The Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Seventh Veil of SalomeThe Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Silvia Moreno-Garcia is one of those beloved authors who I will willingly step outside of my comfort zone for, and this novel is a perfect example of why.

Set against the Sword and Sandal era of old Hollywood, I was absolutely transported into this story. I cannot recommend the audiobook format enough. Flawless.

Historical Fiction can often be a drag for me, but I do love Old Hollywood and Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s name on a cover. There was never any doubt I was going to read this.

I am glad that I waited the 7-months for my library hold to come through on a copy of the audiobook though. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I would have loved it quite as much if I had read it physically.

The full cast narration of this truly brought this story to life. I love the mixed media aspects that Moreno-Garcia included, making it feel like I was taking in a documentary or podcast. That aspect really shone in the audio-version.

This story follows three main perspectives. Two of these perspectives, Vera and Nancy, are set in 1950s Hollywood. The last perspective is set in biblical times and is that of the Jewish Princess, Salome.

Vera and Nancy are actresses. Vera, an unknown Mexican ingenue, gets cast to play the lead role of Salome in a big-budget movie sure to be a hit. Nancy is a bit player who was eyeing that lead for herself. Her career has stalled, but she’s got a lot of ideas of how great she could be.

If only this stupid girl hadn’t stolen the part from her…

I’ll be honest, I knew nothing of the historical figure of Salome, so it was interesting to learn about her a bit here.

I like how Morena-Garcia presented her story, and then showed how over a thousand years later, her story was still being…manipulated, I guess for lack of a better word. As in life, so in death, her story took on mythical proportions.

I don’t know if this is making sense. I understand it in my brain, but it’s hard to express without giving anything away, or going to far into the details.

The real star of the show for me though was the back-and-forth between Vera and Nancy’s perspectives. You know they are on a collision course with one another, but how?

I just thought everything set in Hollywood, the descriptions of the production, all the people involved, the how and why of everything going on, was so good. There’s also quite a bit of the social scene, which I found equally enticing.

I was surprised how truly invested I became in this. I honestly was expecting to like it, but not love it the way I did. I’m still gobsmacked thinking of it even hours after finishing. It was incredibly-crafted.

I would highly recommend this to Historical Fiction fans, or people who have a great love of the Golden Age of cinema. Also, I cannot stress enough how fabulous the audiobook is; 10/10 recommend that format.

Thank you to Del Rey for providing me with a copy to read and review. Silvia Morena-Garcia is such a talent!!!

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Review: The Secret of the Three Fates (Ruby Vaughn #2) by Jess Armstrong

The Secret of the Three Fates (Ruby Vaughn, #2)The Secret of the Three Fates by Jess Armstrong
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Secret of the Three Fates is the follow-up to the highly-engaging Gothic Mystery, The Curse of Penryth Hall, which I really enjoyed last year.

These books are part of the Ruby Vaughn series by Jess Armstrong. I’d so been looking forward to being back with Ruby on another spooky adventure. Happily, this was just as enticing as the first book!

This installment brings Ruby and her employer/housemate, Mr. Owen, to Manhurst Castle in the Scottish Borders. Ruby believes they’re there to acquire manuscripts for the bookshop, but quickly discovers that’s not the case.

In fact, it turns out they’re there to attend a seance to be held that very night. Mr. Owen, up to his old tricks again.

Desperate to contact his son, lost to the Great War, Mr. Owen hopes the seance could help him get his wish, but he doesn’t want to do it alone. Hence, Ruby’s unknowing presence.

The seance is hosted by three mediums, going by the name of The Three Fates. As any of us could have guessed, things do not go smoothly, nor as planned, and Mr. Owen’s secret past looks close to being exposed.

Shortly thereafter, Ruby discovers one of the Three Fates has been murdered and she and Mr. Owen are immediately dubbed the prime suspects.

In order the clear their names, Ruby begins her own investigation, enlisting the help of Ruan, the folk healer she befriended in the first book during her time in Cornwall. You know, the handsome one.

My favorite thing about the first book was the atmosphere and Armstrong succeeded again in building out a lush, gothic-feeling setting. I am also loving how attached I am becoming to this set of characters.

Yet again, the chemistry between Ruby and Ruan was so well done. I enjoy Ruby so much as a lead. She’s plucky, smart and a little hard-headed. Once she starts investigating something, she doesn’t let anything get in her way, no matter how dangerous.

