Rereading Rage by Stephen King, Writing as Richard Bachman

RageRage by Richard Bachman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rage is the first short novel that King published under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman. After the Carneal incident in December of 1997, King allowed Rage to go out of print in the United States.

You can mainly find this now in rare original copies, or in old versions of The Bachman Books, which released in 1985 and was comprised of a bind-up of Rage, The Long Walk, Roadwork, and The Running Man.

I am lucky enough to have a 1st-edition hardback copy of The Bachman Books, which is how I read this story. It’s been in my family since it was published and is one of my most treasured books.

This was a reread for me, but I haven’t read it since the 6th, or 7th grade, many years before 1997. I didn’t remember too much about it except for the setting and the basic premise.

This is a well-written story. It contains wonderful character work and succeeded in pulling me in. The entire scene is set in Mrs. Underwood’s Algebra classroom, after our MC, Charlie Decker goes berserk ((his words)), kills the teacher and takes the rest of the students hostage.

We follow, fly on the wall style, all that goes down inside that classroom after Charlie takes control. I loved the dynamics and conversations amongst the students.

It’s very dialogue heavy, but in such a way that keeps you engrossed as you see an evolution of the character’s opinions within that space. By the end, it gets very Lord of the Flies as the teens develop their own system of self-reflection, judgement and even, punishment.

I really enjoyed the themes explored, especially those involving the experience of teens, or kids, and the various pressures they can feel from those in authority positions, as well as their lack of autonomy, and how that can backfire if pushed too far.

King has always showed an interest in the mind, and psychology, but that was most evident to me in his earlier works. You clearly see that interest within this story, and I loved the way he incorporated that into Charlie’s character and these events.

I understand and respect King’s opinion on this story. I do. In a way though, I think it’s a shame this story isn’t more readily available, as it does offer up a lot of important food for thought and discussion.

There are mentions of the violence children are exposed to and how that effects them over time. I think this would make an incredible Book Club pick. It would be so interesting to see how various Readers interpret this story.

I’m glad that I took the time to reread this one. I obviously have way more grounds to appreciate it as an adult reflecting back on my youth, than I did as a child picking it up.

I would recommend this if you can get it!

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Review: Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon

Only One SurvivesOnly One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Easily, McKinnon’s most twisty work yet. I’m absolutely delighted with this one and would even read it again. That’s says a lot for a Psychological Thriller.

There was something so Crime & Punishment in this character work. It was very well executed, IMO.

In Only One Survives, we follow Vienna and Madison, long-time friends who end up following their childhood dreams and successfully create their own all-female rock band.

Unfortunately, just as the band, The Bittersweet, is gaining traction in the music scene, the van they’re traveling in on their way to an event, loses its traction and careens off a mountain road during a blizzard.

After the vehicle settles, they discover one bandmate dead and another severely injured. Luckily, the girls are able to locate an abandoned cabin nearby and take shelter there from the storm.

What should have been a safe haven though, ultimately results in even more death. The final shock is Madison actually disappearing into the night, her outcome unknown.

The trauma of that horrific night has messed with Vienna’s memories. She can hardly decipher the reality from her nightmares. Unsurprisingly, the tragedy of The Bittersweet becomes a bit of a legend in pop culture.

The Reader alternates back and forth through time and characters. There’s some interesting mixed media elements, with online platforms discussing the mystery behind what actually happened to The Bittersweet.

There are a lot of theories, of course, as there often are after a tragedy such as this, but no one really knows. Only the survivors would know, or would they?

I absolutely loved my time reading this book. It felt like an experience. I did end up listening to the audiobook and felt the narration was perfect for the story.

These characters were super engaging. I was hooked into Vienna and Madison’s friendship. We got a lot of details from their earlier lives and really got to see their relationship blossom and their reasons behind their sort of codependency. It was fascinating.

Additionally, I do tend to love stories featuring music, or musicians, so this definitely played right into those tastes.

I know there are a ton of wonderfully-talented individuals writing in the Adult Thriller space, but IMHO, Hannah Mary McKinnon is thus far underrated.

