Review: Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie

Scritch ScratchScritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read Scritch Scratch in a 24-hour period at the beginning of June. For some reason, even though I absolutely adored this Spooky Middle Grade story, I completely forgot to review it.

I am here to change that. The thing is, I really want more people to pick this one up. I need to hear more chatter about it. It’s so fun, clever and immersive.

This story follows Claire, whose Dad runs a ghost-themed Chicago bus tour.

Generally speaking, Claire chooses to distance herself from her Dad’s business. She’s a science-girl at heart and all that supernatural mumbo-jumbo is just not for her.

Unfortunately, one night her Dad needs her help on the tour. No one else can do it and he can’t do it himself. Their family can’t afford to refund all the tickets, so Claire begrudgingly agrees to assist for one tour.

As the night slowly progresses, it seems to be going okay, but then Claire notices a little boy all alone. He’s dressed strangely, like his clothes come from a different time and he doesn’t seem to be interacting with anyone.

Claire is disturbed by his presence. She doesn’t know what to think about it. At the end of the tour, when she goes to check on him, he’s gone. Did she just imagine the whole thing?

It’s after that night that the scratching starts and the number 396 begins popping up everywhere for Claire.

It doesn’t take long for her to put tw0-and-two together. She is being haunted by that boy from the bus, or at least by his spirit. He seems to want something from her, but what?

Claire tries to parse out the identity of this mystery boy. Maybe if she learns something about his life, she’ll be able to help him in some way.

An investigation ensues, full of Middle Grade clues and logic. I absolutely adored that aspect. Actually there were many aspects about this story I enjoyed; pretty much of of them.

Currie’s writing was fantastic and it absolutely drew me in from the start. I did listen to the audiobook and highly recommend that format.

I felt like due to the top-notch narration, the story was made even more creepy. If you are a fan of Spooky Middle Grade, you need to check this one out. It’s so much fun!

I’m super excited to read more from Lindsay Currie. If this story is any indication of her overall style, I feel like we are going to have a long and beautiful friendship.

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Review: The Babysitter Lives by Stephen Graham Jones

The Babysitter LivesThe Babysitter Lives by Stephen Graham Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

On her first night babysitting the Wilbanks twins, Charlotte has one thing in mind, extra study time for the SATs. She’s taking the test the following morning on Halloween Day.

Since the twins, Ron and Desi, are only 6-years old, she figures they’ll be tucked safely in bed fairly early. The rest of the night she can dedicate to cramming for her test.

Once at the beautiful home, Charlotte receives a full tour from Mrs. Wilbanks and a word of warning, the kids may try to play tricks on her. They’re in a bit of a phase.

Mr. Wilbanks chimes in to list the off-limits areas of the house, his office mainly, and as the couple depart for the night, Mrs. Wilbanks secretly gives Charlotte one more tip regarding Mr. Wilbanks. She knew he was a creep.

Alone in the house, Charlotte’s interactions with the children definitely start out with a bang. These kids are weird.

Additionally, the house is unsettling. As it should be, considering its history. Charlotte quickly begins to feel out of sorts. Are the kids playing games with her?

The Babysitter Lives is a trippy, claustrophic read. This takes haunted house to a whole new level. I had no idea what was happening half the time, but I was eating it up.

The imagery and depth kept me totally engaged, but I will admit to rereading entire chapters just trying to parse out what in the heck was going on.

It was horrifying. It made me nervous. Charlotte is a fantastic main character. She’s haunted a bit by a previous babysitting job and you get little glimpses of that throughout, but now she’s haunted by all new evils.

I also loved the tiny details that kept coming back. Nothing was wasted. Everything has a point. I feel like you could read this three or four times and continue to discover new things each time. I love that type of narrative.

SGJ’s writing never disappoints for me. I always enjoy his distinctive style. It feels classic and somehow cutting edge at the same time. It’s extremely well-presented.

This story is smart, graphic and really freaking strange. Seriously, some of the imagery presented here, I was cringing. Oh my goodness, eyes and bugs and a whole host of other creepy things. It just kept coming.

Currently, this is available on audio only. That worked well for me. The narration is great by Isabella Star LeBlanc. I definitely recommend getting your hands on this if you love unique, mind-bending, toe-curling Horror stories.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Simon and Schuster Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I had a lot of fun with this. My brain hurts.

