The Drowning House by Cherie Priest
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
**3.5-stars rounded up**
The Drowning House is the second book that I have read from Cherie Priest. The first being, Cinderwich, which I read earlier this year and thoroughly enjoyed.
Upon finishing this one, I had to really sit and think how I would ultimately rate it. I’ve finally decided to round up to 4-stars, mainly because I just had such an enjoyable time with the experience of taking in this story.

I did Buddy Read this one with a friend, and as we were discussing it after we were both done, it made me realize, I really didn’t understand what happened here as far as the conclusion goes.
However, and this is a very big however, the journey getting to the end was so intensely-interesting for me that I don’t even care. I genuinely-enjoyed this story and the process of trying to figure it out.
So, what’s it all about?

In this story, we are following Melissa and Leo. They’re adults now, but have been friends since childhood, having spent many Summers together on Marrowstone Island, a remote island in the Pacific Northwest.
Their other really good friend, Simon, recently reached out to them in distress from Marrowstone. In the middle of the night, during a terrible storm, a mysterious house ((yes, a house)) washed ashore on the beach adjacent to where Simon lives with his grandmother, Mrs. Culpepper. Seeing the house upon the sand, Mrs. Culpepper’s heart stops.
The woman who presided over these ruffians, Simon, Melissa and Leo, every Summer for years is now gone.

In the immediate aftermath, Simon reaches out to his friends, but by the time they are able to reach his Grandmother’s house, Simon is nowhere to be found.
What follows is Melissa and Leo digging in, trying to discover the truth behind that night, the mysterious house on the beach and Simon’s sudden disappearance. They know he wouldn’t just leave, so where is he?

From the very start, I was gobsmacked. This kicks off quickly as far as the events surrounding Simon and his grandmother, and then getting Melissa and Leo to the island. What in the hell was going on?
Then it slows down a little as Melissa and Leo re-acclimate to being around one another, settle in and decide what to do about Simon’s disappearance. I enjoyed the slow burn of it and I did appreciate all the work that Priest put into these two main characters.
Their relationship is complicated, as they both felt more deeply connected to Simon. Simon was really the link keeping them all together, and as the Reader, you get to watch these two process their feelings about Simon possibly being gone for good.

I wouldn’t say either Melissa, or Leo, were particularly likable people, but I enjoy the messiness. Characters that are too perfect aren’t generally believable to me anyway, so I was happy with what I was served here.
Additionally, I like a lot of what Priest explored within this story. To me, it was a surprising blend of Folk Horror mixed with Occult elements and a solid mystery. It even at times, held a bit of a Cosmic Horror flair. The thing I appreciated most though, was the atmosphere.
Marrowstone Island was remote and isolated. The locals that Leo and Melissa interacted with while trying to find Simon, were helpful, but also a little odd. It had a very creepy vibe.

With this being said, there is a lot happening at once. There’s no denying that and it was hard to track at times, particularly in the later half.
Once it got to a certain point, while I was following the action, I can’t say I could explain to anyone what was actually happening, or what the true meaning of it was.
I’m also not really sure if that was Priest’s intent, to leave much of it up to the Reader’s own imagination, or if she had the answers there and I was too dense, or perhaps too distracted, to see them.

Overall though, I walk away a happy girl and I’ll continue to pick up Cherie Priest’s work. I loved the mystery of it, so who cares if a lot of it is still a mystery to me.
Thank you to the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m looking forward to seeing what Priest comes up with next. Her creativity cannot be denied!
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