Review: Booked for Murder (Old Juniper Bookstore Mysteries #1) by P.J. Nelson

Booked for Murder (Old Juniper Bookstore Mysteries)Booked for Murder by P. J. Nelson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**


Booked for Murder is the 1st-book in the Old Juniper Bookstore Mysteries series. This is a new Cozy Mystery series set in a small Georgia town.

In this, we meet Madeline Brimley, who has just returned to her hometown of Enigma, Georgia, after the passing of her Aunt Rose, her dearest remaining relative.

Maddy has mixed feelings about going back. She always dreamed of leaving Enigma and heading to NYC, as an actress, to follow in her Aunt Rose’s footsteps, actually. Things in New York were tough though, and she actually ended up in the Theater circuit in Atlanta instead.

Even though Atlanta isn’t quite what she dreamed, it’s better than Enigma, and now she has to go back. Aunt Rose left Madeline her property, including her bookstore, the Old Juniper, which caters to the local college students.

Almost as soon as Madeline arrives back, though, things start going wrong. First, the long-standing and well-loved gazebo in the back yard is set ablaze, and then Madeline starts receiving disturbing calls from someone threatening her unless she leaves.

Madeline isn’t one to be easily intimidated however, so the calls and fire end up having the opposite effect, making her dig in even more.

She befriends a local student, Tandy, who seems to have also been quite close with Aunt Rose. Tandy inserts herself into helping with the bookstore, for which Maddy is grateful. That is until the next fire, that ultimately ends in murder.

Not fully trusting the local authorities, and also feeling slightly guilty over the violent death which took place in the bookstore, Maddy begins an investigation of her own.

Will she be able to find out who is after her, or will they end up getting to her first? It seems they’ve tried to kill already. The next time, they may actually be successful.

This was a fun start to new Cozy Mystery series. I did enjoy the bookshop setting and the small town Georgia feels. I listened to the audibook, and the narrator did a great job channeling some accents that felt true to the story.

At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to vibe with Maddy. She can be a little abrasive and off-putting at times. It almost felt at certain points that she was completely unreasonable and condescending to those around her, but I think it’s all just an intentional part of her character journey.

She did become more likable over the course of the book and I started to understand where she was coming from the more I learned about her.

There was also a nice mix of side characters, Gloria, the reverend of a nearby church being my favorite, as well as a potential love interest for Maddy.

I feel like Nelson did a solid job setting up the small town atmosphere, as well as providing plenty of room for Maddy, as well as this series, to grow moving forward. I would definitely be interested in reading more mysteries centered around the Old Juniper Bookstore.

Thank you to the publisher, Dreamscape Media, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I would def recommend the audio format if you are interested in picking this one up!

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Review: The Coldest Cast (Shana Merchant #6) by Tessa Wegert

The Coldest Case (Shana Merchant, #6)The Coldest Case by Tessa Wegert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

The Shana Merchant series just keeps getting better. Wegert delivering the twists, the turns, the chilling atmosphere, and the jaw-dropping revelations. I loved this one!

The Coldest Case is the 6th-installment of this character-driven, Police Procedural Mystery series, set in the Thousand Lakes region of Upstate New York.

I’ve enjoyed all the books in this series, but this could be my favorite one yet. If you’re unfamiliar with this series, it follows Senior Investigator, Shana Merchant, and her partner/husband, Tim Wellington.

Each book focuses on a different case, or mystery, but there is a compelling over-arching storyline for Shana herself, that you won’t want to miss. I would recommend starting this series at the beginning for maximum enjoyment.

In this installment, Tim and Shana are alerted to a missing person on the vastly remote island of Running Pine. It’s February and only a handful of adults, and one child, actually remain on the island over-Winter.

This missing man, Cary, is one of the island’s newest residents, never having done a Winter there. Cary, and his girlfriend, Sylvie, who has family connections to the island, are social-media influencers, who moved to the island to promote their quasi-off-grid lifestyle brand.

Cary goes fishing with a couple of other Running Pine men one morning, but when the two men are ready to leave, Cary tells them he wants to stay out on the ice a while longer. After that, Cary never returns home. The remaining island citizens fear the worse, and immediately call for help and a vigorous search ensues.

With the clock ticking, and temps dropping, a police team makes the perilous journey, only possible by airboat over the ice this time of year, out to Running Pine.

The victim’s girlfriend, Sylvie, is acting bizarrely and it doesn’t seem she is disclosing everything she knows to the investigators. The other island residents are equally odd. What exactly are these people hiding?

