Re-Reading a Classic: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

The HobbitThe Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


We sang a lot of songs and spun many a riddle. Alas, another adventure through Middle Earth comes to an end.

Picking this up, I couldn’t recall 100% if I had read it before. After reading the first two chapters though, I definitely believe I have; most likely as a tween.

I had fun revisiting Bilbo’s life and adventures. Some of the aspects were very familiar, while others, not so much. I’m happy I reread it via audio, because the narration by Rob Inglis was so perfect for this story.

He has such a classic storyteller voice. It was easy to get swept up and away into everything that was going on, and there is A LOT going on.

The assignment of Bilbo as a burglar was funny, because that was definitely not a position he ever saw himself falling into. He had certainly never had an adventure like this before and I liked watching him grow and change during his time with the Dwarves and Gandalf.

I will say, for me personally, this doesn’t hit quite like the main LOTR trilogy. This one is a bit choppy, and my word, the songs. Why must we have so many songs?

Actually, the audiobook, the songs were so off-key it was absolutely hilarious. I did feel bad for my dog though, who was forced to listen to this on a 5-hour road trip. He must have been thinking, what the fluff are we listening too?

The story itself, after the opening bits, which I thought were grand, does get a little clunky as our traveling group is going about their mission.

It also felt like a lot of the major events were just sort of glossed over. Nevertheless, it’s a classic for a reason. It’s a wonderful story and a great intro to this world. I’m looking forward to rereading the full LOTR trilogy this year!

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Rereading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

The Haunting of Hill HouseThe Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I first read The Haunting of Hill House in 2019. The only relationship I’d had with this story prior to that was via the 1999-film, The Haunting, starring Lily Taylor as Eleanor, Catherine Zeta-Jones as Theo, and Owen Wilson as Luke.

I freaking loved that movie. I owned it on VHS ((yes, I know)) and watched it all the time. So, as you might expect, my first time reading this original source material, my mind focused in on comparing this novel with that movie.

This time around, I picked it up for a Book Club discussion. I wanted the story fresh in mind, even going so far as to annotate my new paperback edition.

On the night of Book Club, I was only at page 103 on my reread. Obviously, I knew the story so wasn’t concerned about spoilers, but was definitely interested in what everyone had to say. I found the insight of other Readers so enlightening and it did help to focus my attention on different themes in the book this time around.

One of my biggest takeaways this time was a enhanced appreciation for Jackson’s impeccable character work; particularly for Eleanor and Theodora.

I was surprised seeing some of the comments on Theo. It took me aback to see that quite a few Readers perceived her as a villain, that maybe a harsh term; more that she mistreated Eleanor, and I’ve never felt that about her.

In fact, Theodora is my favorite character in the story. I can see where those thoughts came from though, but I have always viewed it more as Eleanor’s misconceptions on the relationship and on Theo’s behavior, than it actually being something Theo was doing purposefully, or with malice.

Again I was struck by the atmosphere and overall feel of Hill House. I loved how Jackson developed a true sense of place within this story. Hill House felt like a character unto itself, which is something I always appreciate in a story.

Upon completion, I actually decided to bump my original rating up from a 4 to a 5-star. I didn’t think I would end up doing that, but I feel like I appreciated everything about this so much more upon reread.

I would highly recommend this novel for anyone who loves stories with a gothic, haunting feel and phenomenal character work. IMO. this is an absolute modern-day classic and should be read at least once in your lifetime.

If you are interested in my thoughts from my first time reading this one, please continue below…


When I was in college, a little film called The Haunting was released. Starring Lily Taylor, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Owen Wilson, this Supernatural Horror flick was essentially a modern re-imagining of The Haunting of Hill House.

My Mom and I went see it at the theater and I promptly fell in love.

Soon after, I was able to buy it on VHS ((I know, right!?!)) and commenced watching it 2,638,450 times. I wish this was an exaggeration, but sadly, it is not.

I had never read the original source material. As a matter of fact, this is the first time that I have read this 1959-Classic of Horror fiction.