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Review: Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey

Just Like HomeJust Like Home by Sarah Gailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Coming back to her childhood home is a very difficult decision for Vera Crowder. There’s a lot of hurdles mentally to overcome. As she stands before it, ready to enter for the first time in 12-years, she’s filled with doubts.

Her mother, Daphne, is extremely ill and in her final days she seems to want Vera by her side; odd considering she never showed interest in Vera before.

In fact, their relationship has been hostile for years, not your typical mother-daughter relationship, but Vera’s whole family history is complicated. That can happen when your father is an infamous serial killer.

Making matters worse is the fact that Vera’s mother has a tenant living on the property, some sort of artist whose interest in the house makes Vera very uncomfortable.

Regardless of his annoying presence, being back in the home definitely stirs up a lot of unresolved issues for Vera. She feels things in the house, it’s unsettling. She’s remembering things she had forgotten.

Through past and present perspectives the Reader is filled in on the truth behind the Crowder house, Vera’s family and unconventional upbringing.

Just Like Home was a highly anticipated release for me. I knew with Sarah Gailey’s impressive writing skills and imagination this would be a memorable story.

It absolutely was. I was drawn in from the very first paragraph. It feels morose, Vera is not necessarily a happy camper. There’s not a lot to be happy about in this situation, but it was absolutely captivating in its quiet intensity.

The way Gailey weaved this story together was so good. There’s a lot of balls in the air, as the Reader you are learning so much in every moment. There are no chapters wasted.

I loved being in Vera’s head as she reflected on her life and the past timeline was so gripping to watch play out. In some ways it felt like a simple story, like the way it unfolded, but when you take the time to think about it, there are so many layers.

Most interesting to me was the relationship that Vera had with her father. An assumption may be that because he was a killer, he would be a harsh and dominating force in her life, but that’s not quite the case.

Additionally, to see the tension between her and her mother, it almost seemed upside-down from what you would expect. And then there was the whole dynamic between the mother and father, which was equally as interesting.

One of the most important aspects for me in any story is atmosphere. I need a strong atmosphere to truly be swept up into a story. I want to feel it, smell it, taste it and generally, be unsettled by it.

Gailey nailed the atmosphere here. This house, oh my word, make no mistake, the house has soul, the house has energy. I always love when the sense of place is this thick in a story. A great example would be The Overlook Hotel in The Shining; where the place is as impactful as any of the characters.

I really had to think about this one after I finished it in order to decide on a rating. Initially, I was thinking it started too slow, but looking back, I feel it was appropriately done.

It is a bit of a slow burn, but the payoff is so over-the-top, vivid and immersive, that it just makes sense this way. Gailey crushed this. It was so freaking weird and creative in such an incredible way.

Thank you so very much to the publisher, Tor and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I will remember this one for a long time to come!

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Review: Mary, Will I Die? by Shawn Sarles

Mary, Will I Die?Mary, Will I Die? by Shawn Sarles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Five years ago four childhood friends decided to play a little game. Elena, Steph, Grace and Calvin were all part of the same car pool and thus, spent some afternoons together.

One afternoon while at Elena’s house, the foursome headed into Elena’s Grandmother’s old bedroom. Even though her Grandmother had passed on, all her old trinkets and belongings were still in the room, including a beautifully-ornate, antique mirror.

As many kids before them tempted with a mirror, they decide to play Bloody Mary.

In their version, the mirror is supposed to reveal their one true love. Regardless of what each one sees, they keep it to themselves and don’t speak of it again.

Everything changes for them after that day, but was it because of the game, or just life?

By the time the foursome reach high school, they’ve completely grown apart. Elena is a bit of a Regina George, Grace is quiet and bookish, Steph is an athlete with a secret and Calvin is a broody artist.

When certain events start haunting the teens, they begin to wonder if that game they played all those years ago could have something to do with it.

As circumstances get increasingly more dangerous, with those around them and even themselves at risk for horrible accidents, they start to panic a bit.

Also, there’s a new girl lurking about. What’s up with her? Could she be the demon’s new host, here to take them all out one by one?!

The four finally decide it’s time to put petty squabbles aside and work together to break the curse and banish the demon back to whence it came before it’s too late.

Y’all, Mary, Will I Die is a fun time, but I feel like I need to provide a bit of explanation along with this review.

First, this is on the very cusp between YA and Tween. I think that is important to point out, as a lot of YA stories are more on the older end of the spectrum, bordering on NA.

