliar with #T5W it is basically a social group on Goodreads where a different topic is selected for each Wednesday of the month and book bloggers, booktubers, reviewers, etc., can discuss the particular topic on their various bookish social media channels. I haven’t done one of these in a long, long time but am ready to get back into them. Without further ado, let’s get to the largest books on my current tbr:
- The Stand by Stephen King – (1,327 pages for the Hodder paperback
edition, published 2007) Yes, I have read The Stand before. In fact, it is my favorite book of all time. The ultimate tale of good versus evil. I am planning to reread this monster in 2019 so recently added it back to my tbr. The Stand follows a ragtag group of survivors after a virus carried outside of a government laboratory wipes out 99% of the population. The cast of characters in this is well developed, some heroes, some villains and some in-between. I cannot wait to dive back into this as time has lost some of the finer plot points.
- It by Stephen King – (1,156 pages for the Scribner paperback edition, published 2016) I am petrified of clowns. I have been my whole life. I have never read It and until my 40th birthday this year, in September, I had never watched any of the adaptations. I finally got up the nerve, with my fiance’s help, and a couple glasses of whiskey (liquid courage) to watch the newest movie version of It. Although quite a few parts were watched through my fingers whilst exclaiming various expletives, I did thoroughly enjoy the characters and the story and am now looking forward to reading the book. Pennywise is still very scary but I need to read this story. Fear will not hold me back anymore!
- Under the Dome by Stephen King – (1,092 pages for the Kindle edition published in 2009) Most people may be familiar with the basic premise behind Under the Dome because of the Fox television series based off the book. I watched the first season and really enjoyed it. A small town inexplicably becomes trapped inside of a glass dome. What is behind it? The government? Alien forces? I don’t know, I haven’t read it, but I’m definitely looking forward to it!
The Dark Tower (Book 7 of The Dark Tower series) by Stephen King – (1,072 pages in the Pocket Books edition published in 2016) This is the final book in King’s epic Dark Tower series which follows gunslinger, Roland of Gilead, and his ka-tet as they battle the forces of evil on their quest to find the Dark Tower. I am currently 85-pages from the end of Book 5, The Wolves of the Calla. This series is mind-boggling. Absolutely astounding in its scope. The connections between this series and King’s other works are so enjoyable and really an experience any of King’s ‘Constant Readers’ should undertake at least once in their lifetime. If you are a fan of King’s works, I cannot recommend this series enough.
A Feast for Crows (Book 4 of The Song of Ice & Fire series) by George R.R. Martin – (1,061 pages in the Bantam Books paperback published in 2011) Many people are familiar with HBO’s hugely popular show, The Game of Thrones. I myself am obsessed with it. I did watch the show first and then began reading the books. I felt that helped with this series. It is so epic, I felt it was helpful when picturing it all in my head (and also, let’s be honest, with the pronunciation of names). I have thoroughly enjoyed the first 3 books in this series but have been putting this one off for a while. Because of the page count and the dense nature of some of the writing, they are an undertaking and definitely not for everyone. All fans of epic grimdark fantasy though MUST read!
That is a grand total of 5,708 pages just for those 5 books! Wow! That is an incredible page count and to have 4 of them come from the same author, unbelievable. King can certainly write some tomes. I look forward to reading all of these books and will most likely get to either my Stand reread or Book 7 of the Dark Tower first.
What is the longest book on your tbr? I want to know! Leave a comment below or contact me through my social media, links to the right>>>
Cheers & Happy Reading!