Review: 15 Secrets to Survival by Natalie D. Richards

15 Secrets to Survival15 Secrets to Survival by Natalie D. Richards
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


15 Secrets to Survival is a Middle Grade Survival Thriller and is a Middle Grade debut for beloved author, Natalie D. Richards.

I have enjoyed quite a few YA-stories from Richards, including Five Total Strangers and Four Found Dead, so I was very excited when I learned she was going to be branching into the Middle Grade genre.

I always enjoying seeing what an author I have enjoyed can do in a new space. It can be hit or miss, but this one was definitely a hit for me.

As expected, Richards brought some serious thrills and intensity to this, while also bringing the humor and softer moments you would expect from a Middle Grade story.

We follow a group of four kids, Baxter, Abigail, Turner and Emerson, who have sort of been forced together their whole lives due to their parents all being friends. Truth be told though, they sort of drive each other nuts.

After they get in trouble at a school for fighting with one another, they’re forced to participate in an extracurricular project that will push them outside of their comfort zones, and will hopefully get them past their differences.

The goal is to get them to work together. At least that is what their parents and teachers want. We’ll see…

The four get taken to a remote wilderness location and dropped off with Baxter’s elderly Uncle Hornsby, who used to run a wilderness camp for kids. The parents seem to think he is just the person to get these kids in line.

The kids are shocked. It’s cold, it’s rustic, it’s in the freaking middle of nowhere. Are they seriously getting left here with this eccentric old man?

Just like that though, it happens. Their parents leave and their true adventure weekend begins. Using pages from a survival notebook, the kids begin a sort of scavenger hunt through a series of challenges that wins them more pages to the notebook as they go.

The notebook truly clues them in on how to survive on their own in the rough terrain. After Uncle Hornsby appears to go missing though, it’s a race against the clock as inclement weather closes in. They need to try to survive themselves, as well as find Uncle Hornsby before it’s too late.

Will the kids be able to work together to get everyone safely through the weekend, or will their past disagreements and hurts get in the way?

I did really enjoy this story. I found Baxter’s perspective fun to follow, although there were some repetitive jibes towards Uncle Hornsby, particularly in the beginning, that I didn’t find as funny as I think they were meant to be. Other than that though, I did enjoy getting the entire story through Baxter’s narration.

The kids each excel in different areas and that fact initially is sort of seen as a reason why they don’t get along. I liked watching each of the kids be able to bring their strengths into the weekend and I think it helped them to all gain a new respect for one another.

You definitely go on a journey with these kids and it seriously does get intense. There were moments, I wasn’t sure how they were going to get past certain things. I loved watching the evolution of their relationships through it all.

I loved the survival aspects as well. Richards included pages from the notebook the kids were following through their challenges. I liked the way those pages were displayed and the level of information they presented.

I also liked the use of a storm approaching to up the intensity of the plot. I thought Richards did a great job building-out the setting, creating a dangerous atmosphere and adding a bit of suspense. This one definitely got my pulse-racing in multiple scenes.

I also grew attached to these characters. I loved the growth they each displayed and I ended up feeling proud of them for everything they overcame by the end.

I would definitely recommend this to any Middle Grade Readers, particularly if you like Survival stories, or Thrillers that feature inclement, winter weather.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Delacorte Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was a blast and I hope Richards continues to write in the MG-space. If she does, I will absolutely be reading it!

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Review: The Quiet Tenant by ClΓ©mence Michallon

The Quiet TenantThe Quiet Tenant by ClΓ©mence Michallon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Quiet Tenant surprised me by turning into a much more powerful read than I anticipated. Initially, I was stumped on how to rate it, ultimately deciding on 4-stars.

I really enjoyed the way Michallon chose to tell this story. It truly transported me into the mind of our narrators and left me with a lot to think about.

This is the kind of story that I don’t want to say anything about really, as far as content goes. I only picked this one up because I saw a lot of high-rated reviews floating around from my book friends, and other reviewers I trust.

I never even read the full synopsis before I picked it up. I absolutely, 100%, definitely, totally recommend that as the way to go with this story. Go in as blind as possible.

Tense, pulse-pounding, sleep with the lights on, slower-paced, Psychological Thriller. That’s all you need to know.