One of the things I love most about her work is that she’s constantly improving. Each book, she’s just crushing it, taking risks and doing different things. This one is a journey, and she def got me with some of the reveals.

I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

Thank you to the publisher, MIRA, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I would recommend this one to all the Thriller Readers out there who love the use of mixed media elements, strong character development and jaw-dropping twists!

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Review: Red River Road by Anna Downes

Red River RoadRed River Road by Anna Downes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Told via three different perspectives, as well as expertly-placed mixed media elements, Red River Road is a gripping and suspenseful Psychological Thriller that successfully kept me on my toes throughout.

I had the pleasure of Buddy Reading this one with a friend, and we were guessing and throwing out theories the entire time. I loved how Downes put this one together.

We learn about Phoebe, an up-and-coming Travel Influencer, whose solo vanlife trip along the coastal road of Western Australia was followed by people all over the world. That is until the day she goes quiet.

Phoebe has disappeared without a trace. We hear about these types of things all the time, but it was still shocking and sad for those who followed, knew Phoebe, or even loved her IRL.

Katy is on a solo van trip of her own. Following Phoebe’s social media posts, Katy is desperate to find her. It’s during this journey that her path jarringly crosses with Beth’s, a woman on the run, full of desperation of her own.

As the two get to know one another, Beth realizes who Katy is; Phoebe’s sister. Katy realizes that Beth’s knowledge may be the key she needs to reach her goals.

The two agree to work together and travel together, getting Beth farther away from her past, and Katy closer to finally finding Phoebe. At least that’s what they hope.

We also follow Wyatt, a boy who lives with his brother and father in the same remote area through which our two women are traveling. How is Wyatt connected to this story?

You’ll have to read it, because there’s no way I’m telling.

Full of Anna Downes’s signature twists and turns, Red River Road reads like a Road Trip Gone Wrong movie come to the page. It’s my fave from this author to date.

Once I started, it was nearly impossible to stop. I had to know what was happening. I had so many theories over the course of this, I even began to suspect myself…

Downes keeps her chapters short, and the inclusion of the mixed media made this story even more intriguing. It was like watching a giant puzzle come together.

Each consecutive chapter added one more piece to the bigger picture. I was reading this so fast. I had to get to the bottom of what was going on.

I loved meeting both Beth and Katy. They were so interesting, and while I was captivated by both of their stories, I didn’t trust either of them. I kept expecting betrayals and backstabs. I just did not know who to trust.

The conclusion was wild and IMO, readership will be divided on how this ends. For me, I really enjoyed it, although there were some details I got a little confused on towards the end.

I’m pretty sure it is just me though. As in, I missed something as I was rushing through, because I am left with a couple of lingering questions, or things that I think I understand, but am just not 100% sure on.

With this being said, this is one of those rare Thriller/Suspense stories that I would actually read again.

I know Thrillers tend to be best appreciated the first time round; like, once you know, you know. In this case though, I actually would like to reread this knowing the ultimate outcome from the start.

It’s a detailed story, with great character work and a lot of different layers. I think I would appreciate the skill it required for Downes to pull this off even more upon reread.

I had a fabulous time with this. The setting was exciting and the twists were off the charts. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a fast-paced Travel Thriller. Also, I highly recommend the audiobook format!

Thank you to the publisher, Minotaur Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me copies to read and review. I can’t wait to see what Anna Downes comes up with next!!!

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Book Review: Ghost Mother by Kelly Dwyer

Ghost Mother: A NovelGhost Mother: A Novel by Kelly Dwyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Ghost Mother was an engaging and heart-filled story. It’s highly-readable, simply told and feels like it could be enjoyed by a wide-variety of Readers.

I would especially recommend it to Supernatural Horror (Light) Readers, who may be looking more for vibes, than anything too scary, or disturbing.

This story follows Lilly Bly, who is married and desperately wants to have a baby. She’s suffered losses in this area already and it’s a sensitive topic for her.