It was fun getting to know more about Mr. Owen too. There was quite a bit revealed about his past in this one, and I feel like I have more of an appreciation for him now.

I feel like the seance scenes were also really well-imagined. Thinking of the popularity of occult practices like that during this time period is so fascinating to me. It must have felt completely surreal participating in something like that, when belief was so high.

I love that Armstrong used that practice within this mystery. It was compelling and felt time period appropriate. It also helped to give the mystery an overall unsettling air.

I’m already anxious for news on the next book. There has to be one. There’s no way this is it for these characters. I shall sit back, patiently, and wait. Any by that I mean, I’ll be chomping at the bit to get my hands on it…

I would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys Historical Mysteries with heavy Gothic vibes. The settings, the characters and the mysteries themselves, are all so well developed. There’s a lot to praise about Armstrong’s work.

Thank you to the publisher, Minotaur Books and Dreamscape Media, for providing me with copies to read and review. I cannot wait to be reunited with Ruby and friends!!

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Review: Not for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher

Not for the Faint of HeartNot for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Mariel, granddaughter of the infamous Robin Hood, is a new Captain in the Merry Men. She’s desperate to live up to her family legacy, which puts a lot of pressure on her.

Clem, a cheery backwoods healer, is taken prisoner by Mariel, and the MM, as retribution for Clem’s guardian offering healing services to the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Forced proximity abounds as Mariel and Clem travel along together doing Merry Men things. Everything seems to mostly be going to plan, when Mariel’s father, Jack Hartley, Commander of the Merry Men, is captured in an ambush.

Now Mariel and the remaining MM, including sweetly-innocent Clem, must try to get him back.

With the woods at war, not everyone believes in the Merry Men as they used too. Soon enough, even Mariel is questioning what they stand for.

Will they be able to get Jack back? And will the Merry Men continue on their current path, or switch things up for a new generation of bandits?

This is a cute story that showed off Croucher’s signature witty writing style. I wouldn’t say I connected to this one at the same level that I did with Gwen & Art last year, but it’s still a solid Historical YA Rom-Com.

As with Gwen & Art, I did listen to the audiobook and definitely recommend that format. The accent of the narrator lends itself well to these stories, and truly helps to bring the action to life.

I appreciate how quickly Croucher can create characters I love. Both Clem and Mariel were so fun to get to know, though for different reasons. It definitely has a Grumpy-Sunshine element to it that evolved beautifully over the course of the story.

I particularly liked the journey for Mariel. As a member of an infamous family, she’s had a lot of assumptions made about her and preconceptions made about who she is as a person.

She’s had a real struggle trying to overcome those things and figure out what exactly her path is going to be.

I also enjoyed her learning more truths behind her famous family. Going in, I had forgotten this was connected to the legend of Robin Hood. I loved that inspiration.

I also really enjoyed, and was impressed by, how even though this is a magical and witty tale, Croucher again managed to seamlessly weave in some heavier topics. There’s a lot here for Readers to enjoy.

For me though, as mentioned above, I never ended up connecting with this as deeply as Gwen & Art, and I’m not sure how memorable it will be for me long term.

With this being said, it’s still a great YA book with a lot of important topics explored and representation. I’ll keep coming back for all Croucher’s future releases.

Thank you to the publisher, Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I love this kind of funny Historical romps, and hope Croucher continues writing them!

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Review: A Front-Page Murder (Poppy Denby Investigates #1) by Fiona Veitch Smith

A Front-Page Murder (Poppy Denby Investigates #1)A Front-Page Murder by Fiona Veitch Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed A Front-Page Murder, which is the first installment of the Poppy Denby Investigates series.

I felt like in comparison to other Cozy Mysteries I’ve read lately, it’s quite simplistic, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple and I mean that.

I had mistakenly believed this was the start to a new series, but it’s actually an older series being rereleased. Luckily, since it takes place in a historical time period, it didn’t feel dated, as it may have with a more modern backdrop.

This is set in 1920s-London and follows an aspiring female reporter, Poppy Denby. At the start, Poppy is moving to London from her quiet Northern town to live with her Aunt Dot, a once successful former stage actress.

At 22-years old, this is the first time Poppy has forged out on her own, away from her parents. She’s excited, but also a little nervous about starting her new life.