I was hooked into this very early and after a few disappointing reads in row, it was exactly what I needed to kick me out of an impending slump. Listening to the audio, I was completely immersed with what was going on with these characters. I definitely recommend that format.

Small trigger warning: there is some content involving a dog in Chapter 44. I skipped the majority of that chapter, just preferring not to discover what was happening there. If you are sensitive to that type of thing, just bee-bop right over it. If you pick up at Chapter 45, you’ll be fine.

Overall though, I had a great time with The Quiet Tenant. I haven’t read many books like this as far as the narrative choices, so it will be a stand-out for me in 2023.

This is the first novel that I have read from this author, but I am looking forward to reading more!!

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Review: The Only One Left by Riley Sager

The Only One LeftThe Only One Left by Riley Sager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

After a client overdoses while under care, home-health aide, Kit McDeere, finds herself suspended from her job for 6-months. That’s a long time to be out of work, stewing on her past mistakes. Kit doesn’t like the feeling.

When her suspension is up, her boss tells her about her new assignment. Oh baby, it’s a doozy!

Unfortunately, she’s lucky to even still have her job, so Kit doesn’t put up much of a fight though. Beggars can’t be choosers. At least it will get her out of her Dad’s house.

Kit is headed to Hope’s End, a once lavish estate on the rocky coast of Maine. Set high on a cliff, the home has slowly begun to decay over the decades, leaning ever closer to the sea below.

Even so, it’s not the mansion itself that disturbs Kit the most. It’s who lives inside it. Lenora Hope, Kit’s latest client, is the sole survivor of the Hope Family Massacre of 1929. As the survivor, Lenora was the main suspect and was accused of killing her father, mother and sister.

The crimes are so infamous in the local area, there’s even a creepy little song about it:

At seventeen, Lenora Hope
Hung her sister with a rope
Stabbed her father with a knife
Took her mother’s happy life
β€œIt wasn’t me,” Lenora said
But she’s the only one not dead

Kit knows what it’s like to be accused of something however, so she tries to stick all she thinks she knows about Lenora Hope into the back of her mind. Regardless of her past, Lenora is now a woman in her 70s, who has been left mute and incapacitated by a series of strokes.

Confined to a wheelchair, Lenora is completely dependent on Kit for her daily care. Her only means of communication is pecking out her thoughts on an old typewriter.

One night, through her typing, Lenora makes Kit and offer. She wants to tell her everything that happened back in 1929. Is Kit ready to hear the truth?

There was something about the synopsis of this story that told me that I should read it via audio. I was interested to see how the perspectives would be done and how the audio could possibly elevate the overall storytelling.

In spite of the fact that I bought a hard copy on the day of release, I did actually hold out until I was able to get the audiobook from my local library. I’m so glad I made that decision. I loved this audio. It’s actually the first Riley Sager novel I have listened too.

I may have to go back and reread some of the others that way, if they are all done this well!

The narrators’ voices were perfect for the different perspectives they were portraying. It really helped to bring this story to life for me.

The setting of Hope Manor was also fantastic. With Lenora confined to her room, it’s really just the workers that keep the property afloat, flitting about interacting with one another. Kit, as the new girl, just tries to go about her work, soaking it all in.

There’s so much history in the house, and each individual there offers their own perspective on the past, as well as the present. Trust, there’s drama.

I loved the use of the typewriter as a way for Lenora to communicate and tell Kit her story. There was something so ominous about that act. Lenora watching each letter appear as the past unfolded before her.

There’s also some unsettling things going on around the house that provided a nice, is it supernatural, is it not supernatural-feel, that I tend to enjoy so much. Oh, and bonus, this is set in 1983 and I love the 80s!!

There were a lot of well done red herrings in this, as your mind works to try to figure out the truth. I suspected a lot of people; pretty much everyone, honestly. There were also a ton of twists and I enjoyed how Sager built the intensity as the story progressed.

It felt dangerous and definitely got my pulse racing. Right after I finished though, I did struggle a bit on how to rate it. Part of me thought, it was one twist too many, but then the other part of me thought, shut the f*ck up.

As you can tell, the good side won. I loved this. Another engrossing, memorable story from Sager. I cannot wait to see what he delivers next!

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Review: The Lodge by Sue Watson

The LodgeThe Lodge by Sue Watson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Deep, dark secrets and non-stop drama are certainly a family affair in Sue Watson’s The Lodge!!!

