Review: 49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards

49 Miles Alone49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

In 49 Miles Alone we follow cousins, Katie and Aster, as they embark on a 4-day, 49-mile hike through the Utah desert.

We can tell early on that Katie and Aster are incredibly close, however, something has happened within the past year that has caused a fracture in their relationship.

As hiking is an activity they’ve been doing together since they were kids, it seems they’re intending to use this trip, in one way or another, to repair their relationship.

They’re both experienced backpackers, but as everyone knows, the world is a dangerous place, due both to nature itself and other humans.

As the trip starts off, the girls are both fairly quiet. There’s a lot of thinking going on, but unfortunately not a lot of communicating. Eventually, though circumstances require them to begin to open up and work together.

There’s limited supplies, an illness, a freak storm and an injury, but the most unsettling may be the people they encounter on the trail.

They meet a couple, Riley and Finn, and end up tenting near them for a night. Something about them seems off to Katie and Aster when they share a meal with them.

That night, the cousins hear the couple fighting and witness Riley fleeing their campsite with Finn in hot pursuit. Unable to assist Riley in the dark, Katie and Aster hunker down until morning, at which time the find the couple’s campsite abandoned with no sign of either one of them.

How are Katie and Aster going to be able to help this other girl, when it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to even help themselves? Will they make it to mile-49?

I adored my time with this YA Survival Thriller for people who enjoy being out on the trails. The topics explored were great, the character arcs were fantastic, and the intriguing bits so well plotted.

Honestly, this is my favorite Natalie D. Richards to-date!

I read this so quickly. I found the cousins both interesting and I enjoyed learning about their relationship, including all they’d been through together.

In addition to getting both Katie and Asters perspectives, we also get a mystery perspective from an individual who has obviously been severely injured on the trail.

This perspective was peppered in and I loved the mystery of who that was, and how it was going to connect to the story of our cousins.

When they meet the couple, there were many red flags, and that situation def upped the stakes for our girls. It was completely gripping. I had to know the ultimate outcome.

I love hiking and being out in nature in general, exploring new places. This is a proper Survival Thriller and it never got too OTT-for me. I thought it was very well done and well plotted. The drama felt real and I loved the character arcs for both Katie and Aster.

I love how Richards kept it intriguing throughout. There was always something to question and wonder about. I also really enjoyed the emotional journey for both girls. They grew so much by the end and I loved the ending. It’s so satisfying.

Thank you to the publisher, SOURCEBOOKS Fire, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I cannot wait to read more from this author!

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