I finally decided to pick it up, spurred on by the celebration of ‘Women in Horror Fiction’ month.

I listened to the audiobook and was able to get through it quite quickly.

It is a short book, at just under 200-pages, and the narrator was absolutely fabulous. I was so invested in the story. Her voice was mesmerizing and seemed to transport me into that damn house!

I think my early love of the film version, The Haunting, really helped me to imagine the whole narrative.

I will say, after listening to this, that they did a great job in casting that film.

Seriously, Lily Taylor IS Nell. I loved Jackson’s creation of her character.

The mousy, sheltered girl who finally gains her freedom after what had to be a traumatic experience of years caring for her ailing mother.

I know, I know. Meg, this is supposed to be a book review, but I couldn’t write this review without mentioning that movie, as I know it has impacted my reading experience.

I truly enjoyed this book. The build-up, the atmosphere and the suspense. It was such a ride.

I thought the supernatural, or alleged supernatural elements, were so well done.

I had many spine-chilling, look over your shoulder, moments with this. It was great time.

The character interactions were a high point. I believed their relationships and connections to one another.

Each feeling compelled to participate for their own, very different, reasons. I especially enjoyed the complex relationship between Nell and Theo. Then we get to the ending…

Things were rolling along so nicely and then, POOF, we are finished.

A friend of mine explained it as such: it’s like she was writing this great book and then she just got tired of writing it. I agree with that completely.

Done with this project, drop mic, exit.

Even with this in mind though, I did really enjoy my time with this story. I may even revisit it again someday.

This should be appreciated for the great piece of Classic Horror literature that it truly is. It has influenced so many other stories and for that, I doff my cap to Shirley Jackson.

A true pioneer in the genre.

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Rereading ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

'Salem's Lot‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As with many King’s, I loved this even more upon reread.

This story will always hold a special place in my heart, but more than that, I’m considering proclaiming it my FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME!!!


‘Salem’s Lot was the first King novel I ever read. I’m not being hyperbolic when I say it shaped who I am as a Reader.

The year was 1987, I was 9-years old and I have never turned back. Surprisingly, this is one of the few early-Kings that up until now, I had only read once. I’m so excited that I finally revisited this childhood favorite!

The standout to me, as with most King novels, is the detailed character work and incredibly-palpable sense of place. This book also has some terrifying scenes as the drama builds, and it’s truly hard to put down once you start.

I love this entire cast, Ben and Mark, as well as Father Callahan, being personal favorites. As luck would have it, MAX is set to release an new adaptation of this one and I am anxiously-anticipating it. I can’t wait to see how they choose to bring it to the screen.

King’s stories are always better as books, but the trailer looks promising. I’m willing to give it a shot.

If you haven’t read this before, you should. An absolute classic and besides Dracula, arguably the best vampire novel ever written. It’s perfect for this time of year, as you can sit back and truly let the atmosphere overtake you.

There’s nothing else I really feel compelled to say about this. I love it so much, it would be impossible to capture in words how special this story is to me. This won’t be the last time I read it, that’s for sure.

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Review: The Store by Bentley Little

The StoreThe Store by Bentley Little
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Social Horror is one of my favorite subgenres of Horror.

For me, it’s a safe way to explore and consider a lot of pressing issues plaguing society. It feels safer than being out in the real world anyway.

Clever authors are able to create stories that reflect society back to us, making the issues maybe more in your face than a quieter, more literary-style narrative would.

The issues are exaggerated, but not to an extent that lessens their significance, it’s done more in a way that says, how ridiculous is this that this happens?

I feel like in the past few years, Social Horror has had a real heyday. Rightly, as there’s a lot of oppressive societal issues that deserve this spotlight and attention.

The Store, published in 1996, explores a major topic that was of very serious concern at that time, which was the expansion of certain retailers in small town markets.

Reading this I was transported back in time. I graduated high school in 1996, and the circumstance set-up brilliantly in this story by Little, actually happened in my hometown of Oxford, Maine.