In this story we follow the Wilson family, who all get called to a weekend getaway at a remote lodge by the matriarch of the family, Angela. It’s a complicated dynamic, but Angela is ready to celebrate her 75th-birthday and she wants her whole family there.

Thus, she rents the Lodge and invites her son, Scott, his ex-wife, Fiona, his new wife, Danni, who once played the role of the other woman, and their baby, as well as Scott and Fiona’s two teenagers.

Thrown in just for fun is a young woman named Jenna, who claims to be a professional chef. As Danni and Scott react to Jenna’s presence though, it’s clear she may not be exactly who she’s selling herself as.

The story is told mainly through Fiona and Danni’s perspectives, but we do get some others in different sections. I found both women’s thoughts fascinating from the start and wanted to know more about their lives.

They’re both feeling self-conscious going into the weekend and they’re also bringing a lot of preconceived notions in with them. Both are mothers and also have a natural instinct to do whatever they can to protect their children.

When a terrible storm hits and the Wilson family is trapped at the Lodge, with no end in sight, tensions rise to an unbearable level. People begin to break and cracks are revealed amongst the many relationships.

Will anyone make it out of the Lodge unscathed?!

The Lodge was highly addictive and entertaining as all heck. It was actually my first Watson novel, but certainly won’t be my last. I look forward to many, many more in the future.

I listened to the audiobook and found the narration to be a perfect fit for the story. It drew me in right away and I felt like I was actually getting to know these characters; hearing their stories told their own way.

I vibed with Fiona immediately, and she continue to be my fave throughout. Although not perfect, I could see where she was coming from and definitely related to some of her feelings and motivations.

This story starts off rather quickly, throwing the Reader right into the enticing set-up, with all of the family coming together at the Lodge. You can tell right away that everyone is keeping secrets, but what are they and how big of a blowout are they going to make when they’re revealed?

In addition to the secrets, not a lot of great choices are made either and this definitely adds to the fun of the story. I just love characters making bad decisions.

The drama level just got deeper and deeper too as the story went on and more and more secrets came to light. It was freaking fascinating. I couldn’t get enough.

Towards the end, a couple details didn’t quite work for me, or felt a little too convenient, but overall, I think this was really well done. A great Winter Weather Thriller!

I definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a dramatic story, particularly with an extended family involved who have a lot of secrets from one another. Also, I recommend this to Readers who enjoy closed-circle mystery/thrillers that feature inclement weather.

Thank you to the publisher, Bookouture Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was a ton of fun!

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Review: Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger

Christmas PresentsChristmas Presents by Lisa Unger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

This was solid. I definitely enjoyed it light-years beyond Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six, so that’s a plus and makes me open to picking up more from this author.

I wish this could have been a little longer, honestly. I felt a little clipped. I would have enjoyed learning even more about this group of characters. Maybe their stories will be continued, or elaborated on, at another time?

In this story, we are following a few different characters. Madeline Martin is a bookshop owner in Little Valley, who in her teen years survived a brutal attack that left her best friend, Steph, dead. Madeline has been living with the shadow of that night looming over her ever since.

Harley Granger is a True Crime Podcaster, who arrives in Little Valley looking to speak to Madeline about the night she would just as soon forget.

It seems Harley has been in contact with Evan Handy, the man convicted of murdering Steph and plans to explore these crimes on his Podcast. Since Evan’s conviction, three other women have disappeared, casting doubts on whether or not he worked alone.

Finally, we follow Lolly, an exotic dancer who gets thrown into the drama unfolding in the small town. Even though we do get Lolly’s perspective, Madeline and Harley are definitely the stars of this show.

The story is comprised of current day sections, as well as glimpses into the past, in particular surrounding Madeline’s life and the night of the crimes.

I listened to the audiobook for this, and while I enjoyed it quite a bit, I do feel the story could’ve been better served by having two, or even three, different narrators. This is personal preference though, but I think it could have helped to delineate between perspectives.

With this being said, I did think the content and set-up were very interesting. The characters were well-developed and easy to follow.

At the same time, since this was so short, I feel like I could have been even more connected, and enjoyed it even more, if it had been a tad longer. That way, all facets could have been taken a little futher. For what is here though, it is well done and I think a lot of Readers are going to really enjoy it.

An added bonus was the setting. The Christmasy-Winter-feel was great and it definitely put me in the mood for some colder weather reads!