This story was told so well. I love how it all unfolded. Learning about the residents of Running Pine and getting to travel out to the island and feel its remoteness. Wegert nailed the creation of that stark and desolate atmosphere.

Running Pine felt like a world of its own, following its own set of rules. Everything there seemed a little off, and I wanted Shana far, far away from it.

I also loved that the story was set in February. The cold got under my skin. There’s inclement weather that presents a huge obstacle to the police investigation, but in spite of that, Shana, Tim and the team, aren’t giving up.

There’s so much going on in Shana’s personal life as well. She’s about to start a new chapter, (view spoiler), and it has caused her to reflect a bit on her past, including the last case she had before leaving the NYPD.

I did enjoy this secondary mystery and felt it was important for Shana to reexamine that old case. She needs closure from that time period, 4-years ago, that ended with her in the clutches of a serial killer, after which she left the city, and the department, to move upstate.

As a trauma survivor, Shana’s journey of recovery and healing has happened in many stages. It’s still very much a part of her and I can definitely understand why she would be wanting to put more of it to bed, as she continues building her life in A-Bay.

The mix of the present case with Shana’s past was really well balanced by Wegert, IMO. Neither one overshadowed the other, and I feel like they were both important and impactful for Shana’s continued character growth.

I’m not sure what the plans are for this series, but I’m definitely anticipating more and would be shattered if this were actually the last one.

There were moments whilst reading this, that I actually questioned that, because Wegert was being so reflective with Shana’s character, it almost felt like a good-bye.

It can’t possibly be though, so I shall stalk Wegert’s author page remain patient whilst I wait for news on Book #7. Wegert’s at the top of her freaking game, this absolutely can’t be it for this gripping Mystery series.

When I tell you there were twists in this that left me gagged, I’m not exaggerating. This was such a fun read. I can’t wait to see what case Shana will face next!!
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Review: Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman

Incidents Around the HouseIncidents Around the House by Josh Malerman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

On its own, this may have been a 4-star read, but the story mixed with the stellar audiobook narration made this such a fun and memorable experience.

I thought this was fantastically-eerie, and I appreciated the nods to the town of Goblin from Malerman’s earlier work. The horror imagery was also so well-imagined.

For me, Josh Malerman is an author who I either love his work, or don’t. Luckily, this was a complete success. I would say this is my favorite of his books that I’ve read so far.

In this story, we are following Bela, an 8-year old girl, who is perpetually haunted by a malevolent being she has taken to calling Other Mommy.

At first, Bela sees Other Mommy as a friend, but over time Other Mommy has grown a lot scarier, and a lot more persistent in her efforts to get Bela to ‘let her into her heart’.

When horrifying incidents begin happening around the house, it becomes clear that Other Mommy is getting tired of waiting. It’s growing bolder and seemingly more powerful. Even Bela’s parents can no longer explain away Other Mommy as being a figment of their daughter’s imagination.

They need help, which they seek outside the home, but nothing they try seems to work. They are desperate to keep Bela safe, but soon cracks within her parents marriage become craters.

Will they be able to reforge their family bonds for the good of them all, and hopefully banish Other Mommy forever, or will they ultimately fall under its evil influence?

This book instantly captured my attention. The audiobook, brilliantly-narrated by Delanie Nicole Gill, felt so authentic. Though 18-years old, I believe, Gill’s narrative voice actually felt like that of an 8-year old girl; no shade intended. The delivery was impeccable.

Getting this all from the perspective of an 8-year old, with age appropriate logic, made this feel creepier than it may otherwise have been. It also made the story feel unique and will stick in my mind for a long time.

I also appreciated how quickly Malerman kicked off the action and introduced us to Other Mommy. There’s not a lot of beating around the bush here. You’re just in it.

My favorite character in this story was Grandma Ruth. I love this type of character. An older one, who feels safe and wise, that comes in and helps the floundering younger people.

Grandma Ruth also added a bit of lightness to an otherwise dark-filled story. I loved how much she loved her family, and those relationships all felt very realistic.

There’s also some occult elements included, which I enjoyed. Overall, I feel like it’s a well-rounded story that built nicely in intensity throughout. I was fully invested in it.

I would absolutely recommend this to Horror Readers of all types. In particular, I would recommend the audiobook format, as I just feel it was so well done.

