You Are Fatally Invited by Ande Pliego
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
**1.5-stars rounded up**
You Are Fatally Invited features a classic-Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None, set-up. Usually, an easy win for me.
Additionally, it’s set on a island off the coast of Maine. As an island resident myself, and having grown-up on the coast of Maine, both of these things should also have been wins.
What else? Oh, yes. The story also features a full cast of characters who are writers. Also a thing that I love, following author characters, getting insights on their processes.
However, even with all of these incredible items being ticked off my personal checklist, this didn’t work for me. It makes me sad, but I have to be honest about my experience.
From the very start, the writing style had me off-kilter. It just didn’t mesh with me. There was one character whose perspective was 2nd-person, and that’s not typically something I enjoy.
Every time I got to that character’s perspective it would jar me out of the story. Some people may assume that it’s the fact that this whole cast is unlikable, but I assure you, that’s not it. I love a cast of unlikable characters.
There were many times when I contemplated DNFing, but I felt like the least I could do was make it all the way through to the end. I owed it that, and it could have come around for me. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
It’s pretty rare for me to actively-dislike a book the whole way through. I can almost always find some aspects to point out that I can compliment.
Unfortunately, I actively-disliked this throughout. I switched to the audiobook at around 35% to see if that would help. For a minute, I thought it would. Sadly, that notion disappeared as quickly as a free pizza in a workplace lunchroom.
I had been so excited for it too, based upon the points listed above, but it just wasn’t the right story for me. We hated each other. I’m sure this book hated my eye-rolling, huffing-and-puffing ass very much by the end as well. I’m glad we can now go our separate ways.
To me, it felt like the author was more in love with their own words than the plot, or the characters, of this story. I’m not saying this is true, it’s just what reading this story made me feel. It’s the taste I walked away with.
With this being said, I want to be CLEAR, this is just my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with this book. If you look at the current reviews, I am in the minority opinion on this one.
I would urge absolutely every Reader who is captivated by the synopsis, to go ahead and give this book a shot. It’s certainly worth a read and you can come to your own conclusion on it.
Also, I have pointed out in many of my other reviews, I never write an author off after one try. Even though this exact story wasn’t quite to my liking, I would totally be down to picking up this author’s next work.
Thank you, Bantam, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I appreciate it very much and I know that this novel is going to find a wide audience who loves it!