Thank you so much to the publisher, HighBridge Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I definitely recommend this one to Unger fans, or anyone looking to try her work for the first time. I think this one would give you a great feel for her writing style.

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Review: The New Nanny (The Lies We Tell #1) by L.G. Davis

The New Nanny (The Lies We Tell #1)The New Nanny by L.G. Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

L.G. Davis brought all the twisted, evil, wicked drama here and I ate it up like caramel popcorn on Halloween…


The New Nanny follows Christa, who has accepted a nanny position for the Mayer family. The post includes looking after their teen son, Wyatt, and some light housework duties, cooking and cleaning for the family.

The pay is great, she’ll get some free-time, and Christa has a special interest in this particular child. The catch is, she has move to a remote mountain village in Austria to take it.

It’s an easy decision for Christa and before she knows it, she’s there, settling into the Mayer’s lavish home.

Christa quickly notes that the family dynamic is a little off. The mom, Robin, whose perspective we also get at times, seems emotionally troubled, and she has very strict and specific rules for Wyatt, such as he isn’t supposed to leave the house. The Dad, for his part, is rarely present.

Christa is uncomfortable with the Mayer’s treatment of their son. They hardly interact with him at all. Christa is determined to shower this boy with all the love he needs.

Christa was already a bit on edge around the Mayers, but then she hears the rumors about the disappearance of their last nanny. Could these people actually be dangerous?

It’s a race against time to figure out the truth about the Mayer family. Are Christa and Wyatt in danger? Christa needs to get to the bottom of this years old disappearance and get herself and Wyatt to safety, if need be.

With the help of a new friend, Christa digs in, risking everything to get the truth. Hold on to your hats because, oh baby, does this get intense. Talk about a nail biter!

I had so much fun reading this. It’s wildly entertaining and I found L.G. Davis’s writing style to be engaging and addictive. In fact, I had so much fun with it, I purchased a copy of the second book immediately upon finishing this.

I wasn’t done with these characters, or Davis’s fun, fast-paced, intriguing plots. There’s no way I was waiting to get more of Christa’s story. It would feel like abandoning a friend if I were to leave her now!

This was one of those types of stories where you get way more invested than you anticipated you would. I was getting so into it, yelling at the characters, shaking my head, telling my dog all about it.

This seriously surprised me. It was such a delight to read; pure fun. Sometimes you just need this type of engaging, OTT-Popcorn Thriller. It’s not perfect, but who cares? Seriously, when you’re having this much fun, who cares?

Thank you to the publisher, Bookouture, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I am looking forward to following L.G. Davis’s work from here on out. I’m a fan!

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Review: The Intern by Michele Campbell

The InternThe Intern by Michele Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Intern is the most recent release from Michele Campbell. I have greatly enjoyed some of Campbell’s past works, so was highly anticipating this release.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio, I was granted access to the audiobook and recommend that format. Sarah Mollo-Christensen’s narration fit perfectly. Especially as the drama picked up, she had me at the edge of my seat.

In this story we are getting two perspectives, Madison Rivera, a Harvard Law student, and Judge Kathryn Conroy, a full-time Judge and professor at the Law School.

Madison is in one of Judge Conroy’s classes, but she has looked up to her for much longer than that. In fact, Judge Conroy’s speech at a career day Madison attended inspired her to enter Law School in the first place.

Because of this, when Judge Conroy pulls Madison aside after class and urges her to apply for an open intern position at Conroy’s office, Madison cannot believe her luck.

Unfortunately, Madison has some family issues that present a huge conflict of interest. Her younger brother is currently working his way through the court process, after being arrested in a drug bust, and Conroy is his assigned Judge.

Madison, scared to reveal these details and risk her internship, hides the truth in her application. This omission has Madison on edge. She fears that like a house of cards, the entire thing, all her hard work and dreams, are just going to come crashing down around her.

Unbeknownst to Madison though, Judge Conroy has some major secrets of her own and she’s about to draw Madison in way over her head.

I ended up having an absolute blast with this one. Initially, the first few chapters, I will admit, I was on the fence. I would say that this requires a little patience in the very beginning. When you aren’t quite sure where it is going to go and whether or not you should be liking these characters.