Thank you to the publisher, Del Rey, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This makes me more jazzed about Malerman than ever. I can’t wait for his next release!

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Review: Not for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher

Not for the Faint of HeartNot for the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up**

Mariel, granddaughter of the infamous Robin Hood, is a new Captain in the Merry Men. She’s desperate to live up to her family legacy, which puts a lot of pressure on her.

Clem, a cheery backwoods healer, is taken prisoner by Mariel, and the MM, as retribution for Clem’s guardian offering healing services to the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Forced proximity abounds as Mariel and Clem travel along together doing Merry Men things. Everything seems to mostly be going to plan, when Mariel’s father, Jack Hartley, Commander of the Merry Men, is captured in an ambush.

Now Mariel and the remaining MM, including sweetly-innocent Clem, must try to get him back.

With the woods at war, not everyone believes in the Merry Men as they used too. Soon enough, even Mariel is questioning what they stand for.

Will they be able to get Jack back? And will the Merry Men continue on their current path, or switch things up for a new generation of bandits?

This is a cute story that showed off Croucher’s signature witty writing style. I wouldn’t say I connected to this one at the same level that I did with Gwen & Art last year, but it’s still a solid Historical YA Rom-Com.

As with Gwen & Art, I did listen to the audiobook and definitely recommend that format. The accent of the narrator lends itself well to these stories, and truly helps to bring the action to life.

I appreciate how quickly Croucher can create characters I love. Both Clem and Mariel were so fun to get to know, though for different reasons. It definitely has a Grumpy-Sunshine element to it that evolved beautifully over the course of the story.

I particularly liked the journey for Mariel. As a member of an infamous family, she’s had a lot of assumptions made about her and preconceptions made about who she is as a person.

She’s had a real struggle trying to overcome those things and figure out what exactly her path is going to be.

I also enjoyed her learning more truths behind her famous family. Going in, I had forgotten this was connected to the legend of Robin Hood. I loved that inspiration.

I also really enjoyed, and was impressed by, how even though this is a magical and witty tale, Croucher again managed to seamlessly weave in some heavier topics. There’s a lot here for Readers to enjoy.

For me though, as mentioned above, I never ended up connecting with this as deeply as Gwen & Art, and I’m not sure how memorable it will be for me long term.

With this being said, it’s still a great YA book with a lot of important topics explored and representation. I’ll keep coming back for all Croucher’s future releases.

Thank you to the publisher, Wednesday Books and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I love this kind of funny Historical romps, and hope Croucher continues writing them!

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Review: The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel

The Hitchcock HotelThe Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alfred Smettle is the proud founder, owner and manager of The Hitchcock Hotel, an Alfred Hitchcock-themed hotel settled amongst the rugged landscape of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. It’s beautiful, yet secluded.

The Hotel has been a labor of love for Alfred, a life-long Hitchcock fan. With the 1-year anniversary of the hotel’s founding approaching, Alfred decides it would be a great time to invite his best friends from college for a reunion.

Of course, he hasn’t really spoken to any of them in 16-years, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching out and extending the invitations.

For their part, the five invitees, once all members of the Film Club at their college, are surprised to get the invitations. It just seems strange after all this time, but curiosity gets the best of them and they all accept.

Zoe, Samira, Grace, TJ and Julius arrive one-by-one at the hotel and the strange weekend begins. As the Reader you get to know each of these characters. The story jumps around between perspectives, as well as past-and-present timelines.

It is a fully unlikable cast with a ton of interpersonal drama and secrets among them. Personally, I enjoy that kind of set-up, but if you are someone who needs to like your characters, you may not. There’s not much to like here.

This is in part a murder mystery, although it does take some time to get there. You know pretty early on that not all is going to go right with this weekend.

Even though I knew someone was bound to die, I still didn’t see it coming. Not the person, not the circumstance. Every single one of the remaining people had a motive, which did successfully keep me guessing.

I’ll be honest though, after the first few chapters, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it, but IMO, Wrobel pulled it off in the end. There were some fun twists and reveals.

It may have helped that I am a big Hitchcock fan, so have watched all the movies mentioned and understood the many references. I’m not sure I would have had quite the same experience with it if I didn’t have that background.

At the end of the day, I feel like this is a solid showing for Wrobel. I would recommend it to people who enjoy secluded locations with set cast of characters. I also, of course, would recommend it to any other Alfred Hitchcock fans.

Thank you to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I’m interested to see what Wrobel delivers us next. All her books have been quite distinct from one another, but I like her in this Murder Mystery space.