Poppy isn’t afraid to go after what she wants though, and the ambitious young woman quickly lands a job with the Daily Globe as an Editorial Assistant.

On her first day, one of the Globe’s veteran reporter, Bert Isaacs, falls from a balcony within their office building, plunging to his death. This occurs moments after he’s received a mysterious note related to his current project.

Isaacs was looking into the death of a local suffragette some 7-years earlier. Due to her Aunt’s ties to that movement, Poppy is assigned to help complete the article.

As Poppy begins to investigate, she is thrust headfirst into a dangerous world she never expected to end up in. The more she learns, the deeper she wants to dig. There’s a lot to uncover, involving a lot of powerful people, who grow wise quickly to Poppy’s lurking about.

The public, and the innocent people involved, have the right to know the truth, and Poppy is determined to get to the bottom of it; to expose the bad actors involved. Justice has just gained a new ally.

As mentioned above, I did enjoy this one quite a bit. Though simple, I did find it compelling enough and I really enjoyed Poppy as a main character.

I liked that this was her first time out on her own. She had a lot to learn, but grew so much more over the course of the story. Though she started out a bit unsure and self-conscious, by the conclusion she’s a confident young lady with the world as her oyster.

I would be interested in continuing on with this series. I feel like this has the potential to make me quite attached to these characters. Poppy does have a love interest and I would like to see how that turns out as well.

Thank you to the publisher, Embla Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I hope the rest of the series is rereleased with this style of cover. It’s perfectly-fitting for this story and I can’t wait to pick the rest up!

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Review: The Haunting of Moscow House by Olesya Salnikova Gilmore

The Haunting of Moscow HouseThe Haunting of Moscow House by Olesya Salnikova Gilmore
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


The Haunting of Moscow House is set in 1921, after the Bolshevik Revolution. In this novel we follow two sisters, Irina and Lili, whose family home, a once lush mansion in the heart of Moscow, has been taken over by a group of Boleshevik soldiers.

The remaining family members are banished to the attic living space of the home, even though many rooms in the lower levels remain vacant. Crammed in, frequently cold and hungry, it’s a huge transition for this once powerful family.

The sisters understand that the way they used to live is a thing of the past and they must adapt quickly to this new political landscape, or perish trying.

For its part though, this once stately home isn’t as adaptable and it certainly hasn’t forgotten the past.

Anxious to escape the haunted halls, the sisters end up getting jobs working for an American relief agency. This provides good pay, food, a place to escape during the day, as well as some potential love interests.

At night though, the house seems to be becoming increasingly unsettled. Unexplained things are happening, noises and apparitions. People are getting hurt.

Is the explanation supernatural, like ancestral spirits wrecking havoc, or is someone more corporeal to blame?

While this wasn’t necessarily to my tastes, I think for Historical Fiction fans who enjoy a potential Supernatural twist, this could work really, really well.

Nevertheless, I appreciated the direction the author took with this story and I’m glad I took the time to read it. I do have a lot of interest in this time period of Russian history, so having it focused around that was quite captivating.

I did feel a lot of empathy towards the remaining members of the Goliteva family, whose ages ranged from small children, who didn’t understand what was going on, to elder family members, who had lost everything they had previously cherished and enjoyed.

The situation in the city at that time, brought to life here by the author, did provide a lot to think about.

It made me think how I may have dealt with such upsetting and dire circumstances. It’s an uncomfortable thing to consider, but I appreciated how Olesya Salnikova Gilmore got my mind working.

Without giving too much away, in order to maybe spur more Horror Readers into picking this up, it does have a bit of an Occult bent to it, so if that is something that interests you, check it out.

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I did enjoy the atmosphere and the character work of this quite a bit. I would be interested in reading more from this author.

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Review: The Nightingale’s Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory by Sonia Velton

The Nightingale's Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory, the Blood CountessThe Nightingale’s Castle: A Novel of Erzsébet Báthory, the Blood Countess by Sonia Velton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Admittedly, I don’t read a lot of Historical Fiction. When I do, I prefer it to be of the Gothic variety, and luckily, that’s exactly what I found here.

I saw friends enjoying this, so of course, FOMO hit me like a ton of bricks and I wanted to read it ASAP. It wasn’t a hard sell considering I’ll read anything even remotely related to the legend of Erzsébet Báthory!