Rest assured, Campbell is doing her thing. She’s building it up, until there will be no doubt, you should be liking these characters and you will care. I became so invested in this story. I hardly looked up after the action really kicks off.

I felt once the pace picked up, it skyrocketed. I really enjoyed learning about these characters. Both Madison and Judge Conroy were very well developed, although I will say the focus was definitely more on the Judge than the intern.

In fact, we even get a past perspective for Conroy, which shines light on how she ended up in the precarious situation she finds herself in, and ultimately pulls Madison into. It was the back-and-forth between the two women though that I found truly engaging.

I ended up loving both of them, but when you think about it, they were both quite similar and I think Judge Conroy felt that too. I think that’s why she felt like Madison could handle what she was throwing at her.

Once you find out what is happening behind the scenes, the intensity continues to grow as well. As I approached the end, I started to feel a little desperate. I didn’t see a solid resolution for either of the women.

I love how Campbell pulled me in and had me stressing over these characters. It was so well played. I went on a journey with these two and had a great time doing it.

I would recommend this one to anyone who has enjoyed Campbell’s work in the past, or to those Readers who enjoy Thrillers featuring a cat-and-mouse format.

Also recommend if you enjoy Thrillers in a legal setting, or anything involving the shadier side of Boston politics.

After the slow start, I was tickled with where this went, how intense it got and how much I enjoyed it.

Thank you to the publisher, St. Martin’s Press and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I cannot wait to see what Campbell is going to deliver next!

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Review: The Other People by C.J. Tudor

The Other PeopleThe Other People by C.J. Tudor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Recently I read a novel, In a Quiet Town, where the main character’s daughter goes missing, but no one seems to care, or really believe it, but her. In spite of it all, she would not give up. She was determined to find her daughter.

Reading that made me realize how much I tend to enjoy that trope. If it is done well, there’s something so compelling about a parent’s unflinching determination when it comes to helping their kid(s).

It got me thinking of other books that could possibly be similar. Luckily, my brain was working well enough that day that I remembered this backlist title from C.J. Tudor.

I’ve had this one on my shelves since it released in 2020 and I’m so glad that I made time for it. It was great. I found it to be wildly entertaining!

In this story we follow Gabe. Three years ago, Gabe’s family was torn apart by a tragedy. His wife and daughter gone in a heartbeat.

The thing is, on that horrific day, as Gabe was driving home from work, he swears he saw his daughter in the back of a very distinct car. He looked her right in her face. She even mouthed the word, ‘Daddy.’

He hasn’t seen her since and no one believes him. The world thinks his daughter is dead, but Gabe hasn’t given up. He spends his days and nights traveling up and down the motorway looking for that car.

Gabe’s search leads him to stumble upon a mysterious group called the Other People, hence the title. I found that aspect of the story quite intriguing.

We also follow a couple other perspectives, who originally, you’re not sure how they are connected. Watching the truth of that unfold adds a lot of intensity to this tale.

The tension builds quickly. Tudor wastes no time. At the start, you are with Gabe on the day he believes he see his daughter in the mysterious car. The way that scene was written, wow, it really got my pulse going.

From that moment on, I felt connected to Gabe. I felt like we had been through something together; bonded by a shared experience.

I also felt such empathy for him. There’s nothing worse than knowing something and having no one else believe you. That can be such a frustrating and helpless feeling.

Overall, I feel Tudor did a great job structuring this story for max impact. The way the reveals are done and the way all the different perspectives slot into place, A++.

I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a taut, cleverly-plotted Thriller. I am so glad that I made the time for this. It was great fun!

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Review: Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney

Good Bad GirlGood Bad Girl by Alice Feeney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Good Bad Girl is the latest release from the Queen of the Twist, Alice Feeney. I’m not ashamed to start this review by saying I am a Feeney-Fangirl. I love her stories.

As for this one, I have been anticipating it all year and am so happy to report, it did not disappoint.

I loved the tagline of this book’s synopsis: Sometimes bad things happen to good people, so good people have to do bad things. From the moment I read that I wanted to know more.

Like the tagline, the book itself delivered that kind of intriguing teaser, chapter after chapter. This story does follow multiple perspectives and initially, I’ll admit, to having moments of slight confusion.

I didn’t let that bother me though. I trust Feeney’s process and knew all would be revealed in good time. I just sat back, relaxed and let the story flow over me. It was amazing.