These characters have just started their freshman year of high school. It’s the very beginning of the school year, Halloween is actually part of this story, so just keep that in mind if you pick this up.

They act young and think young, but that’s okay! Young teens are allowed to have great Horror stories too and this one is so much fun. It gave me nostalgia for the Fear Street books I had devoured as a Tween, but with more detail and better writing.

This narrative alternates between the four main characters chapters and I liked getting to read what each of them were thinking as the curse begins to reveal itself.

Each of the four actually has a different connection to the curse as well, which I thought was cool. For example, my favorite was Calvin, who ever since they played the game was able to see visions of bad things happening to people which would then be revealed through his drawings.

The ending of this went a bit as I anticipated, but I thought Sarles did a good job with it. This reads like a young Teen Scream, so I think if you go in with the right mindset, and enjoy that type of story, you will definitely have a good time with this.

Who doesn’t love some Bloody Mary!?

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Review: The Clackity by Lora Senf

The ClackityThe Clackity by Lora Senf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

After a childhood tragedy, Evie Von Rathe moves to the town of Blight Harbor, the 7th-most haunted town in America, to live with her Aunt Desdemona, the local paranormal expert.

When we meet Evie, she is a happy little girl, on the cusp of her summer holiday. She enjoys working at the local library with her Aunt’s best friend, Lily, and has a fantastic relationship with her Aunt Des. These things help her deal with the pain of her earlier trauma.

Additionally, Evie is quite interested in paranormal goings-on and the fact that this is her Aunt’s line of work excites her to no end. Frankly, I get it. Desdemona is intriguing.

One rule Des has always had is to not hang around the local abandoned slaughterhouse. Makes sense to me. Apparently, once upon a time, a local serial killer John Jeffrey Pope worked there. It’s not giving off good vibes.

When Evie discovers her Aunt is exploring the old slaughterhouse for work, she wants in on it and promptly follows Des there.

Over the course of their investigation into the slaughterhouse and it’s sordid history, Aunt Des disappears and shortly thereafter Evie meets the Clackity.

The Clackity tells Evie that Des has been transported into a dangerously magical other realm and only Evie has the power to save her.

It offers up a deal, saying if Evie retrieves the spirit of serial killer John Jeffery Pope for it, Aunt Des will be saved. The killer is also in this magical other realm, putting Aunt Des in terrible danger. The clock is ticking.

Even though it is quite clear that the Clackity isn’t something you want to be making any sort of a deal with, what choice does she have? That’s right, none.

Thus, Evie begins her dangerous quest to save Aunt Des, meeting challenges, obstacles and scary beings head on. Evie is one strong and determined little girl. We love to see it!

The Clackity is such a fun Middle Grade story; non-stop spooky goodness from beginning to end. It channeled heavy Neil Gaiman vibes for me and I was eating it up.

Quests are one of my favorite tropes and I would argue this fits the bill perfectly. Add in the level of eeriness carried throughout and you pretty much have a perfect story for me.

I loved how the quest was presented. There were different steps, or challenges, Evie had to pass before moving on to the next. It was simple and easy to understand, while also being ridiculously well-imagined and described.

This story absolutely filled my heart. I loved the characters, relationships, humor and horror-filled imagery so much. It’s incredibly dark and creepy, the perfect example of why I love this subgenre of Middle Grade with my whole being.

I definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a classic-feeling Spooky Middle Grade story. The Clackity is an absolute gem.

Thank you so very much to the publisher, Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing, for providing me with a copy to read and review. It was an true delight.

The Clackity releases this coming Tuesday, June 28, 2022.


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Review: Wretched Waterpark (Sinister Summer #1) by Kiersten White

Wretched Waterpark (Sinister Summer, #1)Wretched Waterpark by Kiersten White
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

The Sinister-Winterbottom twins, Theo and Alexander, along with their older sister Wil and her cell phone Rodrigo, are shocked and abhorred when their parents drop them off at their Aunt Saffronia’s house for the entire summer.

With nary an explanation, or actually even really a remembrance of how this strange turn of events came about, the siblings are left without a choice. They must stick together and make the best of it.

Truth be told, it’s a little uncomfortable. Aunt Saffronia isn’t exactly schooled in having children around. Why did their parents leave them with her?

Seriously, it’s like the woman just stepped off the pages of a gothic novel from another era…

Luckily, Aunt Saffronia offers them a chance to escape the house during the day by taking them to Fathoms of Fun, a nearby waterpark.