Her husband, Jake, has just gotten a new job and they are moving from Chicago to a small town in Wisconsin because of that. Lilly is okay with it. She’s ready for a fresh start and when she sees the decrepit mansion that could be their potential new home, she falls in love.

It’s well out of their price range, but Lilly is able to convince Jack to purchase the dilapidated property. She swears she’ll get a job to help make the payments. It’s worth it to her, she just knows she’ll finally become a mother in this house.

After they move in though, Lilly has a tough time getting herself together and motivated. Jack travels a lot for work, so she’s on her own quite a bit.

It’s not long after they move in that Lilly learns their new home was the site of a gruesome triple homicide in the 1950s. They don’t call it the Murder House for nothing…

As she experiences more unexplained phenomenon at the house, she’s led to believe it could be haunted. It would make sense, right? Terrible things have happened there.

She begins to research the house and its dark past, determined to get to the bottom of what she is experiencing.

While she is doing so though, the rest of her life is being neglected. Her husband, the household, she’s making poor choices, she’s losing time. Is the house really haunted, or are these all signs of an escalating mental breakdown?

As mentioned above, I really enjoyed my time with this story. I felt for Lilly. She wanted to be a mother so badly, and as things were spiraling, I wanted to just give her a hug, to tell her that everything was going to be okay.

At the same time, she was making choices that simultaneously made me want to shake her back into reality. I think the fact that I felt so much for this main character, who was going through something that I’ve never personally experienced, but felt so much for, is a sign of great writing.

I’ve never read from Kelly Dwyer before, but she’s found a fan in me, and I hope to get more from her.

I was impressed with how quickly I became immersed and attached to this story. There’s been a few other ‘expectant or want to be’ mother books that I’ve read in the past year or so that have driven me absolutely batty.

Full disclosure, I have no children, by choice, and have never, ever had that want. So, for me, it’s generally hard to connect with the characters who that is their sole desire.

I didn’t feel that with Lilly. Even though she was wanting to be a mother more than anything else, it was presented in such a way where she didn’t lose her identity to that want. I could connect to her and feel for her, even though our lives are vastly different.

Again, I think this is due to the quality of Dwyer’s writing; the way she created this character. Lilly wasn’t just pigeon-holed into the fact that she wanted to have a child. She had layers, which I appreciated.

Additionally, this novel has my favorite thing, atmosphere. That’s my number one. The thing I look for most in my Dark Fiction. I want atmosphere, a true sense of place, I want to feel like I’m there, to see everything in my mind’s eye and that was definitely the case here.

With this being said, and this doesn’t negate from anything the author has done here, but I do feel like this will work best for Readers who are either newer to the Horror genre, or who want the vibes, but to not actually feel scared.

I’m not saying I need Horror to be scary, because I completely recognize that there is so much more to this nuanced genre than that one parameter, however, this did feel way more about the vibes to me than anything else.

With this being said, I would recommend this to anyone who loves a Supernatural Mystery with a lush Haunted House setting. I would also recommend the audiobook format, fabulously narrated by Renata Friedman.

Thank you to the publisher, Dreamscape Media, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I had a lot of fun with this story and look forward to more from Kelly Dwyer. I hope she stays in this wheelhouse, because it was really well executed!

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Review: Dear Hanna by Zoje Stage

Dear HannaDear Hanna by Zoje Stage
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dear Hanna is the unexpected follow-up to Zoje Stage’s 2018-debut Horror novel, Baby Teeth, which I adored.

It leaned into the creepy kid trope, which I’m always here for, and it did it in such a toe-curling way.

I never expected we would get more of this story and though I don’t feel it was necessary, it was interesting. I went on a journey with this. We had our ups-and-downs, but I’m glad I stuck with it for the satisfying conclusion.

It’s important to note that you don’t really need to read Baby Teeth before you read this. In fact, there could be a solid argument for reading this one first, learning about adult Hanna, and then going back and visiting her childhood, so you can see where all this came from.

Hanna is a foul human. Let me just get that out there. She’s a true sociopath from the moment we first meet her. Stage is so convincing with her characterization of Hanna, that there were times when it was making me angry; her thoughts.