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Review: I am the Dark That Answers When You Call (I Feed Her to the Beast #2) by Jamison Shea

I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call (I Feed Her to the Beast Book 2)I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call by Jamison Shea
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I Am the Dark That Answers When You Call is good. I did like it and also feel it’s a solid follow-up to I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me, but for me, unfortunately, it wasn’t quite as compelling.

While this still had the same gloriously-dark, often gory imagery, toe-curling body horror and rage-filled good for her moments, it nevertheless lacked a bit of the drama and the easily-understandable motivations of the 1st-book.

Additionally, part of the draw for me to that 1st-book was the backdrop of the high stakes, cut-throat world of a professional ballet troupe. There’s really not much of that left by the time the story progresses to this point.

This novel is set about two months after the events of the previous book, and Laure has pretty much left the ballet in her wake. She is spiraling a bit, drinking, partying and basically being a monster, menacing the streets of Paris.

It’s on one of these nights though, that she discovers the dead body of a woman she had been associating with. It’s this event that spurs Laure into seeing that something isn’t right within the city.

As it turns out, she’s not the only monster in town…

This focused a lot on Acheron and Elysium, as well as Laure’s family and potential reasons why she may have actually found herself in her current circumstances.

I did like learning more about her background, but as mentioned above, I did miss the ballet and Laure’s original ambitions. My mind wandered and at the end of the day, I’m sure there’s some substance that I sort of glossed over.

Nevertheless, I can appreciate what the author did here and I know so many Readers are going to love this. For me, it just didn’t quite live up to the first book.

Thank you to the publisher, Henry Hold and Co (BYR) and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review. I will be picking up more from this author!

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Review: A Front-Page Murder (Poppy Denby Investigates #1) by Fiona Veitch Smith

A Front-Page Murder (Poppy Denby Investigates #1)A Front-Page Murder by Fiona Veitch Smith
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed A Front-Page Murder, which is the first installment of the Poppy Denby Investigates series.

I felt like in comparison to other Cozy Mysteries I’ve read lately, it’s quite simplistic, but there’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple and I mean that.

I had mistakenly believed this was the start to a new series, but it’s actually an older series being rereleased. Luckily, since it takes place in a historical time period, it didn’t feel dated, as it may have with a more modern backdrop.

This is set in 1920s-London and follows an aspiring female reporter, Poppy Denby. At the start, Poppy is moving to London from her quiet Northern town to live with her Aunt Dot, a once successful former stage actress.

At 22-years old, this is the first time Poppy has forged out on her own, away from her parents. She’s excited, but also a little nervous about starting her new life.

Poppy isn’t afraid to go after what she wants though, and the ambitious young woman quickly lands a job with the Daily Globe as an Editorial Assistant.

On her first day, one of the Globe’s veteran reporter, Bert Isaacs, falls from a balcony within their office building, plunging to his death. This occurs moments after he’s received a mysterious note related to his current project.

Isaacs was looking into the death of a local suffragette some 7-years earlier. Due to her Aunt’s ties to that movement, Poppy is assigned to help complete the article.

As Poppy begins to investigate, she is thrust headfirst into a dangerous world she never expected to end up in. The more she learns, the deeper she wants to dig. There’s a lot to uncover, involving a lot of powerful people, who grow wise quickly to Poppy’s lurking about.

The public, and the innocent people involved, have the right to know the truth, and Poppy is determined to get to the bottom of it; to expose the bad actors involved. Justice has just gained a new ally.

As mentioned above, I did enjoy this one quite a bit. Though simple, I did find it compelling enough and I really enjoyed Poppy as a main character.

I liked that this was her first time out on her own. She had a lot to learn, but grew so much more over the course of the story. Though she started out a bit unsure and self-conscious, by the conclusion she’s a confident young lady with the world as her oyster.

I would be interested in continuing on with this series. I feel like this has the potential to make me quite attached to these characters. Poppy does have a love interest and I would like to see how that turns out as well.

Thank you to the publisher, Embla Books, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I hope the rest of the series is rereleased with this style of cover. It’s perfectly-fitting for this story and I can’t wait to pick the rest up!

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Review: American Rapture by C.J. Leede

American RaptureAmerican Rapture by C.J. Leede
My rating: 4 of 5 stars



Oofhhh. American Rapture hit me like a punch to the gut. The Author’s Note made me cry legitimate grown-lady tears.