Legend names Erzsébet Báthory, a Hungarian noblewoman, as the most prolific female serial killer of all time. Her likeness and story have been reimagined countless times in fictional media, seemingly getting more bloody and brutal with each retelling.

Sonia Velton put a much different spin on the story of the reputed Blood Countess. I’ve gotta say, I will never think of Báthory the same way again. This was so well done. Incredibly creative and if the Author’s Note is any tell, extremely well researched.

I feel like Velton took great care with this story. I loved how it was developed and all pieced together. The characters were fascinating and the bits at the end containing portions of the trial were uber-compelling.

When Erzsébet was charged with her alleged crimes, four of her servants were accused alongside her as accomplices. In this novel, we meet those people closest to Erzsébet, her inner circle, and find out what life may have been like for them inside the castle walls.

Our main focus is a young girl, Boróka, who is one of the most recent additions to the household. She quickly rises to be one of the Countess’s most trusted companions.

This story builds with us learning about all these key players, as well as the Countess herself. There are some nasty people there. It’s not surprising, once you get to know them, how this ultimately played out. It’s rife with deceit, backstabbing and lies.

Even though this is a bit out of my comfort zone, I did truly appreciate what the author did here. I’m so glad I made time for this story and would absolutely be interested in picking up more from Sonia Velton.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Perennial, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I would definitely recommend this to Historical Fiction and Gothic Fiction Readers, as well as anyone interested in the legend of Erzsébet Báthory.

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Review: The Bell in the Fog (Evander Mills #2) by Lev A.C. Rosen

The Bell in the FogThe Bell in the Fog by Lev A.C. Rosen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

The Bell in the Fog is the 2nd-installment of Lev A.C. Rosen’s Evander Mills series. If you are unfamiliar with these books, it’s a Queer Historical Mystery series, and it’s amazing.

I really enjoyed the 1st-book, Lavender House, when I read it in 2022, but I actually enjoyed this one even more.

I wouldn’t say it was because of the mystery components, or that this one is better written, it’s more increased enjoyment because of how attached I am to these characters now.

Evander Mills, who goes by Andy, is a fantastic MC. He is everything I would want a lead to be. He contains a lot of depth. I love his back story and watching him forge a new path for his future.

Admittedly, in addition to the great stories, quite a bit of my enjoyment comes from the fabulous narration of Vikas Adam, who so far has narrated all three of the installments.

We are told these stories solely through Andy’s perspective, and Vikas Adam IS Andy to me. I will never be able to hear another person reading as Andy and believe it.

The tone and quality of Adam’s voice channels such a period-appropriate film noir feel to these audiobooks; I cannot recommend them highly enough. If you are going to read them, you really should check out at least one of the audiobooks if you have them available to you.

To help set the scene, it’s 1952, in San Francisco, and Andy is trying to get his private detective business off the ground after being let go from the SFPD after getting caught in a compromising position at a gay bar. He’s in desperate need of a new case when a familiar face walks through his door, but it’s not someone he’s excited to see.

It’s James, Andy’s lover from his time in the navy, who mysteriously disappeared years before. Even though he wants to immediately kick James out, Andy, ever the gentleman, decides to let him state his case.

James needs help. He’s being blackmailed. He wants to find the person behind it and put a stop to it before his entire life and career is flushed down the drain.

Andy is not pleased to see James again, but honestly, he can’t afford to be picky. A case is a case, and blackmail shouldn’t be too hard to clear up.

The web of deceit is much thicker than Andy could have anticipated though, and soon, everything seems more at risk than ever. We follow Andy in a fast-paced scramble as he tries desperately, not just to protect his client, but everyone he holds dear.

Y’all, this is such an engaging mystery and entertaining series. I feel like it needs more buzz, as I’m not hearing enough people chatting it up.

The classic Detective Fiction vibes are here, but super gay. I love the setting, the entertaining cast of characters and the representation, which includes a wide range of Queer identities and romances.

The community that Andy has found himself, though often complicated, is also heartwarming. There’s something about these characters sort of carving out a safe space for themselves in an otherwise hostile world; it’s hopeful, while at the same time not negating the serious dangers they face day-to-day, which I appreciated.

The early-1950s setting enhances this story by allowing Rosen to give a subtle, respectful nod to those who came before. To show what they went through, it’s eye-opening and was handled in such a tactful way.