If you grew up in small town America, and are around the same age as me, let’s just say Gen X, you may find this book as horrifyingly relatable as I did, and I would definitely recommend it. Who doesn’t love a terrifying trip down memory lane?

Before Wal-Mart came to town, our area was populated with family-run businesses. You know the kind where you know the owners and their kids go to school with you.

After the Wal-Mart announcement, like why are they coming to some random town in the mountains of Maine, now we all know, but at that time, it was a puzzler, I remember the adults in my life were not happy.

They tried to put up a fight, as did many others, but all to no avail. A piece of real estate was purchased, previously home to nothing but trees and wildlife, this was stripped and the largest building, by far, in our area was erected.

Within a few years, when I would go home to visit, after leaving for college, most small businesses had closed. Now when I go back to the area, it’s hardly recognizable as the place I once knew and called home. You would be very hard pressed to find a family-run business now.

Bentley Little beautifully captured this unique period of time in such a brilliant way. I feel like, after scanning some other reviews, this story would be most appreciated by those of us who may have shared in this type of experience.

I think for those who watched this scenario play out, it’s very easy to get into the mindset of these characters and to understand their motivations and the types of pressures they were experiencing.

I love how Little told this story as well. You get snippets from numerous characters that help to build out the town and the events occuring with the coming of The Store.

For many Readers, you can think of it as a sort of Stephen King style, ala Salem’s Lot or Needful Things, where you get a piece here and there from characters all over town to create a sense of place and building drama. I love that style, as it really allows you to dig into what makes these places tick.

Our main focus however is Bill, his wife, Ginny, and their two teenage daughters, Samantha and Shannon. Their involvement with The Store provided me with all I needed to keep me absolutely glued to the pages.

This is a truly unsettling story. I loved the Horror elements, the uncomfortability I felt while reading it, it was no joke. Little definitely didn’t hold back on the horrors of The Store.

Overall, I was really impressed with this. I’ve heard so much about Bentley Little, and even own a few of his books, but this is the first one I have picked up. I am definitely interested in getting to more from this author.

If they are anything like this one, I’m in for a good time!

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Review: Eynhallow by Tim McGregor

EynhallowEynhallow by Tim McGregor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I adored this story. Eynhallow is a darkly-creative, visceral and heart-breaking. I read it with equal parts horror and empathy. Oh, my heart…

This book first came on my radar after seeing a few trusted Book Friends’ glowing reviews. I really didn’t look into it too deeply, I just took their word for it.

Holy moly, am I glad that I did. It’s set on Eynhallow, year 1797, in the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland. This is a desolate, and extremely remote location, with only a handful of families roughing out a life there.

As an island resident myself, I understand the challenges, but during this time period, I cannot even imagine. There’s no ferry schedule to count on when you need an escape…

I listened the audiobook, and the narration by Angela Ness, a Scottish voice actor, brought incredible authenticity to it. The main character is Agnes Tulloch, and I truly felt like she was telling me her story.

I am not going to say anything about the events of the book. I feel it is best to go in knowing as little as possible and just let it all envelope you.

I found it so easy to become fully immersed in the story. The atmosphere is rich, and honestly, quite bleak. I felt everything Agnes went through over the course of the story. The ups-and-downs, the emotional roller coaster that often felt close to derailment. I felt it.

This is the 2nd-novella that I’ve read from Tim McGregor, and it’s also the 2nd 5-star rating. His quality of writing, the attention to detail in his storytelling, his ability to channel emotion through the narrative, it’s just top notch.

I would absolutely recommend this to any Horror lover, but in particular my atmosphere girlies, fans of Classic Horror and Historical Horror lovers. You know who you are.

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Review: Five Little Pigs (Hercule Poirot #25) by Agatha Christie

Five Little Pigs (Hercule Poirot, #25)Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

Five Little Pigs is the 25th installment in Christie’s beloved Hercule Poirot series, but as you most likely know, these books can be read in any order.

In this one, Poirot is approached by a beautiful young lady, Carla Lemarchant, who when she was only 5-years old had her entire life upturned.