This is such a well-executed Apocalypse story; completely successful, IMO, with the topics Leede chose to explore. This is going to stick in my mind for a very long time.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, shall we? Maeve Fly. When I read Maeve Fly last year, I found it to be shocking, yes, but also smart and visceral.

That story was presented in a biting stream of consciousness narrative style from the perspective of the MC. That type of narrative choice isn’t my favorite and I often find myself struggling to determine what exactly the author is hoping for me to get out of it.

American Rapture is nothing like Maeve Fly.

I mean, I guess I shouldn’t say that, because in some ways it is. It’s also smart and visceral, as well as certainly memorable, but the tone throughout, and the way the story is presented, is vastly different.

This is a truly realistic Apocalypse story. We follow a teen girl named, Sophie, who was raised in an extremely zealous Catholic household.

Sophie has been very sheltered from the world, and as you get to know her, she feels emotionally stunted; certainly more naive than she should be at her age.

We discover that she has a twin brother, Noah, who has been removed from the household and sent away for unknown reasons. On the brink of the societal collapse, Sophie sets out to try to find him. On her own for the first time, Sophie is quickly schooled in the ways of the world.

The synopsis alludes to sexual elements and sex, as well as sexuality, are def amongst the topics explored here.

The virus in question has many symptoms, but one of the most shocking is that infected individuals act out in sexual ways, often attacking in violent, lust-filled rages. Sophie is witness to these on more than a few occasions.

For Sophie, having been completely sexually repressed, this is beyond incomprehensible. She was on the verge of her own sexual awakening when this all started, which further complicates her confusion, guilt and shame.

In a lot of ways, Sophie made me think of Carrie White. This is what would have happened if an Apocalypse had hit just prior to Carrie going to the prom.

I did love going on this journey with Sophie though. I had such empathy for her. I wished I could have been there to help guide her and reassure her through many of her most difficult moments; clearly, her parents were useless.

I will be honest, I did skip Chapter 44. I had been warned ahead of time of some content contained therein, that because of circumstances going on in my life, I wouldn’t have handled well at the moment.

Even skipping that chapter though, I still feel like I easily understood everything that was happening in the story directly thereafter.

I did listen to the audiobook and loved the narration by Moniqua Plante. They did a great job bringing Sophie to life. I felt like I was listening to her recount these events first hand. It drew me in and held me.

I do feel like even though disaster struck numerous times over the course of this story, the world was literally falling apart, it nevertheless left me with a sense of hope and light.

An understanding that no matter what you are going through, no matter what your losses, as long as you are breathing, you can push through. You can come out the other side, maybe not the same, not undamaged, but alive and with the chance to be happy again.

If you pick this up, and I recommend you do, please be sure to read the Author’s Note at the end. I appreciate the novel even more after learning a bit about Leede’s own journey and the struggles that she had recently been going through.

I feel she put a lot of heart into this story. It’s thoughtful, impactful and gripping throughout. I was really impressed, and more importantly, moved by it.

Thank you to the publisher, Tor Nightfire and Macmillan Audio, for providing me with copies to read and review.

It’s clear that C.J. Leede is an incredible talent with a lot of versatility in her writing. I cannot wait for more!!!

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Review: How to Solve Your Own Murder (Castle Knoll Files #1) by Kristen Perrin

How to Solve Your Own Murder (Castle Knoll Files, #1)How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**3.5-stars rounded up **

Annie Adams has had her presence requested at a meeting hosted by her wealthy and reclusive Great-Aunt Frances. Annie doesn’t really know Great-Aunt Frances, so the invitation stirs up some anxiety, but also a lot of intrigue.

Unfortunately, by the time Annie arrives to the quaint English village of Castle Knoll, where her Great-Aunt lives, Frances is already dead; murdered.

In a way, it almost seems fitting. Frances was a woman literally obsessed with her own death for close to 60-years.

This began in 1965, at the local fair, when a fortune-teller predicted Frances would be murdered. Disturbing, sure. The prediction also included clues as to how it would happen. Frances, unsurprisingly, had a hard time living her life without seeing connections to those clues everywhere.

Most of the long-time residents of Castle Knoll were well aware of Frances’s preoccupation with her impending murder, and they have a lot of opinions on that and her.

Annie is thrust into this world, where everyone seems to know a lot more about her Great-Aunt than she does. Now it’s up to Annie to solve the murder first; there’s an inheritance on the line, and of course, her Great-Aunt’s legacy and reputation.