As you can tell, I love this series. I’ve already started the 3rd-book Rough Pages, and I am hoping there are many, many more to come.

I feel like I haven’t come across too many Queer Mystery series, so if that is something you also feel is lacking in your reading life, you definitely need to check this one out.

With this being said, Queer or not, this is a great mystery series, period, and I hope more people discover, and love, Andy Mills and friends!

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Review: Rough Pages (Evander Mills #3) by Lev A.C. Rosen

Rough Pages (Evander Mills, #3)Rough Pages by Lev A.C. Rosen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I love this series with my whole heart. Andy Mills is a phenomenal main character and I adore the classic film noir vibes just rolling off these pages.

The mystery, relationships and setting are all equally fantastic and compelling. I need more!

If you’re unaware, Rough Pages is the 3rd-installment to Lev A.C. Rosen’s Evander Mills series. These are Historical Mysteries set in early-1950s San Francisco and follow a diverse cast of characters.

This story kicks off with Andy being drawn back to Lavender House for a missing person case involving Pat, the butler. Pat has been volunteering his time working at a book store specializing in a subscription service for Queer books.

The proprietor of that bookstore, Henry, has mysteriously gone missing, along with his address book containing the list of all their subscribers. Trust that in the early-1950s, this is a very valuable list. If it falls into the wrong hands, a lot of people would be in danger.

Andy discovers the book shop also had begun publishing Queer books, and it appears someone didn’t want them to release their latest project.

Evidence leads Andy to believe there’s a mafia connection and that they may have purposely held onto the subscriber list for future blackmail purposes.

It’s a race against time as Andy tries to put the pieces of this dangerous puzzle together before his whole world comes crashing down around him.

The mystery, again, was great and I have become so incredibly attached to this cast of characters. It’s not just Andy, but also the found family he has surrounded himself with since his termination from the police department.

I loved how at the start of this, he returned to Lavender House, which he didn’t do in the second book. So, that was fun to revisit that special place and I like how Rosen incorporated those characters again.

The film noir, classic detective fiction, vibes are so strong in this series. I urge anyone who has a soft spot for those classics to pick this series up. Rosen has nailed that style and when I am reading one of these mysteries, I can see it all playing out in my head like my movie. I love it.

Andy went through so much in this one. He has a budding relationship and he did have to confront a bit of his past again, this time in the form of his former employer.

There were high stakes, tense moments, as well as discussions about books and sharing of stories. I appreciated how a lot of the plot revolved around this idea of subversive books. That was an interesting avenue of exploration.

This series doesn’t get enough hype, IMO, so just know, it comes with my highest recommendation. I haven’t come across a lot of Queer Historical Mysteries, but I have a feeling, even if I had, this series would still be the tops.

In addition to the overall series recommendation, I also highly recommend the audiobooks, if that’s an option for you. They’re all narrated by Vikas Adam, whose narration style lends itself so well to the film noir feel of these stories. Vikas is Andy to me.

Thank you to the publisher, Forge Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me copies to read and review. I am not sure what the future holds for this series, but I certainly hope we get a lot more cases to solve with Andy and friends!!

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Review: The Last Witch in Edinburgh by Marielle Thompson

The Last Witch in EdinburghThe Last Witch in Edinburgh by Marielle Thompson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Last Witch in Edinburgh is a novel I went into wanting to know as little as possible about the plot. I had heard it had incredible atmosphere, and that was enough to sell it to me.

As the story began, I was fully immersed. It actually kicked off on my birthday, the 18th of September, but in 1824. Obviously, we are in Edinburgh and we are following Nellie Duncan, a young woman at a perilous time in her life.

Her mother is gone, she lives with her father, a drunkard, and her younger brother, who she tries her very best to care for. She’s the responsible adult in their household.

Unfortunately, Nellie loses her job after a misunderstanding with the lady of the house, who she once considered her surrogate mother. After that, Nellie is set adrift.

Not only is Nellie’s personal life in turmoil, but society itself is also a dangerous mess, with witch hunts and hangings going on left and right.

Nellie’s misunderstanding with her past employer, and her growing beauty, make her afraid of attracting the wrong attention. She keeps very much to herself, just hoping to avoid any unwanted attentiveness.