I would have to set it down and walk away for a moment. Then I would remind myself, it’s just Hanna being Hanna. I will admit though, there were times when it wasn’t enjoyable to read, particularly through the middle bits and the parts involving Hanna’s step-daughter.

I also didn’t like Hanna’s husband, Jacob, at all, so any scene with him had the strong possibility of annoying me.

It’s funny, as I write this, the more I think about it and process it, the more impressed I am with just how convincing this story was. It left a bad taste in my mouth, it certainly did, but I think that was the intention, so I definitely need to give Stage props for that.

I feel like it’s important to go into this one in the right headspace though, and perhaps, I wasn’t quite in the right space when I picked this up. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more at another time.

Unfortunately, we’ll never know. I walk away happy I made it through, but knowing I’ll never pick it up again. Although, Baby Teeth I would def be interested in revisiting now.

Thank you to the publisher, Thomas & Mercer, for providing me with a copy to read and review. Zoje Stage has such creative and compelling ideas. I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next!

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Review: House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen

House of GlassHouse of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I found House of Glass to be incredibly gripping, fascinating and thrilling. I enjoyed it so, so much. I absolutely flew through it. Another great delivery from Pekkanen!!

This story focuses on the Barclays, a wealthy couple currently in the midst of a heated divorce. Adding fuel to the dumpster fire, their live-in nanny very recently plunged to her death out of one of the windows of their estate.

Their 9-year old daughter, Rose, hasn’t spoken since the traumatic incident. The family now finds themselves shrouded in suspicion. Was the nanny’s death a freak accident, or was she pushed?

We follow Stella Hudson, a Best Interest Attorney, who has been called in to evaluate the family, as well as Rose’s condition, to determine what is in the best interest of the child when it comes to the divorce.

The recent suspicious death of the nanny adds a whole new layer to what should have been a fairly standard evaluation for Stella. Nevertheless, she is ready for the challenge and is anxious to determine what is actually going on within the Barclay household.

I’m not going to say anything further about the plot, or set-up, of this one. It’s definitely best to just go in and let Pekkanen roll it all out for you as she sees fit.

I got pulled into this story incredibly-quickly. The audiobook narration was fabulous for Stella’s perspective, IMO. I felt like I was going along with her on this investigation.

I have never read a story where the MC has had this profession before. I thought the idea of a Best Interest Attorney was such a clever way to insert our main character into the lives of the Barclays.

Stella had a real reason for digging into all the dirt in this family and she wasn’t afraid to do it. I thought it was a nice change of pace from following your typical law enforcement type handling the investigation.

We also got quite a bit of background into Stella herself and she was a fascinating character. Through her backstory, you could see what inspired her to pursue this particular career.

The mystery around the death of the nanny kicks off so quickly. It was easy to get lost in this one. It was clear Stella didn’t think it was an accident and I had my suspects too.

I loved the vibes and mystery that Pekkanen built up around Rose as well. It was extremely well executed for ultimate creep factor. This actually got my pulse racing.

While I may have wanted a different resolution to the mystery, at the end of the day, I’m still so freaking happy with this reading experience.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio, and St. Martin’s Press, for providing me with copies to read and review.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a gripping Psychological Thriller. This one is an absolute ride!!

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Review: The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger

The New Couple in 5BThe New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

The New Couple in 5B follows a married couple, Rosie and Chad, as they try to navigate life in the uber-expensive rat race that is NYC. They’re both struggling artists of a sort, Rosie is a nonfiction writer and Chad is an actor, so they’re just trying to make ends meet any way they can.

That’s why when they receive news that Chad’s recently deceased Uncle Ivan has bequeathed to them his fully-paid off luxury apartment, it seems like they’ve won the lottery.

To Rosie the inheritance is a surprise, but it also make sense. Ivan had been quite ill before his passing and she and Chad took care of him when no one else in the family stepped up, including Ivan’s own daughter, Dana.

The apartment itself is located in the desirable neighborhood of Murray Hill on the East side of Manhattan. The building it is housed in, the Windermere, is well-known as a haven for creative types and boasts a rich cultural history.