How to Solve Your Own Murder was a fun an engaging mystery. It was the exact tone I needed at the time I picked it up just prior to Thanksgiving holiday.

The slow-build and seamless back-and-forth between the past and present perspectives were exactly what I needed to take my mind off real life stressors.

It felt cozy and thoughtful, though I did struggle at times to keep track of some of the characters. With this being said, it’s still a very fun story featuring a likable new amateur sleuth, Annie, who I’m looking forward to getting to know even more as the series continues.

As mentioned above, this story does have both past and present perspectives. The past perspective follows Frances as she receives her fortune and the events that follow shortly thereafter. Our present perspective is of course, Annie.

I thought the way Perrin presented both of those perspectives was really well done and I did enjoy both equally. I thought it was layed out in a way that allows the Readers to piece things together in a natural way.

I also loved the quaint village atmosphere, my absolute favorite setting for a mystery. I feel like as the series continues, we’ll get to know the villagers more and that slight confusion with who’s who will go away.

I’m so excited to continue on with this series. I’m not sure what the plan is for it, but I think this was such a solid 1st-book and I know that the 2nd-book will be just as exciting. Annie is already a character I can’t wait to meet again.

Thank you to the publisher, Dutton, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I can’t wait for more Annie and the Castle Knoll Files!!!

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Review: Devils at the Door (Shana Merchant #5) by Tessa Wegert

Devils at the Door (Shana Merchant #5)Devils at the Door by Tessa Wegert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Devils at the Door is the 5th-book in Tessa Wegert’s Shana Merchant series. I’ve really enjoyed all the previous novels, and was excited to get to this one.

I’m happy to report, this is just as engaging as all the rest. It was so good for a number of different reasons, but my favorites were the overall mystery and the fact that Shana’s niece, Hen, is in town and plays a starring role.

If you are unfamiliar with this series, it follows Senior Investigator, Shana Merchant, and her partner, Tim Wellington, delivering solid Police Procedural action and intrigue throughout.

The setting is the Thousand Lakes region of upstate New York, which sits on the border to Canada. In this installment, as mentioned above, Shana’s teenage-niece, Henrietta, known as Hen, comes to live with her following a rebellious streak leaves Shana’s brother and sister-in-law at wits end.

Shana is happy for Hen to come stay, but is surprised by the changes she sees in Hen once she arrives. Gone is the cheerful, sweet little girl she remembers. Taking her place is a sullen, secretive teen, who seems obsessed with the macabre and displays odd behaviors.

The mystery begins when a local teenager drowns on the shores of the uninhabited Devil’s Oven Island, a frequent, yet dangerous, party spot for young people.

Responding to the call of the unresponsive teen, Shana is shocked to find Hen there, along with a couple of other teens. Hen just got to town, Shana didn’t even realize she had made friends yet, and she snuck out at night? Shana is left reeling by all these developments at once.

The circumstances surrounding the drowning are so unclear, and none of the teens at the scene are talking. How is Shana going to get to the bottom of this before the suspicions fall on Hen? She’s the outsider, a loner, a bit unusual, the one people aren’t going to believe.

Shana digs in and ends up discovering a few buried secrets that the adults of the town would rather keep buried, but how is any of that related to the recent drowning?

I loved this mystery, especially having the added pressure of Hen being involved. The stakes were particularly high for Shana, and you could feel that pressure reverberating throughout her life.

Subsequently, there was some exploration of Shana and Tim’s relationship and all that sort of shined a light on how Shana’s past may still be negatively effecting her.

Her traumas are certainly a lot to get over, so it’s no surprise. I think maybe Shana had thought it was more put to rest than it actually is though, so it was nice to see her examining that closer.

I frequently find myself saying about Adult Mystery series that they can be read in any order. And while that’s true here, it is a standalone mystery, this is one of the cases where I believe you are best served to start this series at the beginning and read them all the way through.

Wegert has taken great care developing her characters and sense of place. Shana in particular is such a well-fleshed out MC. She is on such a journey in this series and it would be most impactful for you, as the Reader, to start at the beginning with her.

Trust me, they’re all so good, you’ll be happy you did. Personally, I’m excited to get my hands on the 6th-book. I hope this series continues on for a long, long time. 25-books wouldn’t be enough. Keep ’em coming, Wegert!!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Severn House, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was a great mystery featuring one of my favorite detectives.

I can’t wait for more Shana Merchant!!!

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