She buys them week-long passes and insist they return day after day from open until close.

Sure it sounds promising, all the water slides, wave pool, park food and a lazy river, but alas, that’s not quite what Fathoms of Fun is all about. From the moment they buy their passes the kids realize this is no ordinary park.

There’s barely anyone there. Instead of chilling in a cabana, it looks more like a mausoleum and even the rafts used to go down the water slides are shaped more like coffins than anything else. What the actual heck?

With Wil staring at her phone all day, per usual, Alexander and Theo are pretty much left to their own devices. They start to learn more about the park, including the fact that the owner disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

As each day goes by, the population at the park dwindles, both patrons and staff alike; increasingly sketchy things are happening around them constantly and the kids are on edge. Then Wil disappears and the fun is over.

Now the twins have to work together like never before to solve the mystery of the park and get their sister back!

Y’all, it’s official. I am in love with the Sinister-Winterbottom siblings. This was so, so much fun. A funny, thrilling, odd, quirky and engaging Middle Grade Mystery.

I loved the writing style, it definitely channeled A Series of Unfortunate Events for me. Additionally, I loved the gothic tones woven absolutely everywhere into this story. White did such a great job of keeping that aspect entertaining.

It was like the characters from Hotel Transylvania opened their very own waterpark.

Theo and Alexander were both such strong characters in very different ways. I liked that they supported each other as siblings. They knew they were different from one another, but that didn’t cause them to fight, or dislike the way the other did things or saw the world.

I found that to be quite refreshing. They loved each other so much and were able to work together seamlessly even in the face of grave danger.

I also enjoyed their older sister Wil a lot. Always staring at her phone, completely disconnected from what was going on around her, but when it counted, she wanted to be there for her family. For the most part.

The ending was so fun. I definitely get where the comp to Scooby-Doo came from after those final scenes. Delightful!

The end also left some questions unanswered. Really, I have a lot. I was super happy to read that there is actually a sequel to this, Vampiric Vacation, that may in fact be released later this year. I certainly hope so.

I need more Sinister-Winterbottom goodness!!

Thank you to the publisher, Delacorte Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m in love with this series! Pure sinister fun!!

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Review: Summer’s Edge by Dana Mele

Summer's EdgeSummer’s Edge by Dana Mele
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Summer days spent at the lake with friends; the stuff hazy, sun-soaked dreams are made of.

Everyone is young, good-looking, scantily clad, there’s a ton of food, drink and drama. Making memories, that’s what it’s all about. Both good and bad.

For Kennedy, Emily, Chelsea, Chase and Ryan, summers at Kennedy’s family lake house were their thing. They’ve been friends for so long and their summer days together serve as an anchor for their relationships.

As the friend group ages circumstances do become more complicated, however. Like the year that Chase, Emily’s long-time crush, brings a new girlfriend, Mila, into the group. That summer doesn’t end well.

In fact, in ends in Emily’s tragic death and the lake house burning to the ground.

A year later, the house has been painstakingly rebuilt; an exact replica. With the house ready for occupants once again, the friends have been invited to reunite at the property on the anniversary of Emily’s death.

From the very start you could cut the tension with a knife. It runs thick amongst this group. Everyone is second guessing if they should even be there.

Additionally, Chelsea begins having haunting visions. She’s seemingly the one who has suffered the most mentally since last summer and it is extremely challenging to be back at the lake. The guilt is overwhelming for her.

Making matters worse is the fact that the boys are at each other’s throats and Kennedy’s constant need to play the consummate hostess is pushing her to the edge.

Eerie events begin to plague the group almost immediately, leading to an accusation that Emily’s death was no accident. It seems someone else is on the property with them and that person is seeking revenge.

Will the friends be able to work together long enough to solve the mystery of what happened last summer before it’s too late?

Pitched as The Haunting of Hill House meets I Know What You Did Last Summer, this YA Supernatural Thriller was uncomfortably addicting from beginning to end.

I have read from Dana Mele before and while I enjoyed People Like Us quite a bit, I would classify it as a fairly standard YA Mystery/Thriller. Summer’s Edge is many things, but standard is not one of them.

This story took me completely by surprise. It’s like I went in expecting a burger and fries, but what I actually received was a perfectly prepped Wagyu steak with truffled fingerling potatoes.

I was going along, all was well and then it took a sudden right turn. I was surprised, but pleasantly so, thinking okay, I didn’t know this was going there.