Her mother, Caroline Crale, was accused and subsequently found guilty of killing her husband, Carla’s father, Amyas, an up-and-coming artist with an eye for the ladies.

After her father was killed and her mother imprisoned, little Carla was whisked away to Canada to live with relations.

Growing up she had no real memory of her life before she set foot on Canadian soil, but recently, on her 21st-birthday, Carla received a letter written by her mother, now long deceased, proclaiming her innocence.

Carla returns to the U.K. and seeks out Poirot to implore him to look into the case. It’s been 16-years since the incident took place, but Poirot is intrigued.

Poirot assures Carla he will do his best, but it could be a tough nut to crack. Cold cases are so much more difficult. Nevertheless, Poirot sets to his task with great vigor, interviewing those involved and narrowing it down to five main suspects.

He’ll leave no stone unturned as he craftily pulls together the players from past and tries to reveal the truth behind the shocking death of Amyas Crale.

I loved this one and not just because I solved it!

I loved that everything included here was necessary to get to the bottom of the ‘whodunit’. There was absolutely no BS. Agatha developed a great little mystery within these pages.

It has a bit of an unconventional format, reading more like a case file than a novel. It’s like Christie was actually challenging Readers to solve it alongside Poirot.

I enjoyed that; how it didn’t necessarily follow her traditional format, although it did still have a lot of the classic features familiar to long-time Christie Readers.

Out of all the Christie’s I’ve read, I think this has got to be in my top 5. I enjoyed it that much.

If you haven’t read this one yet, but love the feel of a classic whodunit story, you really should check this out. Have your notebook, magnifying glass and pipe at the ready!

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Stephen King Publication Project: Re-Reading Carrie

CarrieCarrie by Stephen King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Recently, I’ve started this thing. It’s not unique to me. Many people have attempted it, some have even succeeded, but I’m currently reading all of King’s books in publication order.

I’ve already read 52-books of King’s extensive list of works, many multiple times, but I’ve never read them in order. I think this will be a fun way to experience the trajectory of his career, as well as his different eras, if you will.

I’m also annotating this time through and recording my final thoughts in a King-designated Book Journal, courtesy of Clever Fox planners. I’m so stoked for this journey, you have no idea.

With this being said, I don’t plan on really updating any of my thoughts on this one. Please see my previous review below for full thoughts. I’m pretty proud of this one, and feel very much the same this time through, as far as the execution of this novel, its importance and my love for it.

I did notice a couple of fun little Easter Egg type things this time around though that I’ll mention real quick. King gave Carrie his birthday, although he would have been turning 16 on the day she was born. Also, her English teacher that she turned a noted poem into was named Mr. Edwin King, and Stephen’s middle name is Edwin — that was fun.

Also, I believe I found some foreshadowing to Christine, Firestarter, and if you think about it, maybe even The Institute.

Oh, and did anyone else notice that in one of the news reports of what happened in Chamberlain on that fateful night, the first casualty was reported to be a firefighter, his first name escapes me now, but middle initial, B, last name, Mears? I found that fun, since King’s protagonist in his 2nd-novel, a little known work called ‘Salem’s Lot, is Ben Mears.

Final thought, Margaret White is one of the most heinous villains King has ever created. Every scene with her makes me want to knock her head off a wall.

That’s talent.


Carrie, Stephen King’s first published full-length novel was released in 1974 and at this point, I think it’s fair to say it’s a modern classic. This novel has been adapted to film four times, the most well-known being the original 1976-release starring Sissy Spacek as Carrie.

Incidentally, I did decide to listen to the audiobook for this reread, as I had only read the print copy before, and the audio was narrated by Spacek.

It was fantastic and I highly recommend that audio-version. Spacek clearly has an intimate connection with this story and with Carrie in particular. I felt like it made the audio experience extra special.

Assuming most people at least have a general idea of what this story is about, I will keep this short and simple. This story, through the incredible use of mixed media, tells the story of Carrie White, a bullied teen who lives in the small town of Chamberlain, Maine.