This follows 80-year old, Edith, currently residing in Windsor Care Home, but it wasn’t by her choice and she’s not happy about it. Patience, a care home worker, is Edith’s closest confidant, but she’s harboring secrets of her own.

Edith’s daughter, Clio, gets most of the brunt of her mother’s anger about her current living situation and with Mother’s Day upon them, that should make for an interesting visit.

Frankie, a librarian at a prison, is also saddened with Mother’s Day approaching, but for reasons of her own. Her only daughter left home in anger a year ago and she hasn’t seen her since.

After a murder at the care home, things begin to really heat up for our characters. People on the run, confrontations, incidents with the police, it’s non-stop action and eyebrow-raising reveals until the very end.

As mentioned above, initially the number of perspectives did seem like a lot, but they were all interesting. I never minded learning more about each specific character.

Additionally, discovering the truth behind how all the perspectives were connected was just so fun. There were a lot of different layers to the drama.

One aspect of this I found especially interesting was how a lot of this has to do with individuals, who are in a vulnerable position, having decisions made for them. Then it sort of unpacked the circumstances and the repercussions of that.

The relationships involved in these scenarios, while over the top here, were actually quite relatable and believable. Particularly those pertaining to an aging parent, or to the early stages of motherhood.

I feel like Feeney did a great job bringing that level of substance to her signature style of twisty-Thriller. The added element to it all was the murder mystery at the heart of the story. That was so fun to try to figure out.

Overall, I think Feeney delivered with this one. It’s a real page-turner. If you have patience with it and let the perspectives fall into place, I think you’ll be able to enjoy it as much as I did.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

At this point, I will pick up anything Alice Feeney writes. I have never been disappointed. Her perfect record continues!

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Review: Night Will Find You by Julia Heaberlin

Night Will Find YouNight Will Find You by Julia Heaberlin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Night Will Find You introduces the Reader to Vivvy Bouchet, an astrophysicist with special gifts. Since she was 10-years old, and made a predication that saved a boy’s life, Vivvy has been navigating the voices in her head.

Her visions are completely at odds with the science she is trained in, but Vivvy can’t deny the validity of either.

The boy she saved all those years ago, Mike, is now a Fort Worth cop. He’s never forgotten Vivvy’s abilities. Therefore, as he struggles to solve a high-profile cold case of a missing young girl, he reaches out to Vivvy for help.

It’s a bit of a last resort, but Mike really believes Vivvy could be able to lead them to the truth behind this girl’s disappearance. While Vivvy isn’t crazy about the idea, or the potential spotlight it could bring, she reluctantly agrees.

After Vivvy’s involvement in the case becomes known to a popular Texas podcaster, Bubba Guns ((read Alex Jones)), known for spewing inflammatory conspiracy theories, he begins talking about her on his show.

He holds nothing back, questioning Vivvy’s abilities, her career, her past, and the sanity of the police department for seeking her help in the first place. Bubba’s focus on Vivvy unfortunately brings her a lot of unwanted attention.

Unable to stomach the lies being spread about her, Vivvy decides to fight back. Of course this does nothing but get the snowball moving faster down the hill.

Vivvy needs to solve this case and quickly. Will she ever be able to get her normal life back?

This was a bit of mixed bag for me, but overall I did enjoy it. The audiobook is narrated by one of my favorites, Karissa Vacker, and I recommend that format. I think Vacker’s narration definitely contributed to my enjoyment and how quickly I was able to finish it.

The MC, Vivvy, in particular, was very interesting. I enjoyed learning about her past and her odd relationships with her family members. If there were more books with her as the main character, I would pick them up. It would be interesting to see where she goes from here.

I wasn’t necessarily into the podcaster, or conspiracy theory elements, in this context. I’ll admit, my eyes sometimes glazed over in those sections. I wish this could’ve just focused on the missing person case.

I recognize that is a personal taste issue, however, and many Readers may find that interesting. It just didn’t end up working for me.

With this being said, I did think the mystery was well plotted. That’s why I am thinking if this were a series, the next book could work even better for me, if it didn’t have the podcasting angle.

Overall, I would recommend this to Readers who enjoy stories where people with psychic abilities aid law enforcement with missing persons cases. The mystery itself was its strongest point, IMO.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. Karissa Vacker’s narration, unsurprisingly, receives two thumbs up!

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