Then we took turn after turn until I was questioning everyone and everything I had read previously.

It was reality-warping. I can’t believe how hard I was questioning myself.

I love that Mele was able to surprise me. It was cleverly-plotted and the writing was truly next level. I loved how it made me think. The narrative really plays off the assumptions we make as Readers.

My final thought was, wow.

In addition to the clever plot, disturbingly accurate toxic friendships and spooky scenes, the atmosphere was exactly what I was hoping for.

The perfect creepy summer read to keep you up late at night and possibly fearful of swimming in the lake or going out on the boat. Take from that what you will.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and it didn’t disappoint for a moment! Highly recommend!!

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The Keeper by Guadalupe Garcia McCall

The KeeperThe Keeper by Guadalupe Garcia McCall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Moving from Texas to Oregon was a big transition for James and his younger sister, Ava. Making the move even more difficult is the fact that James is still grieving the loss of his beloved Grandmother.

Homesickness and grief are not necessarily a great recipe for success at their new home. Regardless, James is giving it his best. His parents are supportive and even though he hasn’t made any new friends yet, he always has Ava.

Much to the chagrin of their parents, the siblings are currently in the midst of a heated prank battle. Honestly, that’s what occupies most of their time these days.

So when the first spooky letter appears in his bedroom, James assumes Ava is playing a prank on him. Signed by The Watcher, the letter is creepy, but knowing his sister is behind it makes it easy to ignore.

But when the second sinister letter appears, again signed by The Watcher, Ava is with him and she seems just as shocked about it as James. He knows Ava’s not that good an actor.

It’s clear from the threatening nature of the letters that the siblings are in danger. Someone wants them out of their house and out of town, but no one believes them. They’ll need to figure this out on their own.

Diving into the history of their new town, James and Ava discover the charming ambiance may be covering up something much more terrifying.

I had a lot of fun reading The Keeper. I really enjoy Spooky Middle Grade stories and this one was the perfect blend of Horror and Mystery.

The family dynamics were so great. At first it seems James and Ava are always at each other, as many siblings are, but when it really counted they were there for each other 100%.

I also found the parents to be believable. These weren’t parents who disappeared into the background like in many children’s stories, but they also weren’t there to solve everything either; giving the kids supported independence.

Additionally, I enjoyed how McCall explored real-life topics in addition to the main, spooky storyline.

The incorporation of the family’s Mexican heritage, the grief they were experiencing after the loss of their family member, as well as the difficulties of moving and leaving friends behind. That was all so well done and really added to the depth of this story.

The truth behind the town was super sinister indeed and pretty scary, I’ll admit. It did move very quickly towards the end and I feel like I may have missed some of the finer details. Regardless, this is a lot of fun.

I loved the vibe McCall was able to create with this one and definitely recommend it to people who love a spooky, sinister, mysterious Middle Grade!

I would absolutely pick up more from this author. I hope she continues on this track. Very fun!!

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Review: The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James

The Book of Cold CasesThe Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

In 1977, in the small town of Claire Lake, Oregon, two men were brutally murdered. The events seemed to be random attacks. The men chosen simply because of convenience.

Both murders took place roadside, like the men had stopped to help a driver in distress and received the surprise of their lives. At both crime scenes, a taunting note was left behind, similar to the Son of Sam, or the Zodiac Killer.

Local heiress, Beth Greer, is reportedly spotted fleeing one of the scenes. She’s subsequently brought in for questioning and charged.

The feisty and eccentric 23-year old is ultimately acquitted and returns to the seclusion of her mansion.

In 2017, Shea is a doctor’s office receptionist by day, but at night she spends her time running a popular true crime website, Book of Cold Cases.

Shea, the survivor of childhood abduction, knows first hand the absolute horror of violent crime. It’s now her passion. It’s the monkey on her back. Her childhood trauma has shaped who she is as an adult. She’s built up a lot of walls. Honestly, it affects her day-to-day.

When Beth shows up at the doctor’s office for an appointment, Shea can hardly believe her eyes. The infamous Beth Greer, in the flesh.

It doesn’t take a true crime aficionado to recognize Beth. Everyone in the area is familiar with the Lady Killer case that shook Claire Lake in 1977.

This is Shea’s chance. She can possibly be the one to get the answers everyone wants. Was Beth rightfully acquitted, or did a heartless killer go free?

