Review: Nothing Ever Happens Here by Seraphina Nova Glass

Nothing Ever Happens HereNothing Ever Happens Here by Seraphina Nova Glass
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There’s a reason why so many people enjoy living in small towns. They’re safe. They’re wholesome and it’s a great place to grow up, or raise your own children.

Shelby and Mack are best friends who still live in the small town they grew up in. Both are successful business women and have their own families. Life is steady and good.

That is until Shelby is viciously attacked, barely surviving the incident, and on that same night Mack’s husband, Leo, also goes missing.

This event shook the town. People were understandably shocked and disturbed. How could this happen here? Nothing ever happens here…

Honestly, this is all I want to say about this plot. I always look forward to new releases from Seraphina Nova Glass, because she always ends up surprising me. I’m never sure what I’m going to get.

I feel like for some Mystery-Thriller authors, they have a bit of a formula, and you know when you are reading their books that it’s one of theirs, because there is such a specific style. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

In fact, some of my favorite authors I would say this about. A great example, IMO, being the great Agatha Christie.

For SNG though, I don’t really feel that. This also isn’t a bad thing. Neither way is better than the other. I feel like her stories, the tone, the way they’re told, have really run the gamut for me.

I loved the unique perspectives in this one. We get Shelby and Mack, of course, but we also get the perspective of an elderly woman named, Florence, who lives at a care home that both Shelby and Mack are involved with.

I love getting older perspectives. I say older, but by that I just mean older than what we, on average, tend to get in fiction, and I completely loved Florence.

This book grabbed me from the start. By 10% in, I was hooked. I felt like the opening was so powerful and intriguing that it’s going to stick in my mind for a long time. I didn’t know what to think.

I did find Shelby and Mack a bit interchangeable at the start, NGL. I struggled at times to tell them apart, but that worked itself out the further along I got in the story.

The residents of the care home though, were all distinct and such a joy to read about. The time spent with them was honestly my favorite bits.

Another thing I loved about this was the setting and the climate. This story is set in Minnesota, entirely during the winter months. The snow and teeth-chattering cold play a huge role in the action.

It’s absolutely perfect for Winter reading. This entire story made me feel cold. I’m not joking. I could feel it. Make sure you have a nice warm blanket and hot drink at the ready when picking this one up!

Overall, I had a blast with Nothing Ever Happens Here. It’s such an intensely-OTT, wildly-wicked good time, and boy, oh boy, did it get my pulse racing towards the end.

Florence and Herb are absolute dolls. I love them both and their friendship so much. Goals.

Thank you to Graydon House, for providing me with a copy to read and review. As mentioned, I love Seraphina Nova Glass and always look forward to her latest works.

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