It’s while under the cover of darkness that she first comes into contact with the women from Rae’s Apothecary. Nellie ends up finding purpose and place within their shop, and maybe a little more with the enticing Jean Rae.

Thinking she’s finally found a home, Nellie’s heart is shattered when disaster strikes. She spends the next two centuries fleeing from the world.

Okay, so the initial set-up, I was so into it. I loved the setting of 1820s Edinburgh and all the dangers that Nellie was facing within her day-to-day life.

I enjoyed learning about her family and felt real empathy for her position. Once she became enmeshed in the Apothecary, things began to slow down for me. I was still enjoying it, but didn’t feel quite as engaged.

Then the shift. I didn’t know the two centuries part. It is in the synopsis, I’m not spoiling anything by telling you this, but for me, I did not anticipate that time jump.

Once I was no longer in 1820s Scotland, the magic completely disappeared for me. I appreciated the feminist topics explored, but while in the first half they were incorporated smoothly into the overall narrative, for me, the 2nd-half felt forced and too heavy-handed.

The experience for me was so split as to feel like two different stories. The first-half of the book was a solid 4-star read. The second-half, I was straight-up bored, NGL.

If I had to rate the second-half of this book on its own, it would be a 2-star. Hence why I have decided on the 3-star rating. This seems the most fair way to explain it.

I will take the blame for this. I wanted the entire thing to be atmospheric and historic, full of lush settings and period-specific dangers. When it wasn’t that, I couldn’t help but be disappointed.

I do think the author did a great job of creating the lore around this tale though. There are many strong attributes, so please don’t let my slight disappointment derail you from picking this up.

Even though this one let me down a little in the end, Marielle Thompson’s writing is beautiful and I would absolutely be interested in picking up more of their work.

Thank you to the publisher, Tantor Audio, for providing me a copy to read and review. I would highly recommend the audiobook, if you do choose to pick this up. It’s fabulously narrated by Siobhan Waring.

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Review: Murder by Candlelight by Faith Martin

Murder by CandlelightMurder by Candlelight by Faith Martin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Murder by Candlelight is a Historical Cozy Mystery set in the village of Maybury-in-the-Marsh, in the Cotswolds, in 1924.

Arbie Swift is an author, who has found new found success after the publication of his book, The Gentleman’s Guide to Ghost-Hunting. He’s the kind of famous now, where since he’s an expert in all things ghost,has individuals seeking him out, asking for assistance with their own hauntings.

For example, he gets asked to the Old Forge, where the lady of the house, Amy Phelps, believes she is being haunted by a spectre. Arbie should know what to do, right?

Hesitant at first, both with his new-found fame, and with the idea that he can actually help Amy with her problem, Arbie finally agrees to go stay at the Old Forge. After all, it could provide good content for his next book.

Unfortunately, while Arbie is there, Amy is murdered. Now Arbie finds himself in the unlikely position of detective, along with his dear friend, Val.

As the two dig into Amy’s life and family, they discover all sorts of potential suspects and motives. It’s a race against the clock as they try to discover the identity of the killer, supernatural or not, before anyone else falls victim…

I have been in such a mood for Cozy Mysteries lately. I’m not sure what it is, the changing of the seasons, or the amount of stress that I have been under at work and in my life, but either way, I am eating them up.

I picked this one up on a whim and devoured it in a day. I loved the quaint setting and Arbie as a main character. I think this story set-up a perfect jumping off point for a potentially long-running series.

As with many other Mystery series, I feel like this is the kind of story where you would just get more and more attached to the characters as the installments add up. It also had a distinct Christie vibe, which really worked for me.

I loved that Arbie was an author of a ghost-hunting book, and whether or not he truly believes in all that, is something you’ll have to discover for yourself upon reading. However, whether he does or not, it certainly sets him up to meet a lot of interesting people.

I also really enjoyed the relationship between Arbie and Val, which definitely deserves some more attention. I’m not sure if there are plans for this to be a series, or not, but I certainly hope so. I would be genuinely excited to continue on.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys Cozy Mysteries, particularly if you enjoy Historical Cozy Mysteries, Mysteries set in a small town/village, or even if you are just a fan of Agatha Christie’s work.

I feel like Martin did a great job plotting this story, and keeping the Reader engaged, while also creating likable, believable characters.

Thank you to the publisher, HQ Digital, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I truly hope this isn’t the last I see of Arbie and Val!!

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