At the beginning, there’s an infamous scene taking place in the girls locker room at school, wherein Carrie experiences her first menstruation. Raised by a single-mother, a religious fanatic, who believes only women who sin grow breasts, Carrie has no idea what her period is.

She’s frightened at the sight of the blood and panics. Her peers, who have already been bullying her mercilessly for years, are brutal in their reaction to the event, pelting her with feminine products and screaming at her.

It’s awful. The girls are awful. Carrie gets sent home for the day and the young women involved in torturing her are given a light slap on the wrist.

It’s at that time, under distress, that the first public signs of Carrie’s powers appear. At least since that rock incident when she was a child…

The plot progresses from there, advancing Carrie’s story from that point forward, as well as filling in some of her backstory, including her gut-wrenching, abusive relationship with her mother.

When one of the girls involved, Sue Snell, starts to feel remorse for the locker room incident, she concocts a slightly hair-brained and uber-naive plot wherein her popular, jock boyfriend, Tommy Ross, will take Carrie to the Spring dance instead of her.

Tommy isn’t crazy about the idea. Not because he has anything against Carrie, he’s not that kind of guy, but because he doesn’t feel like Sue’s tepid attempt at ridding herself of guilt will make any real difference in Carrie’s life.

Nevertheless, he loves Sue and is willing to do anything she asks. If only he hadn’t…

I had such a blast listening to this. I haven’t read this story in over 20-years and it was so great to revisit one of King’s earliest hits. Imagine reading and reviewing this in 1974, like ‘this Stephen King guy is an author to watch.’

I was struck immediately by the creative use of mixed media. I have read from other authors who have mentioned how this novel influenced them with that format and I can see why. It is so incredibly well done here. IMO, definitely still one of the best displays of that format published to date.

I think it is important to keep in mind how unique that would have been at the time of publication.

There have been numerous novels in the past few years that have embraced that narrative style, particularly if you think of all the ones including podcasting elements. It seems now an obvious choice as a way to tell a story, but it’s really not traditionally.

I’ll be honest, it did make me sad reading this though. I was reminded why I have never reread it until now. There are certain King’s, mainly this and Cujo, that are so good, yet so painful to read, because of how much empathy I feel for the characters involved, that I sort of avoid them.

As a Horror story, one could categorize Carrie as the ‘baddie’, but you feel for her and I would assume that 99.9% of Readers will be on her side.

To me, it’s a bit like Frankenstein, another book I could only read once because I felt so damn bad for Frankenstein’s monster, and in a way, Carrie is the Frankenstein’s monster of modern times.

Carrie was created by the abuse of her mother and the constant harassment and ridicule of her peers. Sure, there’s an argument in the book that her powers are genetic and I get that, but having telekinetic powers doesn’t necessarily equate to killing hundreds of your peers and burning down your entire town.

I feel like there could have been other options for Carrie if she hadn’t been treated like complete trash her entire life.

I loved how this wrapped up too, how the speed that the mixed media jumped around in the aftermath of prom night increased the intensity of the conclusion. I just thought it was so well done and then that final little snippet, PERFECTION.

I’m so happy that I took the time to reread this one. Even though Carrie’s story is a painful one, it’s also powerful and absolutely one that will stick in your mind once you’re done.

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Review: The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) by Agatha Christie

The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1)The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I finally had the pleasure to pick up The Mysterious Affair at Styles with a Book Club I’m a part of. I read it over the course of the past 24-hours, and we had a Solve-A-Long with full discussion tonight.

This was actually Christie’s debut novel, which I was unaware of upon starting, and unsurprisingly, the Queen of Mystery had most of us stumped!!

This story features Hastings as our narrator. He’s gone to visit his friend, Jonathan Cavendish, at his family estate of Styles. It’s there that we meet all of Jonathan’s family, including the eventual victim, the elderly Emily Inglethorp, Jonathan’s step-mother.

It’s believed the lady was poisoned, but she was locked in her room at the time, so how exactly did that occur?

Hastings, knowing his good friend, the ever keen, Hercule Poirot, is currently living close by, extends an invitation to Poirot to come to Styles, hoping he can figure it all out.