As the couple settles in, Rosie, frequently left home alone while Chad is out working, starts to feel unsettled by the building and its other residents.

The doorman, Abi, is always there; as in, it’s like he never sleeps. He’s also always listening, with a intercom within their apartment that he is constantly connected to. There are cameras everywhere, and Rosie feels like her every move is under surveillance.

When people connected to the apartment unexpectedly and suspiciously die, Rosie feels like she could be next. She needs to get to the truth behind the Windermere before its too late. No inheritance is worth your life.

Lisa Unger and I haven’t had the best relationship, but this was quite entertaining. Unger has redeemed herself for me after the mess that was Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six.

This does have heavy, HEAVY Rosemary’s Baby vibes, but I’m not mad about it. Those are some solid vibes. We’ll take ’em.

I liked the unsettling feel of the property. Abi, the doorman, was an especially disturbing character, who even I wanted to get away from.

I do feel like the intensity built steadily as Rosie begins to become more and more suspicious of the Windermere and its residents. I also like the way it leaned into the Psychological Thriller genre. It felt like Rosie was on her own, like no one was going to believe her.

Rosie does have some allies, but her husband Chad felt like he could be friend and foe. I really appreciate that mystery surrounding his character. We got to know Rosie so much more than Chad, obviously by design, but I did feel like their relationship was framed perfectly to keep the suspense high.

There was a historical perspective that I wasn’t crazy about, but it did make sense in context with the overall story.

Personally, I just wish we could have received those details in a different way, as I found that perspective more distracting than anything. I just wanted to be with Rosie.

I did really enjoy how Unger kept me guessing though. It gets especially wild towards the end, but overall, yeah, I feel like this is engaging and entertaining, which was exactly what I was hoping for.

I did listen to the audiobook and would highly recommend that format. I did feel like the narration was very well-done, particularly as a voice for Rosie.

At the end of the day, I had fun with this.

I’m glad I picked it up and won’t hesitate to pick up more from this author in the future. I couldn’t say that before this book, so we have progress!

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Review: Tell Me Who You Are by Louisa Luna

Tell Me Who You AreTell Me Who You Are by Louisa Luna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first learned of the existence of Tell Me Who You Are, I excitedly expected it to be a continuation to the Alice Vega series. It was only after I received a copy, that I realized that it wasn’t. That it’s actually a standalone novel.

Nevertheless, it sounded like the kind of Psychological Thriller I enjoy, therefore I was still excited to get to it. I’ve had great success with Luna’s previous work, and had no doubt she would impress me with this as well.

In this story, we are mainly following Brooklyn psychiatrist, Dr. Caroline Strange. While Dr. Caroline isn’t the only perspective we follow, for me, she was definitely the star.

Dr. Caroline is opinionated, head-strong and certainly confident, both in her field and in her every day life. Things take a turn though when she has her first session with Nelson Schack, a disturbing new patient.

Nelson succeeds in getting under Caroline’s skin quickly by uttering two statements, I am going to kill someone, and I know who you really are.

Then a woman goes missing. A woman who Caroline has a loose connection to. Unfortunately, for Caroline, the police know of her connection to the woman and now she’s apparently their number one suspect.

Believing the police to be incompetent, I mean they’d have to be if they suspect her, Dr. Caroline takes matters into her own hands, trying to track down the elusive Nelson, and possibly even rescuing the missing woman.

During this process, Caroline needs to face her own past, and the terrible truth that lies there.

I know Tell Me Who You Are won’t be for everyone, but it’s just my kind of messy train-wreck drama. I found every aspect of this compelling and entertaining.

Going into it, I was aware it didn’t have the highest overall rating, but from the very start it hooked me. The cast of characters are so interesting. I couldn’t keep my brain from thinking about this story. I was eating it up.

I flew through this so fast. As it cycled through the various perspectives, my mind was flipping like a rolodex trying to make all the connections. I thought Luna did a great job piecing this all together and bringing it to an exciting and satisfying conclusion.