Shea is shocked when Beth agrees to an interview. She hasn’t spoken to anyone on the issue for years, why Shea? Why now?

Over the course of multiple interviews, Shea unlocks doors to dark family secrets, long-buried memories and the truth behind the Lady Killer crimes.

Y’all, I had so much fun with The Book Of Cold Cases. It’s told with St. James’s deeply engrossing style, alternating between past and present timelines in order to build out the larger picture.

I really enjoyed learning about both Shea and Beth. The women were similar in a lot of ways, both having survived traumatic childhoods that ultimately shaped their lifestyles as adults.

I also enjoyed the Greer family mansion as the backdrop to a lot of the story. If these walls could talk, am I right!?

From the second Shea sets foot into Beth’s home, it’s like stepping back in time. Beth has essentially kept it as a time capsule from the 1970s, but why would such a wealthy woman choose to live that way?

Additionally, extremely mysterious and disturbing things occur there. Is this place legit haunted?

For me, the highlight was the relationship between Beth and Shea. In a way, it was like through their, I won’t call it friendship, but acquaintance, Beth was able to free Shea.

This might not make sense until you read it, but for me, that was the heart of this story. It was actually quite beautiful, even though their respective traumas were so dark.

St. James is such a compelling writer. She has an absolute gift for setting a scene and keeping you intrigued. I was captivated throughout my entire read.

The one, very minor, issue I had was that I wish it would have been more suspenseful for longer into the story. I don’t want to give anything away, so it is a little hard to describe exactly what I mean by this, but I’ll give it a shot.

I feel like certain aspects were revealed a little early, which sucked a bit of the mystery out. It does make sense that St. James chose to tell it that way though, as she is able to build other aspects of the Greer family lore/history only after the reveal is made.

Overall, I loved this. It’s intriguing start to finish, nuanced, with beautifully fleshed out main characters. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed any of St. James’ previous works.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was one of my most anticipated releases of 2022 and it definitely met my expectations!!

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Review: The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor

The Chalk ManThe Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eddie lives a quiet life in the same sleepy village in which he grew up. His day-to-day is fairly mundane. He’s a school teacher, who lives in a big house with a younger roommate and maybe he drinks too much.

That’s pretty much Eddie in a nutshell. Like many of us, his life wasn’t always quite so boring however. It just kind of evolved into its current repetitive state.

Little does Eddie know he’s about due for a good old-fashioned shake-up when a blast from his past returns.

His old friend Mickey is back in town and he wants to chat about a certain unresolved murder case from 1986. Eddie, who has been haunted by the events of that year, doesn’t really want to discuss it, but when Mickey tells him he may have the answer, Eddie can’t resist.

The conversation unsurprisingly stirs up all sorts of dark memories and emotions in Eddie. It’s tense. He and Mickey have been estranged for years. It’s not a warm and fuzzy reunion.

Mickey’s sudden reemergence in his life isn’t the only thing tied to the horrific events of 1986 though. The chalk men have also begun to mysteriously appear. Now Eddie must confront his fears and buried secrets head-on if he is ever going to be able to lay the past to rest.

I originally purchased The Chalk Man when in released in 2018, but then I sat on it for years. Honestly, I became apprehensive after reading some of the early reviews which basically alluded to this being a knock-off version of Stephen King’s masterpiece, It.

When my niece mentioned she wanted to Buddy Read The Chalk Man though, I threw caution to the wind and willingly jumped in.

I will say initially I was surprised by the number of similarities to It. I thought to myself, oh no, this could be bad.

However, I am happy to report that after that slightly frustrating start, this one really came around for me. I found it to be interesting as heck and loved the short chapters with their many mini-reveals. It made for a great Buddy Read and we had such a fun time discussing it along the way!

I believe this was Tudor’s debut and if so, I think it definitely sets the stage for her style. She brings a lot of creepy atmosphere in her stories and I loved the back and forth between past and present timelines in this one.

The sections from 1986, of Eddie and his friend group, had the heaviest It vibes, but I became so intrigued with the characters and all that was happening to them, that I eventually was able to overlook all the Itness.

I thought the mystery element was very well done and it definitely kept me guessing. I have also read The Burning Girls from Tudor and really enjoyed that one as well.

I would say, comparing the two, that her writing has matured a bit since this earlier release. I definitely look forward to picking up more from this author. I’m so glad that I finally gave this one a shot. Overall, a fun reading experience!

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