Poirot arrives and quickly begins his investigation, including performing a thorough examination of the victim’s room and interviewing witnesses. I loved following along as he methodically worked his way through the property and the people; Hastings at his heels the whole time.

There were a lot of suspects, basically everyone at Styles, with a variety of different motives. I had my theories, but none of them turned out to be true. One of them was close, but the reasons were all wrong.

Christie got me again. She’s bloody brilliant. She has this uncanny ability to give the Reader so much that they don’t see the truth hidden in the details. It makes for a fun story.

Poirot is a quirky little man with a big personality. I’ve actually read more Marple books than Poirot, but this reminds me that I still have a long and exciting way to go in my Christie journey.

Overall, this was such an enjoyable read, with a great cast of characters an an intriguing mystery. I would definitely recommend it to any Christie fans, Murder Mystery fans, or Locked Room Mystery fans.

There’s so much to love within these pages. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

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Review: Crooked House by Agatha Christie

Crooked HouseCrooked House by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Crooked House was a joy to try to solve. I read it with a bunch of other people and we all tried like heck to figure it out. There were so many different theories, and honestly, all of them could have worked.

This is one of my favorites out of the Christie work that I have read. It’s pure entertainment and Agatha slayed her red herrings here. Everyone is a suspect!

I say it is one of my favorites, and it is, but the author herself also described it as such. She must have been feeling especially clever after she penned this exceptional work.

I love to think about Christie’s work in context to the time she wrote it. This novel has a twist, which now, reading it in 2024, I’ve read before. We’ve probably seen this twist multiple times across all different mediums at this point.

But it’s important to remember, it didn’t start with them, the other works we’ve watched and read, it started WITH HER. With Christie herself, who went on to inspire decades, nay generations of creatives.

This is a standalone for Christie, meaning it doesn’t include one of her two most famous characters, Hercule Poirot, or Miss Jane Marple. Shocking, I know.

I’ve recently been reading the Miss Marple works in order and loving them. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy this as much, not having one of those iconic characters in it.

I’m happy to report, I didn’t think of that at all once I got into this story. It’s so interesting, so compelling, the plot so tight and engaging, I was hooked from the start, no matter who the characters were.

As far as content, if you require more to spur you to pick this up, this story involves a man whose love interest asks him to look into her Grandfather’s death. Her very wealthy Grandfather, who left behind a substantial inheritance.

He has to travel to the family estate, meet all of her family members and try to determine whether or not the old man’s death was natural, an accident, or murder. And if the latter were true, then whodunit!?

I absolutely recommend this one to any fan of Christie’s work, as well as anyone looking to try her work for the first time. If you love a closed circle mystery, an inheritance story, or just good old-fashioned mystery writing, you should absolutely pick this one up!

I’m looking forward to getting to more of Christie’s standalones after reading this. Christie is an absolute gift to the literary world and I shall continue to pick up her books for years and years to come!

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Review: Charlie & the Great Glass Elevator (Charlie Bucket #2) by Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Charlie Bucket, #2)Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator is cute and so silly. A great, fun, wacky, witty and energetic read for children.

While I don’t feel the same pull, love, or nostalgia to this as I do to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I can still appreciate Dahl’s imagination and ability to bring fiction to life.

I read this when I was a kid and I’m not sure I truly understood a lot of what was going on, as it does jump around quickly, and there’s a bit of a Cold War humor undertone to it that I’m sure escaped me.

However, I’m not sure I tracked much more this time around in my 40s, though not necessarily for the same reasons.

I did love the incorporation of Charlie’s family more, particularly when their ages were getting messed with towards the end by some of Wonka’s inventions.

I did definitely miss the magic and wonder of the Chocolate Factory. There’s something about the idea of those endless and impossible sweets that is sure to capture your heart. Also, I sort of missed the annoying other children.

Since Charlie is the best of the best though, it was nice to get to see him escape his previously tough life and go on a true adventure with his loved ones.

I love Charlie and Wonka. Classic characters for all time!

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