I would recommend this to Readers who enjoy books like An Anonymous Girl, The Perfect Daughter or The Golden Couple. All have a similar vibe, part of which is being a fly on the wall during someone’s therapy session.

I did listen to the audiobook and really enjoyed that format. There are different narrators for the various perspectives and I did find it well-done and engaging.

Thank you to the publisher, MCD and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I had a great time with this and look forward to more from this author!

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Review: When She Was Me by Marlee Bush

When She Was MeWhen She Was Me by Marlee Bush
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

When She Was Me is an enticing, and compulsively-readable Psychological Thriller centered around twin sisters.

Cassie and Lenora are permanent residents at a campground in rural Tennessee, Cabin Two to be exact. For the most part, their day-to-day life is peaceful, and they can almost…almost…forget the events of their troubled past.

After the death of the long-time campground owner, a new woman, Sarah, takes ownership and charge. Cassie and Lenora are initially concerned that Sarah will want to change things, thus disrupting their quiet life.

Much to their surprise, she actually seems pretty cool, implementing only minor changes, and Cassie, in particular, ends up interacting with Sarah more. Their life does end up disrupted though, after a teen girl, who’d checked into the cabin next door with her family, goes missing.

The girl, and the unsettling circumstances under which she disappeared, brings back a lot of memories for the mysterious sisters. Both Cassie and Lenora suspects that the other may know more about the events surrounding the disappearance then they’re letting on.

The narrative cycles between the two sisters, filtering in a past perspective as well and with a past that eerily mirrors the present, and everyone’s motivations a little unclear, this story is rife with unreliable narrators.

Both sisters try to figure out what happened to the missing girl, but it feels like a helpless race against the clock, as well as their own personal demons.

When She Was Me is a very promising debut from Marlee Bush. Even though the writing style wasn’t great for me, I still found the story to be incredibly compelling; I couldn’t stop. The characters were well done and I appreciated the way Bush delivered the twists!

When I mention writing style, it’s no shade against the author, it’s just preference. It was more obscure, more stream of consciousness narrative than I tend to prefer.

Nevertheless, the content and the character work kept me flying through. The atmospheric setting was fantastic as well. I loved the isolating feel, not just of the campground itself, but also of the sisters’ way of life.

They had essentially cut themselves off from the outside world and as the intensity increased, you could really truly feel their solitude.

The characters were all so interesting. I had a ton of theories over the course of the story about what was really going on; some panned out, others didn’t. I always appreciate it when an author can keep me on my toes.

Ultimately, I didn’t see the final resolution coming by a mile. It was clever and unexpected, leaving me with a big, sinister grin on my face. I had fun and definitely recommend the audiobook as the format for taking in this story. The narration fit it so well.

Thank you to the publisher, Dreamscape Media, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m really looking forward to reading more from Marlee Bush!

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Review: A Marriage of Lies by Amanda McKinney

A Marriage of LiesA Marriage of Lies by Amanda McKinney
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

A Marriage of Lies is a tense Psychological Thriller from Amanda McKinney. I was seeing a lot of early buzz for this release and needed to find out what it was all about.

After reading it, in a day (!!!), I am so happy that I took a chance on a new-to-me author and have officially joined the Hype Train. I was left with whiplash after finishing this twisted tale of love, devious deception and lies.

I don’t want to say anything about the plot. I knew nothing going in and that’s what I would recommend.

I will say that I loved one of the main characters, Rowan, and her trusty companion, Banjo. Rowan is a Detective and I was pleasantly surprised to have an MC with that career leading the show here.

This also went pretty dark, as far as the crimes are concerned, and I definitely wasn’t expecting that either!

As mentioned above, this is the first time I have read from Amanda McKinney, but I’m absolutely ready to pick up some more of her Thrillers. If they’re anything like this, I know I’m in for a good time.

While I did find some aspects slightly predictable, particularly towards the end, that didn’t diminish my enjoyment. Overall, I found it to be extremely engaging, as well as highly-readable and incredibly entertaining!

Thank you to the publisher, Storm Publishing, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

This was a delightful surprise!

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